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Students in the 21st Century


Submitted By DLovato1
Words 547
Pages 3
Diana Lovato
February 8, 2015
Instructor Winter

Students in the 21st Century
As I age I have realized that the life of a young person has changed drastically in comparison to the way I grew up. When I was thirteen I did not have a cell phone, and the internet was an uncommon luxury; not a customary part of life. Now as an adult I find that I understand less, and with time, more changes are in store for the next up and coming generation. For the past ten years I have been a youth leader at my church to teenagers from ages thirteen to twenty. I decided to conduct my observation on a church youth social gathering.
The young people had gathered together at the church to play board games, however after about twenty five minutes into the beginning of the gathering the young people had not managed to actually start any of the games. Instead the girls spent their time taking pictures of themselves and each other with their phones. It was weird to watch the girls ignore each other and still communicate; they were not talking in person, but communicating on social media. In my opinion the young ladies had taken a lot of time on their appearance; having their hair, make-up, and clothing looking as though they were going out for a night on the town, and not a night of board games.
The young men all high fived and fist bumped upon arrival and gathered together in a corner where they all took their phones out. The boys had brief moments of communication when they would share some sort of social media they found entertaining, however after their moment of laughter was over they then began to look silently at their phones. Like the girls, the young men had also put a great deal of thought into their appearance. They were definitely maturely over dressed for the occasion.
Once they all got bored of taking pictures and ignoring each other the youth leader in charge gathered the young people and asked them to put their phones away and begin to play the games. You could tell they were not interested in playing games, once they heard “put your phones away” most of the young people developed a defiant attitude and questioned why they could not keep their phones out. They tried to play Monopoly but failed to get it going and collectively decided that playing board games was not fun.
Altogether throughout the night I noticed that the young people did not communicate verbally, but through their phones and social media. They reminded me of little robots all functioning on technology. Every conversation topic they had throughout the night revolved around something they found interesting off of the internet. There was so little verbal communication that I could not decipher the verbiage they used. They were completely content with the fact that they were actively ignoring each other in person. The entire night they gave the impression that they were not entertained; however on social media it looked like they had a really nice time. I was surprised that teenagers are more satisfied with how their night was perceived on social media verses the reality of the situation.

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