Premium Essay

Survey Questions


Submitted By jackyxchan
Words 463
Pages 2
Profile of people who shop at Goodwill

1. Do you shop at Goodwill? (If you answered no, please skip to Q…) * Yes * No

2. Within the past year, on average, how many times did you shop at Goodwill? * 0 * 1-2 times a year * 3-4 times a year * 5-6 times a year * More than 6 times a year

3. How did you find out or hear about Goodwill? * Television * Radio * Newspaper * E-mail * Direct Mail * Website * In-person * Word of Mouth * Billboards * Other (please specify): ________

For questions 4-5, please rate each
4. How important are each of the following characteristics to you when shopping at Goodwill?
(0 = not important at all, 10 = extremely important) – we will add more detail here * Price _______ * Quality of merchandise _______ * Appearance of location _______ * Selection _______ * Customer service _______ * Customer experience _______ * Value/Moral _______ * Atmosphere _______ * Location of store _______

5. Please rate the following items in terms of how much they prevent you from shopping at Goodwill? * Smell _______ * Layout _______ * Customer experience _______ * Price _______ * Selection _______ * Quality of merchandise _______ * Customer service _______ * Atmosphere _______ * Location of store _______

6. What do you usually purchase from Goodwill? (Please check all that apply) * Clothing * Accessories * Furniture * Jewelry * Electronics * Appliances * Other (please specify): _______

7. Where else do you shop if you want to get discount products? * Value Village * Local Community Thrift Shop * Buffalo Exchange * Crossroads trading * Dollar store * Walmart * Other (please specify): _______

8. How do you feel about Goodwill

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