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Johnson V. California Case Brief

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INTRODUCTION The People of the State of California oppose the defendant’s motion to suppress evidence. Introducing evidence of the defendant’s admission to attempted robbery would not violate his fifth Amendment rights because he was not in custody while being questioned by the officer. In fact, during the short and informal questioning defendant was not even handcuffed. Introducing evidence of the methamphetamine found in the defendant’s RV would not violate his Fourth Amendment rights because the fact that the RV was moved 10 days after the arrest qualifies it as an automobile, applicable to an automobile exception. In addition this evidence was found within the scope of a valid consent from the defendant to search the RV.

STATEMENT OF …show more content…
Smith as the would-be robber. Officer Johnson asked Mr. Smith to have a seat on the curb for a few minutes. Mr. Smith sat on the curb and started laughing. RT.(2) Mr. Smith was sitting on the curb about five minutes RT.(5). Then, Officer Johnson asked him “Come on , be straight with me , man- were you up to no good earlier at the store ?” RT.(6). Mr. Smith replied with a smile and said “ Yeah, you got me – I tried to rob the place but the old man behind the counter looked like he was going to push an alarm so I got out of there.” RT.(3) Mr. Smith did limit his consent to search his RV in any way. RT(6).Up until this time Mr. Smith was not handcuffed. RT.(3) Relying on Mr. Smith statement “ Go and search my RV…” Officer Johnson entered the RV, in his observation he noticed that the entire area was packed with stuff such as clothes and appliances. RT (4). However; he also saw a brand new brief case just inside the door, he took the brief case outside and opened it up. Inside the briefcase were several baggies of white powder that later tested positive for methamphetamine. RT.

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