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Seventh Mindfulness Training

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The Fourteen Mindfulness Trainings are vows individuals take in a formal ceremony, made by Thich Nhat Hanh in Saigon in the year 1966. The people who study theses trainings are individuals from “Members of the Order of Interbeing.” The trainings that I found most interesting are The Seventh Mindfulness Training: Dwelling Happily in the Present Moment, The Ninth Mindfulness Training: Truthful and Loving Speech, and The Thirteenth Mindfulness Training: Generosity. Out of all fourteen, these three trainings intrigued me the most because I feel like today as a society they are key important trainings to either learn or adapt to.
The Seventh Mindfulness Training: Dwelling Happily in the Present Moment is a training about how to live happily now and to appreciate every day.
We are determined to learn the art of mindful living by …show more content…
To this day we can still learn from Nhat Hanh’s teachings because today people are so focused on other things than realizing what’s in front of them.
In The Ninth Mindfulness Training: Truthful and Loving Speech, it teaches how to speak with honesty but without hate.
We will speak and listen in a way that can help ourselves and others to transform suffering and see the way out of difficult situations. We are determined not to say untruthful things for the sake of personal interest or to impress people, nor to utter words that might cause division or hatred (Hanh)
The message Nhat Hanh is trying to get through is the same one people grew up hearing in grade school, “If you don’t have nothing nice to say, don’t say anything at all.” It is also saying to not spread rumors or false information about others just to impress people.
As for The Thirteenth Mindfulness Training: Generosity, this training is different from the other two because it is more about actions while the other two were about thoughts and

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