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Shaping Nursing Practice

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1. What are the values that shape your nursing practice?
A reoccurring value presented within our group reflected the basis of providing patients with high quality and continuous nursing care. A nurse must provide care beyond one's job description that’s tailored to each of their patients.
Integrity is another important value that guides our practice. Nurses must respect a patient's choice and always keeping in mind the patient has the right to make individual choices (autonomy) and not be judged on them, but rather be guided by the nurse in their thought process.
Respect is very important value to maintain in the one’s nursing practice because it's forms the basis of a good relationship between the nurse and the patient, which enables the …show more content…
It doesn't always mean curing one’s illness, but rather being able to contribute in finding a new and healthier baseline for the patient on one or multiple aspects. Nurses are called to take care of the patient in a holistic fashion rather than solely focusing on curing the issue, the nurse becomes the essence of the whole process. This positive effect allows us to understand that nursing goes beyond providing basic needs to the patient. The nurse enables patients to have hope, attain mental and physical well-being by intervening, advocating and practicing with …show more content…
What contribution does Nursing make to the health care system? To society?
Nurses are the backbone of a bigger process, without nurses there would be no process, but rather a rigid health care system. Nurse are like the 'bridges' between the patient and the medical team as they’re with the patient 24h/7. Therefore, nurses are very helpful in detecting imminent changes in their patient’s status and then voicing them to the multidisciplinary team to initiate appropriate integrative interventions.
In the hospital field, nurses contribute, among other things, to improving the quality of care and contributing to patient safety. At the community level, they have a more focused role in preventing illness and promoting healthy lifestyles.
Nurses contribute to an overall, more pleasurable hospital experience for the patient. How we deliver care to a patient shapes their perception of the healthcare system. If a patient has a poor hospital experience, they can become conditioned to associate bad feelings with a hospital setting and be less likely to participate in their health management or seek medical care. Whereas if a patient has a good experience, they'll be more likely to seek medical care and adhere to treatments, which in all can prevent frequent hospitalizations and decrease a nation’s mortality rate related to

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