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Situational Leadership Theory Paper

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The theory that I have chosen to evaluate myself against is the situational leadership theory. The situational leadership theory is one of the contingency leadership theories. This theory depends upon both the situation and the team. This type of leadership approach requires a successful leader to analyze many facets of a situation including personalities, ability of those on the team, and motivational factors to name a few. I feel that I fit into the category of situational leadership because I tend to tailor my approach based on situations and the people involved in them. According to the article in the Salem Press Encyclopedia, “situational leadership theory is designed to explain appropriate leadership style for the type of relation and task behavior required to meet a goal” (Campbell, 2016). I have several strengths and many successes with this approach to leadership. The three strengths I possess based on this practice are that I am good at leading based on a situation, I am good at dealing with people I can tell when someone is comfortable/uncomfortable in a situation and am able to motivate them …show more content…
My manager is under the assumption that every task that we do daily is simple she thinks that anyone can do it. However, there are a lot of little things that go into these tasks. She butted heads with a lot of her subordinates because she always makes it seem as though she is highly intelligent and people should just automatically know how to do the work. She often complained that I am the only one who does not take things personally and the only one who understands how she is. So, one day she gave me a project. She asked me to look at all the employees we have and their current positions she then asked me to evaluate their productivity and write up a plan to restructure the team and be able to explain

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