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Sledding: A Short Story

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“Well where should we go sledding” Fynn asked me as we were walking in the woods behind my house with sleds in our hands. “We could go at the huge hill by the train tracks” I said. Fynn yelled “no way there's too many trees, plus your dad said not too, remember the story your dad told us and the scar he got”. “Since when do we ever listen to what parents say, but I guess we can go to the hill by the pond first” I said. “That’ll work” Fynn said and we started running for it.
I got to the top first and yelled “watch out” then I ran and jumped on my sled but stopped as soon as I started. “We still have to clear out a path” Fynn said. I started using my hands to push myself forward shooting snow out of the way as I went down. Fynn went down actually going fairly fast, guess that worked I thought to myself as I started walking up. Eventually I got up to the top tired but excited I placed my sled on the ground and backed up about ten feet for …show more content…
“I’ll go first then” I said and took my running start and jumped I went the fastest I have ever gone down that hill when I saw a tree straight in front of me, I got a image of my dad's scar and for that reason I Jumped I rolled and stopped at the bottom of the hill. “Watch out for that tree” I yelled to fynn. He must of not heard me because when I looked up he was heading straight for the tree. If only we listened to my dad I said to myself as I helplessly watch him soar right for the tree. I watched in disbelief as he pulled up on his sled and went up the tree. The whole time thinking about how bad his scar was going to be too. The ride up the tree looked painless but as he started going down I knew it was going to hurt. Instead of sliding down he fell off and slammed his back and head into the

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