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Superpowers After Ww2

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After World War II tension between the two super powers of the time, The Soviet Union and the United States increased. Many believed a third war would break out and the world as we know it would have possibly been destroyed or at least most of it due to the nuclear warfare. The soviets could not handle the fact that the United States had nuclear weapons thus making the soviets envious and them wanting to be superior to the United. On the other hand the United States wanted the world to be peaceful or at least have no communism in the world, seeing that the two superpowers in the world did not agree nor get along the race to prove to the world which super power was superior began, starting the Cold War. During the Cold War there where …show more content…
The long telegram was his views of the Soviet Union. Thus this is where President Truman gets the idea of containment, making his Truman Doctrine, the U.S Department of State Office of the Historian states “that the doctrine established that the United States would provide political, military and economic assistance to all democratic nations under threat from external or internal authoritarian forces”, He also created NATO( North Atlantic Treaty Organization) and the Marshall plan in which the U.S would give economic aid to European countries after the devastation of World War II. During President Eisenhower term he created the Central Treaty Organization (CENTO) and the Southeast Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO) the point of the treaties was to stop the spread of communism and to contain it. . During John F. Kennedy’s term in office Kennedy approved an operation …show more content…
President Nixon was the start of the Détente era, where tensions between the United States and the Soviet Union started to improve. According to the History webpage the tensions improved during President Nixon’s “visit to the secretary-general of the soviet communist party, Leonid I. Brezhnev in Moscow, May 1972”. President Nixon beforehand had traveled to China and allowed China to join the United Nations and official recognize China on 1978. On May 26, 1972 the SALT I treaty was signed between the Soviet Union and United States. According to the history webpage “the treaty consisted of seven agreements covering the prevention of accidental military clashes; arms control, as recommended by the recent strategic Arms Limitation Talks (Salt); cooperative research in a variety of areas, including space exploration; and expanded commerce, the treaty was approved for three years”. Nixon resigned leaving Gerald Ford as President, during his term the Helsinki Final Act of 1975 was signed. According to the Office of the Historian “The Helsinki Final Act was an agreement signed by 35 nations that concluded the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe, held in Helsinki, Finland. The multifaceted Act addressed a range of prominent global issues and in so doing had a far-reaching effect on the Cold War and U.S.-Soviet relations”. The last President during the Détente era was

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