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Stats Final Project


Submitted By RMalmberg
Words 337
Pages 2
Thesis People are the same. We all have similar body characteristics. We all generally have two eyes, two hands and two feet. Most of us also wear shoes. But producing shoes of varying sizes is expensive and time consuming. Nyke is proposing a plan to cut the cost of their production of shoes by only making one universal size shoe for their customer base. We will look at a sample of data obtained by this company and determine if this is statistically the best plan moving forward for this company. Data Observations A statistical study is only as good as its raw data. Nyke has provided a sample of thirty five of their customer base shoe sizes, heights and genders. This is a really small random sample based on the gross production of shoes already being produced by Nyke, however, we can make some recommendations based on these numbers. We will assume these numbers are correct, and the process of picking these data points were random. Statistical Testing There are many tests we can run on this sample of data to determine if it is viable. First we need to turn this data into numbers that we can use in our equations to calculate our values. So we need to convert the numbers into the mean, median, mode, range of values, x, x2 and the standard deviation of the data. Second, we will use the data to construct several graphs, such as a boxplot, histogram, stem and leaf plot and a scatter plot to determine if or how the data is skewed and if there are any outliers. If we identify any outliers we will determine whether these are errors. Third we will use a t-test, Chi squares and binomial approximation to construct a hypothesis about the data. Fourth, we will construct a linear regression and look for correlation. The analyzed data from these test should give us an idea of whether this plan of a universal shoe size will be right for the

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