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Spielbergs Work


Submitted By BeanBeena
Words 305
Pages 2
Spielberg is one the most renowned and successful filmmakers of all time. Not only are his films and T.V shows commercial hits, they are also critically successful. He has always taken on unique challenges, the likes of which other film makers would run away from, as is evident from movies like Jaws, Jurassic park and Artificial Intelligence. As is also evident from Spielberg’s work are his innovation and what he has added to global cinema.
The scope of his film making at times cannot be put into words. For instance he is one of the pioneers of CGI (computer generated imagery), a prime example of these are his films like ‘Jurassic Park’ and ‘E.T the extraterrestrial’. He made such movies at a time, when computer generated graphics were merely a source of comic relief, and looked very fake and cheap. He actually, made incredibly good use of the, at the time limited technology available to him and made it look good, realistic and appealing on screen.
Spielberg has also been a pioneer in the sense that he has always looked to make unique films, i.e. topics that haven’t been tapped before and his work does not stick to any particular genre. For example his array of work includes movies like ‘Jurassic Park’, ‘Saving Private Ryan’, ‘Indiana Jones’, ‘War of the Worlds’, ‘E.T’, ‘Jaws’ and ‘Tintin’. So he has been exploring through various categories like Action, Science fiction, Adventure, Drama etc. Producing some movies where it is Man vs. Beast, Man vs. Nature or Man vs. Man. He makes use of a very dramatic shooting style in his films, which have also won multiple awards over the years, which reflects his phenomenal success over the years. Notably, academy awards for ‘Saving Private Ryan’, ‘Schindlers List’ and “Indiana Jones’.

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