...Educators’ Readiness at International Islamic College Siti Nur’ain Hamsan Faculty of Computer and Mathematical Sciences Universiti Teknologi MARA ABSTRACT Owing to the rapid growth of technology, most of the higher educational institutions are looking for new learning systems that can improve their curriculum. The preliminary study have identified four problems which are lack of understanding on the level of technology acceptance among educators, how mobile phone can be used for learning, the benefits of m-learning to student learning and lack of confidence among educators in integrating technology in the teaching process. This study is an adoption of Parasuraman’s study on Technology Readiness Index (TRI). The objective of this study is to identify the level of technology readiness among educators at International Islamic College (IIC) towards the implementation of mobile phone as pedagogical tools in the teaching and learning process. Besides that, this study also aims to identify the relationship between the dimensions of technology belief and educator’ readiness and which dimensions influenced the most to their readiness level. In order to achieve this objective, quantitative approach and questionnaire instrument are used to gather data from the respondents. The findings show that there is a high level of technology readiness among educators (mean=3.87) with a positive and significant relationship between the dimensions of technology belief and educators’ readiness (p 0.05)...
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...current issue and full text archive of this journal is available at www.emeraldinsight.com/0956-4233.htm The role of technology readiness in customers’ perception and adoption of self-service technologies Jiun-Sheng Chris Lin Department of Business Administration, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taipei, Taiwan, Republic of China, and The role of technology readiness 497 Received September 2005 Revised May 2006 Accepted June 2006 Pei-ling Hsieh Department of Insurance and Financial Management, Takming College, Taipei, Taiwan, Republic of China Abstract Purpose – This study aims to examine how technology readiness (TR) influences customers’ perception and adoption of self-service technologies (SSTs) through development of an empirical model to explore the relationships among TR, perceived service quality, satisfaction and behavioral intentions toward SSTs. Design/methodology/approach – A theoretical framework is proposed to suggest the links between the four constructs. Extant research and concepts from various fields, including marketing, psychology and information system (IS), are reviewed, deriving six hypotheses. Data from SST users is examined through structural equation modeling (SEM). Findings – Results indicate TR influences perceived SST service quality and behavioral intentions, while perceived SST service quality has a positive impact on customer satisfaction and behavioral intentions toward SSTs. Research limitations/implications – This...
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...technology, actually developing it to the point of market readiness is likely a much lengthier process then people are crediting it for, as far as Buffett is concerned. This is unsurprising when one considers that each small step forward in driverless technology will require advances in sensing and AI that are many times more significant than those prior. It is likely that the small step needed to reach market readiness could take as long to bridge as all of the previous research...
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...of job readiness. - Extensive hands-on labs, e-learning lessons and self-paced demos reinforce Maintenance and troubleshooting this certificate will make it easier for employers in their employment selection Process that the basic knowledge needs are met in IT Network engineer. Cisco has a certificate platform that will Lead you to the CCNP CERT. CCNA operation CERT. for the entry- level / student, in the field. A good trouble Shooting networking techn, with these certifications. Will be in very high demand, an opening / evolving market for Networking is medical field. Intergrading the latest technology incorporating voice, video and data entry wired or Wireless etc. doctors can brain storm countries apart in seconds or minutes. Just one example. At the rate of growth 7.5 percent 2010 and yearly per cisco data. One in the field can have a sense of job security. Following the cisco Cert. program. Expansion of certification program meets growing global demand for skilled network professional Steven carter itt-tech Strategies for the technical professional gs1145t Mr Turnbough Abstract Cisco has updated its CCNP certification with a significant amount of new content through a comprehensive process involving customers and partners from around the globe. The revision focuses on the competencies that are needed to plan, implement, verify and troubleshoot the networks of today and is designed to be more predictive of job readiness. - Extensive...
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...Introduction Disasters can occur at any time and more often than not they happen all of a sudden which leads to unexpected interruptions in the services offered by the businesses. At the point when a crisis strikes, our prompt security and recovery will rely upon the current levels of readiness among workforce, staff and other stakeholders. It is highly critical that all organizations frame an effective disaster recovery plan and allocate an estimated number of human and financial resources to ensure continuity of business at the time of emergencies and disasters. While it is extremely challenging for small businesses because of limited resources, it is reasonably difficult even for the large organizations. Definition A disaster recovery...
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...LEADERSHIP AND EMPLOYEE TURNOVER IN HOTEL INDUSTRY Submitted By: Mahesh A dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of B.A (Hons) Date Abstract With the highest employee turnover rate, the hospitality industry need to encourage employees to voice their opinions, ideas, and any of their other concerns for improving performance and reducing employee turnover. The purpose of this study is to investigate the impact of different types of organizational culture and different leadership styles on employee voice in the hospitality industry. Hospitality human resource practitioners could modify their organizational culture and leadership style according to the results of the study, in order to encourage their employee voice. The results of this study could also contribute to the literature about factors that influence employee voice. ACKNOWLEGDEMENT I would like to thanks to my module tutor who helped me a lot to complete this assignment. Table of content Page Number Chapter 1 1.1 Background: 1.2 Aims and Objectives / Research Questions / Hypothesis 1.2.1 Aims & Objectives 1.2.2 Research Question ...
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...Applied mobility for the banking industry Tech trends 2011 In some industries, companies can pick and choose how they want to respond to new mobile opportunities. In banking, it is not a matter of choice. Not only do consumers expect a steady increase in the number of banking services they can access from mobile devices (not to mention a complementary rise in the quality of their mobile experiences), merchants are moving just as quickly to keep up. That means they’re looking for new ways for customers to buy and pay. With phones? Tablets? Using Debit? Credit? All of the above? As a result, financial institutions should “think outside the bank” when it comes to mobility. Regardless of industry, the march toward mobility is staggering in sheer scale (5 billion subscribers by December 20101) and in its breadth of adoption — crossing age groups, economic classes, and geographies. Consumer interest in smartphones, tablets, and untraditional connected devices such as set-top boxes, telematics, video games, and embedded appliances is growing faster than with any other product segment, with a projected growth of 36% in the coming year2. Connectivity is nearly ubiquitous with today’s mobile computing infrastructure and will only improve with the widespread rollout of 4G, LTE, and WiMAX in primary markets, and the launch of 3G in India3. Just as important, the mobile application (app) movement is fully underway, as traditional telephone service takes a back seat to messaging, e-mail, media...
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...Mobile Wallets Alternative to savings accounts ? September 2012 Mobile phones can do almost anything these days "I'm amazed at all the cool stuff I can do with my new phone. Yesterday I sent a photo to my mom, bought some music, watched a movie, trimmed my sideburns and neutered my cat!" Mobile Wallets FINAL.pptx 1 How many of you have received SMS alerts from your bank on your phone? How many of you have a smart feature phone? How many of you have a mobile banking application installed on your phone? How many on you are aware of USSD based mobile services? How many of you have transferred money using mobile banking? Mobile Wallets FINAL.pptx 2 Huge untapped potential for MFS in India Fundamental drivers for adoption of mobile payments in place Transactions on mobile channel remain small '000 cr % of HHs earning > INR 1.5 lac pa % of popln b/w 20-50 yrs of age 150.1 7,100 7,077.5 1 % 54 44 72 46 % 100 0 100 Younger 50 Richer Demographic 0 FY 12 2 High Mobile Penetration # / 100 200 100 0 201 202 2 0 119 150 83 # of subscribers per 100 pop 201 202 2 0 100 83.4 3 Prevalence of Paper Payments % of txns 100 50 0 46 54 50 83 17 e-payments paper payments 1.8 0 NEF T POS (credit & debit) ECS (Debit) Mobile Source: RBI Data, Euromonitor , EIU, BCG Payments Model Mobile Wallets FINAL.pptx 201 202 2 0 3 One reason : lack of consumer awareness Penetration far lower than other payment...
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...The two resources I’ll be focusing on in this section are the StarCare Lubbock/Voices Community Coalition and the Managed Care Center. The Managed Care Center is featured under one of the many resources that volunteers for the Voices Coalition. The MCC is designed to assist people in getting substance abuse treatment and mental health services (MCC,2004). I also looked at the Prevention Resource Center and looked at the prevention data/resources available to this specific region, Lubbock county is in region one and our region focuses on youth and substance abuse. According to the quarterly reports available on the site, in 2013 the Voices Coalition conducted a prescription drug drop-off program where they disposed of about 100lbs of expired prescription drugs (PRC,...
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...has lived near an airport in any number of big cities or spent time in proximity to a military installation has been exposed to and possibly inconvenienced by the loud sounds of jet aircraft. To the locals that have lived and spent time in the Hampton Roads area, jet noise is as common as hearing a fire engine. Anyone living or working near one of the several military bases in the area or the Norfolk International Airport has heard or been affected in some way by jet noise. Jets noise in this part of Virginia is not just a daily occurrence but also a necessary one in order to preserve troop readiness and even society’s way of life. An examination of the state of global insecurity creating much higher operational military requirements since 9/11 and the economic stability our military bases provide reveal the necessity for higher tolerance of jet noise. Military training and readiness are directly proportional to the rise of global insecurity. Many factors can influence global insecurity. North Korea’s continued long range missile testing, Iran’s efforts to start a uranium enrichment program to build nuclear weapons, but the biggest threat to global insecurity today is that of terrorism. Terrorism negatively impacts the state of global security worldwide. Terrorism has been in practice throughout history and...
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...Tech Partners Consulting www.techpartners.net.au SOEs – Standard Operating Environments The SOE concept explained in business terms Authored by Alan Pickering, Tech Partners Consulting September, 2003 Introduction The use of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) in organisations has gone well past the stage of being unique, novel and even technically difficult. Nowadays, the technology is readily available, thanks to the volume demand from commercial and residential market segments. Even so, there are benefits from adopting a Standards based approach to choosing and deploying ICT assets; and offering technology based IT services to customers. This white paper will provide a brief introduction to the philosophy of Standard Operating Environments, and will explain the likely benefits, costs and planning factors that relate to adopting an SOE approach. Background When desktop computing and Local Area Networks appeared in organisations in the 1980’s, they were small scale and of little immediate consequence. Being somewhat complex, and requiring some hands on technical skills, they were acquired in small quantities. The low cash costs meant they were often purchased ‘under the radar’ of senior management and IT teams. The practical use and popularity of PCs and LANs grew, to the point that some organisations recognized the need to account for the cost of assets and people’s time spent on support. Since then, industry analysts have studied the...
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...INDIVIDUAL ASSIGNMENT MARKETING CHALLENGES IN THE ERA OF TECHNOLOGICAL WAVE COLLEGE OF BUSINESS UNIVERSITI UTARA MALAYSIA COURSE CODE AND NAME BPMM 6013 MARKETING MANAGEMENT SEMESTER SEMESTER 2012 CENTRE ATC KAJANG PREPARED BY AIDIL NOHISHAM BIN JULIN ( 811134 ) PREPARED FOR DR. NURSIHA ALIAS Marketing Challenges in the era of technological wave Introduction. Marketing has emerged as the most critical function in today's international business climate even the smallest firms are now using innovative marketing techniques for increasing global competition. Marketing is about identifying and meeting human needs and social services. One of the best short definition of profitable marketing meet (Keller, 2012). According to Clough (2011), Marketi ng a product or service is an activity centre for a successful business it is concerned with identifying, anticipating and m eeting customers’ needs in any way to make a profit for the business. Without the business market would not exist. In the world of m arketing technology is increasingly challenging today, most large companies and small see n racing to produce the product technology and new product features to compete with competitors in order to surpass the technology and market monopoly. The continuing a dvances in technology, and business often feel the need to implement changes made recently to ensure that the competition (Joseph, 2012). As a result, the pace of technology and the production of many new products in a short period...
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...Organizational Change Process: The EMR in Health Care Settings In the past decade, new advances in technology have changed health care. Experts continue to speculate that information technology has and will play a key role in efficiency, costs, and quality of patient care (Mehlman, 2010). With these changes comes the demand for hospitals to keep up with the times. In January 2009 President Barack Obama spoke about the government’s recent stimulus package and drive to have Americans’ health records electronic “within the next five years in order to save both dollars and lives” (Childs, Chang, & Grayson, 2009, para. 2).The “meaningful” use of electronic medical records promises to improve processes, decrease errors, and extend far beyond cost savings for the hospital, physicians, nurses, and the patients. Transforming a paper-based system into an electronic health- record application will allow real-time patient information to pass through multiple sources faster, enhance communication throughout the hospital into the community, and provide fiscally responsible care with the click of a mouse. Updating to an electronic form of medical records storage has been proven to be more economical and efficient. However, organizations are often met with resistance when moving forward with plans to transition without adequately preparing the employees of the organization. Whenever a breakdown in the communication between the administrators and staff members has occurred, a barrier to...
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...Proposed solution... All organizations, whether big or small operate off data whether customers information database, or business operation database. In this document, we provide a general explanation of the business need for information security even in the smallest of businesses, explain information security threats or risks and vulnerabilities, explain the concepts of confidentiality, integrity, availability, non-repudiation, authentication, and authorization. This document also recommends technologies, processes, and policies that can be used to solve or mitigate denial-of-service (DOS) attacks, which can halt a business operation, and finally, discuss costs and benefits of effective protection measures and costs and penalties of ineffective or nonexistent protection measures. A workplace or business has many assets whether technological or not that contribute to their daily operation. For the most parts, even the non technological assets are somewhat controlled through the use of information technology means. Sometimes, those assets are physical such as workstations, servers, or non physical such as data. Either type of assets is indispensable for a company to secure for the business to continue operating, thus the importance of information security policy. An information security policy should fulfill many purposes. It should: protect people and information; set the rules for expected behavior by users, system administrators, management, and security personnel; authorize...
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...Clean-Tech Performance and Career Management Plan Jmettea P. McFadden HRM/531 Les Colegrove August 30, 2010 Clean-Tech Performance and Career Management Plan Clean-Tech is committed to establishing itself as an industry leader in the cleaning and sanitation industry. In order to accomplish this objective, Clean-Tech must ensure its employees are meeting their highest level of performance. By setting up formal and effective performance and career management plan, Clean-Tech helps employees understand their job responsibilities and expectations of the company in terms of job performance. Performance appraisals are very important to the continued development of our sales team and to the mission of our company. “In general, appraisal serves a twofold purpose: (1) to improve employees’ work performance by helping them realize and use their full potential in carrying out their firms’ missions and (2) to provide information to employees and managers for use in making work-related decisions.” (Cascio, 2006, p.379) A performance appraisal form will allow a formal review to be conducted and recorded of an employee’s job performance. The proposed performance appraisal form for our sales team is attached. Feedback Feedback is an important tool that must be utilized to develop an effective performance and career management plan. Feedback is necessary to sustain and improve employee job performance. Performance appraisal feedback must be a two way process and...
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