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Student Success

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Students all across the nation remember their high school graduation like it was yesterday. For years we looked forward to the day where we would finally emerge from adolescence and walk into the bigger world around us. For many, the next step into the bigger world would be applying and attending one of the many universities across America, or even overseas. While the new part of one’s life may seem extremely exciting, many students entering college discover an entire different academic setting than their previous high school offered. Those students may feel unprepared as they venture into the new step in their adult life. Luckily, academic success is possible. Studies have shown that by improving time management and note taking skills, students …show more content…
Lengthy math assignments, science labs, and essay writings consume more time than one may think they have. The key to keeping up with the rigors of college? Effective time management. James Perry writes in an article about prioritizing and time management, “ Every student has 24 clock hours each day, no more, no less. But some students seems to have more clock time than others because they use their clock time better.” (SOURCE: first things first) Planning time for tasks is one way students can use their clock time better. By setting aside specific amounts of time to complete an assignment and marking when assignments are due, not only do you realize you have more time to do things than you realized, stress is reduced because you know you will accomplish all the things you must complete on time. Planners, calendars, or plain notebooks are key to this skill. Prioritizing is also essential to effective time management. Students who map out deadlines can prioritize what must get done first, and set aside the proper amount of time for that task. Without a clear picture of …show more content…
Being used to the high school methods of in-class assignments, group project, and hands-on activities, this may be a huge adjustment students will have to make. With primarily lecture based courses, students must be able to remember, learn, and recall information for exams, that are many times cumulative, throughout the semester. In order to successfully accomplish this, students must learn effective note taking skills. Good note taking includes being able to pick out the main points and connect them to other topics. Additionally, students will need to take notes quickly to also jot down more focused details that are important to the overall concepts. Being an effective note taker will reduce the stress as exams come closer because the student will know he or she has written all the main points down in order to study. Note taking while reading assigned texts is also important as many professors don’t cover all the material in the texts. They expect students to know that information and connect it to lecture material. If students take notes during reading, they are able to go back and connect those points after the lecture is over. By linking the texts with the lecture, not only are students effectively learning the material, they are also studying, which should be done over the course of the entire semester, and not just the night before the exam. However, many

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