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Should Parents Be Allowed To Vaccinate Children

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The Centers for Diseases Control and Prevention advises parents to follow a strict vaccination schedule, and all 50 states require certain vaccinations for children entering public school. While states will grant vaccination exemptions for medical or religious reasons, some parents seek exemptions due to safety concerns. They feel that due to potential health risks associated with vaccines, they should be permitted to decide if or when to vaccinate their child. Others argue that granting exemptions from vaccination puts public health at risk and could lead to a resurgence of dangerous diseases like measles or whooping cough. Parents should vaccinate their kids because; it saves the life of children; adverse reactions are rare; and it can save …show more content…
Vaccines help prevent a lot of diseases including , measles , chicken poxs , mumps , polio and many more. According to one article, Most people at one time or another have dreaded receiving vaccinations but endured the momentary pain from the needle's prick to get the shot knowing it was for their own good. Vaccinations help millions of people every year keep from getting serious and sometimes life-threatening illnesses. Vaccinations in children help keep down the spread of such illnesses as measles, chicken pox, mumps and polio, to name a few. It is hard to imagine what our communities would be like if vaccines had not been researched and developed to knock out the epidemics that were quickly spreading across cities decades ago." This editorial asserts, "Anti-vaccine supporters should not stop parents from protecting their children from diseases and viruses. It is the parents' responsibility to keep their children healthy." (Advocate 2) . According to another acticleThe problem with the vaccine is it’s not 100 per cent effective. Professor Allen Cheng an infectious diseases specialist from Monash University says, “We generally estimate the risk is reduced by about 40-50 per cent.” Even so I think they’re good odds. No one in our family has had the flu since we’ve been getting vaccinated. And that’s been for the past 14 years.“So what do the anti-vaccination advocates say? A quick check with Doctor Google and you’ll find Kelly Brogan MD from the International Council on Medical Vaccination. “Tragically we all know someone who has died from the flu vaccine,” she says. Do we?She goes on to say: “I’m sure you don’t know a single person who has died from the flu, and if you do I can almost guarantee you that the diagnosis was not confirmed in a way that ruled out the 150-200 infectious pathogens that cause flu-like syndromes, none of which would be covered by the vaccine.” Kelly Brogan has a fascinating view about the lack of

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