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Socialization: The Role Of Political Parties In The United States

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Political Socialization is the process in which a person gains political views. This is the cause of agents of socialization such as family, education, religion, gender, race/ethnicity, region of country, socio-economic status, mass media, opinion leaders, and historical events. Peer groups can also reinforce political views. The political spectrum is a system of classifying political positions that makes up independent political parties. The left side of the political spectrum consists of a liberal perspective while the right side consists of a more conservative perspectives. Political parties are groups of people who have similar beliefs and try to control the government by winning elections and holding public office. America has a two-party system, meaning it is dominated by two opposing major parties. These are the Democratic and Republican parties. Minor parties are also vital to American politics by …show more content…
Innovation is a necessity for national growth. It would be impossible for America to be sustainably better if there are no change. I believe that the government must embrace change in order to serve the progressive society. In US History, I learned about the cause of the American Revolution. The British parliament grew accustomed to using resources from the colonies and taxing them on imports. Suddenly, the colonies decided that they wanted representation in the parliament. However, England refused their request, deciding that they preferred to keep to their status quo. The British Parliament helped catalyzed a revolution because of their unwillingness to change. It is necessary to use the past as guidance in how our government should be ran. Reverting back to the past, or as other would like to call it “making America great again” will ensure the downfall of our nation. On the other hand, innovation and the willingness to move forward will make America even greater than

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