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Spectrum Organizational Culture

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Organizational culture in a workplace is one of vital importance. Organizational culture refers to a system of shared ideas held by members of an organization that distinguishes them from other organizations. The culture of the organization can include such things as values, norms, and the overall behavior of the employees of an organization. (Shah, S. 2015 pg 29).
The culture of my workplace at Spectrum is one that includes constant change, norms that pretty much do not exist, and one where the behaviors of the employees are closed monitored or as I like to call it mirco-managed. At my work place we recently went through a merger which can always be a time of difficulty, however almost two years into in we are still dealing with issues related to this. At Spectrum the company did attempt to make the transition …show more content…
In theory a merger should include the merging together of two or more organizations into a single minded company that consists of similar norms, policies and expectations throughout. (Horwitz, F., Anderssen, K., Bezuidenhout, A., Cohen, S., Kirsten, F., Mosoeunyane, K., & ... van Heerden, A. 2002, pg 2). This has been very difficult to accomplish at Spectrum due to vast differences in the three legacy companies of Charter, Time Warner Cable, and Bright House. Due to this the norms of the company currently do not exist which has a negative impact on the organizational culture of the this company. Luckily, in my position as a member of senior management I am able to somewhat impact the culture for my employees and help somewhat form some normalcy for them. Mircomanagment consists of essentially monitoring

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