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Succession Planning Case Study

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Recommendations with Implementation
Succession planning core objective is to retain and develop vital leadership positions within an organization through a structured process. This process can be overwhelming especially if the need is immediate and if it is unclear on how it will be achieved. There are three categories recommended for the implantation of succession planning, these includes, developing potential officers and systems, short-term 0 – 6 months, continued growth and development, medium term which is 6 months to 1 year and finally, further development and assessment long-term between 1 to 3 years.
Developing Potential Officers and Systems-Short Term
A succession strategy must allow forsuitable individuals from within the BPD, …show more content…
Based on this, it is recommended that the academy becomesinternationally recognized and accredited.Once accredited, police officers would be able to receive training such as management, supervision, budgeting, policy creation and implementation, police operations, law, community policing and finally modern policing techniques to identify a few, must be offered. Attachments to regional or international police formation can also be incorporated at this phase, offering officers the essential hands-on training in appropriate fields, which can also strengthen their …show more content…
The current system does not allow for the proper assessment of officers with a needs assessment section. Officer’s aptitude and attitude needs to be assessed as well to identify potential at an early stage in order to be able to offer the necessary training and assistance for future personal growth and development which can eventually lead to a better BPD.
The current retirement age for police officers is 55years; this must to be reduced to 45 years for senior officers and 42 for junior officer. The rational for this change is that most officers, upon retirement, either dies after a few years of retirement or must be retired on medical grounds. It is the opinion of the author that this occurs based on the demands of the job due to the long hours and highly stressful conditions. Once this has been changed the quality of life for officers would be much improved while on the job and upon

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