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Sick-Out Strikes Research Paper

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In 1937 there were 4,740 strikes in the United States. Employers forced their employees to work in horrible conditions with inadequate pay. Unions allowed the workers to be on an equal level with the employer and negotiate better working conditions. Strikes have been a necessary thing in the past to help workers get what they needed; the numerous types of strikes have led to some very famous history.
You have to first know what a strike is before you realize how important they were. A strike is when workers of a company as a whole refuse to work as a form of protest to force the employers to improve work conditions and pay. The union doesn’t strike every time a member has a disagreement with the employer though. The worker can also file something …show more content…
A sick-out strike is where a majority of workers all call in sick on the same day. They haven’t broken any laws, but the sudden loss of workers can show the employers what it would be like if they did strike. An example of this would be when teachers at the University of Wisconsin went on strike on February 14th 2011 as protest to a bill that hurt their working conditions. A slow-down strike is where all the workers still show up at work but they all work slowly. The drop of productivity will hurt the employers but the workers aren’t breaking any laws. A sit-down strike is where the workers still show up for work but they will not work. The employers can’t hire replacement workers if the work space is still occupied. On December 30th 1936 a couple hundred auto workers had a sit-down strike in the general motors number 1 plant in flint Michigan to demand acknowledgement of the united auto workers union. There are also two types of workers during a strike, the picketers and the scabs. Picketers are the workers on strike, while scabs are the workers that are still working or they are replacement workers hired. With this knowledge and a couple examples of strikes already, let’s learn about some famous strikes that had led to a better

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