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Subliminal Messages Research Paper

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What are subliminal messages, what do they do and do they work?

I listen to positive subliminal messages everyday and have done for some time and I am here to tell you they do work. It is absolutely amazing what you will feel.

What they do is send messages to the subconscious mind bypassing the conscious mind. In this way, your conscious mind is not able to be critical of the messages being heard.

This is important, especially if you are living your life thinking negative thoughts. Because when you hear a positive message, you may think to yourself, 'that's not true', 'I can't be that person', or 'this won't work'. Therefore, you won't be critical of the positive suggestion and put up a barrier.

A positive subliminal message is heard only …show more content…
You must be persistent, don't give up after a couple of weeks, because you are feeling they are not working. It takes 3 months and longer for the messages to permeate your subconscious.what are subliminal messages

Your subconscious mind, that part of you, you are not even aware of, is, whether you want to believe it or not controlling the reality you live.

Listening to positive subliminal messages is a great, fun, way to reprogram the subconscious. Therefore, change the reality you are living.

Many of us are not even aware of a lot of the negative thoughts we think, they can travel through our conscious mind at lightning speed. When you decide to take control and focus on thinking positive thoughts. Subliminal messages will help make that journey easier.

Over time, your subconscious mind will take on these new messages it is receiving as new thought patterns.

What Are Subliminal …show more content…
You will eventually reprogram the unconscious mind to believe what you are telling it to be true.

For example, I like to listen to positive messages for health and happiness. After doing this for a few months, I feel an excitement about my life I hadn't felt before and my body feels really healthy and strong.

As much as I advocate healthy eating and living, adding something like positive subliminal messages to your daily routine, makes an exceptional bonus to your life.

When you begin to question what are subliminal messages and can they help? You will open up a whole new world.

I have found reprogramming the subconscious mind this way, not only easy, it is very enjoyable. Pushing yourself to try to think positive thoughts every day can be exhausting. Did you know that we are much more inclined to take on a negative thought quicker than a positive one?

And it is even more frustrating when you apply positive thinking and don't see any results. This is because you have limiting beliefs blocking you from changing.

There are even positive subliminal messages for unblocking limiting beliefs.

Listening to these messages played over and over again will actually help rewire your brain and create new neural paths in the

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