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Smoking During Pregnancy Research Paper

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Pregnancy – this is an important period for you to stop smoking. According to, by quitting smoking during pregnancy period, you will have a healthier life, feel rested and have more power to take care not only yourself but also your babies. Moreover, risks of health problems caused by smoking such as cancer, heart disease and other lung problems will be decreased.
Various researches note that the ratio of pregnant women who smoke is 12 to 20 percent, which put themselves and their babies in a dangerous situation. Another study shows that over 1,000 babies die each year due to smoking during pregnancy period of their mother in the U.S.
According to Welch – the chairman of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Providence Hospital in Southfield, Michigan, smoking cigarettes is the most dangerous habit causing bad effects for babies such as babies born prematurely, babies born too small or babies die before born. It can be seen that smoking cigarettes is more dangerous for pregnancies and babies’ health than other serious diseases like diabetes and high blood pressure. …show more content…
During the pregnancy period, your resistance is getting weaker than normal. Then, toxic from cigarette go into your bloodstream easier. Beside that, your bloodstream is the only source of oxygen and nutrients for your babies. Therefore, smoking while pregnant can be seen as killing your own baby. Especially, cigarettes contain nicotine and carbon monoxide which are seen as causes for most of smoking-related problem in pregnancy.
It is hard to quit smoking, but when you think about it, you can do it! If you are thinking about quitting, be prepared and have a

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