...behavior and might harm the person that act it out. Indeed, the assumption was totally wrong. The impact of masturbation can only be identified depending on various factors that effecting and affecting. Cited in the classical article on the theology of masturbation, Father Jos. Farraher, S.J., describes masturbation as “the stimulation of the external sexual organs to a point of climax or orgasm by oneself, by movements of the hand or other physical contacts or by sexually stimulating pictures or imaginations (psychic masturbation) or by a combination of physical and psychical stimulation."2 In a broader sense this includes mutual masturbation in which persons touch one another's genitalia”. (John F. Harvey) It means that masturbation is sex pleasure for one person only. It may or may not include the stroking of genitals and also orgasm. An individual could also masturbate with partners or so-called as ‘mutual masturbation’. Other terms to describe masturbation are ‘onanism’ and ‘self- pleasure’. Also, referring to Better Health Channel, “masturbation means touching and rubbing your penis or clitoris and breasts for sexual pleasure. It’s a normal and healthy way for people to explore their own bodies. It’s also a form of safer sex that lets people find out what feels good, where and how they like to be touched and how to have an orgasm”. People used to be attached with stigma when it’s come to the masturbation issue. They tend to think that masturbation could come with the...
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...Sexual and Gender Identity, Personality, and Eating Disorders Outline 1. Sexual and Gender Identity a. Categorized as just that, sexual and gender identity disorders b. Some classifications include gender identity disorder, sexual dysfunctions, and paraphilia’s c. Biological contributions include physical disease, medical illness, prescribed medications, use and abuse of alcohol and other drugs d. Emotional patterns of unstable and intense interpersonal relationships, emotional instability, identity disturbance, chronic feeling of emptiness, and often show symptoms of agitated effort to avoid real or imaginary abandonment e. Cognitively causes paranoid thoughts, to the extreme of having repetitive suicidal thoughts f. Behaviorally; individuals have/ show serious and rigid personality traits that causes anguish to the individual and/ or cause problems at work, school, and/ or social relationships (impulsiveness, intense anger, and stress) 2. Personality Disorders a. Categorized by how an individual relates to the world b. Some classifications include antisocial personality disorder and histrionic personality disorder c. Biologically; genetics are responsible for personality (a connection between genetics and personality traits) d. Emotional components reflect on a disruptive childhood e. Cognitively, childhood experiences shape thought patterns in which it later becomes the individuals personality f. Behavioral wise, individuals act out their beliefs although the...
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...J. Behav. Thu. & Exp. Psychiot. Vol. IO, pp. 251-255 c,Pergamon Press Ltd., 1979. Printed in Great Britain. ooo5.7908/79/0901-0251$02.00/0 THE USE OF PARTICIPANT MODELING FOR CLAUSTROPHOBIA MATTHEW L. SPELTZ University of Missouri, Columbia and DOUGLAS A. BERNSTEIN University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana Summary-The use is described of participant modeling procedures in the treatment of a longstanding and debilitating fear of closed places. Objective and subjective data collected immediately after treatment showed dramatic improvements which were maintained at 33 month follow-up. Participant modeling is a treatment technique emphasizing therapist demonstration of approach to graded in vivo fear stimuli, guided rehearsal by the client of progressively more difficult approach responses, and independent responses client performance of those (Bandura, 1976), This treatment package (also termed “contact desensitization” (Ritter, 1%8) has been used to attenuate fear responses to Bandura, targets such as snakes (e.g., Blanchard and Ritter, 1969; Blanchard, 1970; Ritter, 1968; Thase and Moss, 1976), heights (e.g., Ritter, 1969), water (e.g., Lewis, 1972*), rats (e.g., Lick and Bootzin, 1970), and dogs (MacDonald, 1975; Richards and Siegel, 1978). Comparative research would indicate that participant modeling is superior to other techniques commonly employed to promote fear reduction (Bandura, 1976), but Leitenberg (1976) notes a limitation to that research, namely...
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...Melissa Redmond April 2, 2012 Psy/410 Components Introduction Eating disorders, substance abuse, sexual, gender identity, and personality disorders lessen the ability for the human to function normal. Although their components have many varieties, being able to understand each of them allows for the reduction of classified awareness of these disorders and advertises a more realistic function of preventions and interventions to give support and become more normal. Eating Disorders Biological Biological components involve a genetic basis, deficiencies, hormonal excesses, and abnormal neural activity. People suffering from bulimia and anorexia have serotonin levels that are low and unusual along with structural brain abnormalities. Alterations in the brain may be responsible for the change in the metabolic reactions and endocrine to starvation. Emotional Eating disorders may be a compound reaction to expectations that are high and usually start with the parents and kept up with by the person. Eating disorders can also be considered a way of protecting self from adult sexuality or it could be a response to a situation where sexual abuse may have taken place. There are many times where the individual has high expectations but unfortunately they have to deal with never being able to reach them (Hansell & Damour, 2008). Cognitive Cognitive in eating disorders have to deal with the individual focusing more on situations where eating and starving...
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...Eating, Substance Abuse, Sex/Gender/Sexual, Impulse-Control, and Personality Disorder Normal behavior is accepted world-wide, but when people show abnormal behavior, it is accepted by the few that may understand why this is their behavior. Abnormal behavior that disrupts an individual’s life on a daily basis can be caused by several disorders. These disorders can very complex at times and some are more devastating to the mind and body than others. In this paper, the biological, emotional, cognitive, and behavioral components of eating, substance abuse, sex/gender/sexual, impulse-control, and personality disorders will be analyzed. Biological Eating Disorder Genetics and abnormalities in hormones, neurotransmitters, and brain structures are focused on to explain how eating disorders are developed. Studies have shown that identical twins are more likely to have anorexia and bulimia than fraternal twins. However, other studies show that eating disorder symptoms can be greatly influenced by nongenetic factors, such as obsessive-compulsive anxiety disorder and depression. Eating disorders are seen as an extension of obsessive-compulsive anxiety disorder by some clinicians because people may develop the compulsive need for dieting, exercising, or purging as a result of obsessional thoughts about being overweight (Hansell & Damour, 2008). As for hormonal abnormalities, two hormones (leptin and ghrelin) have been the main focus in recent research. Leptin is a hormone...
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...Keeping records secure by not disclosing any information to outside sources, keep patients information where it can’t be seen by others. Never talk about patients, their conditions, or give out their names to anyone. When an employee is asked about a patient respond by saying I can’t give out that information. Make sure you have the patients permission before telling other their condition. When avoiding medical error have someone else check with you, check the medication with the doctors orders , and if unsure contact the doctor. You should always check the arm band of the patient before giving any procedures and then check the records to make sure there is no error. If in dought talk to the patient then contact the doctor. Keeping records secure by not disclosing any information to outside sources, keep patients information where it can’t be seen by others. Never talk about patients, their conditions, or give out their names to anyone. When an employee is asked about a patient respond by saying I can’t give out that information. Make sure you have the patients permission before telling other their condition. When avoiding medical error have someone else check with you, check the medication with the doctors orders , and if unsure contact the doctor. You should always check the arm band of the patient before giving any procedures and then check the records to make sure there is no error. If in dought talk to the patient then contact the...
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...types of sexual disorders. A sexual disorder is classified as a disorder that involves sexual functioning, desires, or performance (Mosby 2009). These disorders have a huge affect on people because they can affect their own personal social lives. There are many sexual disorders and dysfunctions that individuals suffer from. Along with these disorders, there are many different factors and many treatments that have been used to help these individuals. One specific sexual disorder is Fetishism, which was first explained by Sigmund Freud. Much more research needs to be done to explain this disorder because it is not completely clear at this time. Fetishism is a sexual disorder, which is also a form of paraphilia where the patient has reoccurring sexual fantasies that usually involve a nonliving object. The object has a connection with sex and sexual gratification. An individual is diagnosed with this disorder when they act on these urges, are distressed by them, or must have the object to receive gratification (“Fetishism,” 2010). The demographics for Fetishism in the world or United States is not known because these patients are not counted or tracked unless in rare instances where the patient has a desire to be counted. This disorder is usually more popular with males than females. There is also no information on whether genetics has any effect on the disorder (Fallon, 2005). Fetishism closely meets the criteria for the axes of the DSM. This disorder falls under...
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...Sexual Dysfunction Melanie Chapman PSY/265 July 8, 2013 Sally Henzel Sexual Dysfunction Based upon the human sexual response, we are able to separate the following categories of sexual disorders of psychological origin: sexual pain disorder, orgasmic disorder, sexual desire disorder, and sexual arousal disorder. When we look at orgasmic disorders, we find an issue that is prevalent in both males and females: premature ejaculation (in males) or rapid female orgasm (obviously, in females). Premature ejaculation is something that plagues males around the world. Premature ejaculation is, essentially, a lack of control over one’s ejaculation, which occurs either before penetration or just shortly afterward. Premature ejaculation is frequently observed, and it is estimated that between 30% and 40% of men suffer from this. Premature ejaculation is caused, primarily, by psychological factors like anxiety or lack of sensory awareness. Lack of sensory awareness occurs when the male is unable to clearly perceive the sensations happening in their body before orgasm, which in turn leads to excitement that is just too overpowering to the body causing an early release. Rapid female ejaculation is something that we do not hear about too often, but it probably happens to women more often than we think. Rapid female ejaculation is something that is not necessarily looked upon as a problem, but it is definitely a problem. Rapid female ejaculation is a problem that occurs in women...
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...AROUSAL DISORDER In recent years more then ever women are being studied for problems with sexual disorders and dysfunction’s "Sexual disorders and dysfunction's refer to difficulties individuals experience in their sexual functioning." (O’Donohue, Geer) In the past when sexual problems were studied amongst women the focus was on the orgasmic phase, with such problems as Vaginismus, Dyspareunia and Anorgasmia, rather than on the arousal phase. Even in 1970 when Masters and Johnson published their famous book Human Sexual Inadequacy, they omitted form their finding associated with arousal disorder in women for reasons unknown. However many contemporary sex researchers, reason that arousal problems with women were more difficult to diagnose. Therefore in the past women's sexual problems were associated with inability to reach orgasm. This however would change in 1978, with publication of Frank, Anderson and Rubinstein's finding on arousal problems amongst women. According to the American Psychiatric Association, 1983 (DSM-III-R), for female sexual arousal disorders to exist two aspects must be present. Persistent or recurrent failure to attain or maintain the lubrication and the swelling response of sexual excitement until completion and second persistent or recurrent lack of subjective sense of sexual excitement and pleasure in female during sexual activity. "Until recently, researchers believed that most sexual dysfunction...
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...people feel like they are born with disorders of sexuality and gender disorders. Even though you can not permit someone to feel or think they way do, it is only important to listen and understand that these disorders are categorized into a mental health issue. These individuals are often afraid of what others will say about them. They feel like they will be judged and ridiculed, do his or her disorder. These disorders are very common in men and women and has been prevalent since the 21st century. The signs and symptoms are different, and they vary from person to person. Sexual organs, sexual dysfunction, and sexual performance all revolve around disorders of gender and sexuality. Depending on the exact disorder that is present, this is...
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...The Sexual Response Cycle What is sexual response? It is described as the physical and emotional changes that occur in the body as men and women get sexually aroused during sexual activities such as intercourse and masturbation. The sexual response is characterized by vasocongestion and myotonia. Vasocongestion is the swelling of the genitals with blood. It causes the penis to erect and the area surrounding the vagina to swell. Myotonia is muscle tension. It causes facial grimaces, spasms in the hands and feet, and spasms of orgasms. The sexual response cycle has four phases: excitement, plateau, orgasm and resolution. Both men and women experience these phases, although the timing usually is different. Men and women do not usually have an orgasm at the same time. The intensity of the sexual response and the time spent in each phase varies from person to person. Understanding these differences may help partners better understand one another’s bodies and responses, and enhance the sexual experience. The excitement phase is the first phase of the sexual response. It causes males to become erect in three to eight seconds after sexual stimulation begins. The scrotal skin thickens and becomes less baggy, and the testes increase in size and become elevated. For the female in the excitement phase, the vagina lubricates ten to thirty seconds after sexual stimulation begins. The clitoris swells and the vaginal lips become flattened and spread open. The inner part of the vagina...
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...Sexual Dysfunction PSY/265 10/15/13 Jordan L. Scupin Sexual Dysfunction Summarize the effects of one type of sexual dysfunction that can effect both men and women. What are some factors that may cause this type of dysfunction? What treatments may help individuals who experience this type of dysfunction? There are various factors that come into play with what causes sexual dysfunction, some vary from person to person an others are general symptoms. These factors include: Sexual desire disorders which is the decreased desire to sexual contact. Sexual arousal disorders which is considered a more physical aspect, referring to lack of lubrication in women, or unable to get/keep an erection in men. Orgasmic disorders is both men and women being unable to reach or are reaching their climax at times they do not want to. Men are more likely to obtain their climax too early and women are more likely to have trouble obtaining and orgasm. All of these sexual dysfunctions can be treated by sex therapy which either shows you how to pleasure each other in a healthy environment or gives you advice on how to treat your problems. There are also pills such as Viagra for men with erectile/arousal dysfunctions and other simulates for women that are either in pill form of creams. Sexual pain disorder can affect both men as well as women. For men and women they may be suffering from dyspareunia; for women they may be suffering from vaginismus. The...
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...Women and men may be more alike in their sexual response than you may have thought. Masters and Johnson found that the biological responses of males and females to sexual stimulation or their Sexual Response Cycle are similar. The term sexual response cycle decr8bes the changes that occur in the body as men and women become sexually aroused. The cycle is divided into four phases: excitement, plateau, orgasm and resolution. The first phase of the sexual response cycle is called the excitement phase. This is characterized by engorgement of blood vessels with blood which swells the genitals and breast during sexual arousal which is called vasocongestion. In males, this causes erection of the penis, the scrotal skin thickens which makes it less baggy and the testes increase in size. In females, the excitement phase is characterized by the vagina getting lubricated. In females, vasocongestion causes the inner two-thirds of the vagina to expand and the vagina walls to thicken and turn a deeper color and the breast enlarges. The excitement phase for both males and females may cause the nipples and the earlobes swell with blood, the skin may become rosy. The heart rate and the blood pressure increases. Also, myotonia occurs which causes facial grimaces, spasms in the hands and feet and then the spasms of orgasm. The next stage, the plateau phase, sexual arousal remains somewhat stable. In males there is some increase in the circumference of the head of the penis...
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...Motivation Motivation refers to a secondary process within a person or animal that causes that creature to move toward a goal. The goal may be to satisfy a biological need, as in eating a sandwich to reduce hunger. The goal may be to complete a psychological goal, such as having fame, money, or a good marriage. The real definition of motivation is the need or desire that energizes and directs behavior. This often involves choice, length, power, resolution, and emotional response. Motivation can be seen as both stable and unstable. Motivation can be seen as behavior, or stable personality of individuals. Motivation can be seen as a temporary state that changes in response to environmental or internal states. There are four perspective theories of motivation: Instinct theory, Drive-Reduction theory, Arousal theory, and Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. Instinct theory is replaced by the evolutionary perspective. Instincts are complex behaviors that have fixed patterns throughout different species and are not learned. When the instinct theory of motivation failed, it was replaced by the drive-reduction theory. A physiological need creates an aroused tension state (a drive) that motivates an organism to satisfy the need. Drive-Reduction Theory Emphasize the interaction between inner pushes and external pulls. The physiological aim of drive reduction is homeostasis. Homeostasis is trend to maintain a balanced; the regulation of any aspect of body chemistry, such as blood...
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...have sexual experiences on a frequent basis. Most scientists feel the condition must be linked to an existing condition that could be affecting mental health and daily functionality because it hinders the ability to function as a normal individual. Those that suffer from the condition experience thoughts and perform acts of a sexual nature that overshadow basic interests and needs (Hyde & DeLamater, 2017). Sex addiction, also known as hypersexual disorder, would differ from those who enjoy the frequency of sex because hypersexuality refers...
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