...Country Analysis: Switzerland Country Profile Switzerland is one of the world’s richest and most investment-friendly countries and is ranked one as the freest nation in its region. The country is known for its orderly and prosperous culture, with a modern market economy, and is a member of the European Free Trade Association. Switzerland has a developed infrastructure for scientific research, companies spend generously on R&D, intellectual property protection is generally strong and the country’s public institutions are transparent and stable. Switzerland's major industries include tourism, the provision of banking, insurance and financial services, watch-making, precision instrument manufacturing and chemical manufacturing. The service sector contributes more than 70% of Switzerland's economy, and much of that is financial services. Over 200 thousand Swiss jobs are in banking, which represents~ 5% of the whole Swiss workforce, and they are not the worst paid ones. Switzerland is said to be the world's biggest center of private banking, with more than a third of all private wealth based there. Economic Indictors Switzerland hosts approximately eight million citizens with a GDP country rank of 37 out of 192 countries as of 2013. GDP Per Capita PPP steadily increased over the past five years from $47,317 in 2009 to $53,750, an average increase per year of 3%. The country’s economy experienced significant growth with a GDP Grow Rate of -1.94% in 2009 increased to...
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...Switzerland lies at the crossroad of several main European cultures. The national languages include German 65%, French 18% and Italian 10%, along with Romansh 1%, which is spoken by small minority of the population. (CIA, 2014) As e result the Swiss culture is characterized as really diverse. Moreover, the 26 cantons supplement for the large cultural diversity. Swiss culture has been affected by its neighboring countries, but during the years Switzerland has developed a distinctive one with strong regional differences. Government Switzerland is highly decentralised country and divided in 26 cantons.The politics of Switzerland take place in the framework of a multi-party federal directorial democratic republic. Executive power is not concentrated in one person, but in the goverment and the federal administration (CIA, 2014). Many important decisions are left to the population to decide. The reflection of this could be easily seen in the business structure in Switzerland. The country is not dominated by limited number of large companies, but rather of medium and small organisations. Economy In the Swiss economy only a small percentage of people are involved in the Primary sector, while a large minority is involved in the Manufacturing sector-23% in 2011. However, the greatest amount of people work in the Service sector of the economy -74% in 2011. The main areas include biotechnology, microtechnology, pharmaceuticals as well as banking and insurance (Swiss Federal Statistical...
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...INTERNATIONAL BALKAN UNIVERSITY Central Government of Switzerland Mentor: Mevludin Ibishi Student: Izet Kryezi Introduction Switzerland, federated country of central Europe. Switzerland’s administrative capital is Bern, while Lausanne serves as its judicial centre. Switzerland’s small size—its total area is about half that of Scotland—and its modest population give little indication of its international significance. A landlocked country of towering mountains, deep Alpine lakes, grassy valleys dotted with neat farms and small villages, and thriving cities that blend the old and the new, Switzerland is the nexus of the diverse physical and cultural geography of western Europe, renowned for both its natural beauty and its way of life. Aspects of both have become bywords for the country, whose very name conjures images of the glacier-carved Alps beloved of writers, artists, photographers, and outdoor sports enthusiasts from around the world. Switzerland was formed in 1291 by an alliance of cantons against the Habsburg dynasty—the Confoederatio Helvetica (or Swiss Confederation), from which the abbreviation CH for Switzerland derives—though only in 1848, when a new constitution was adopted, was the present nation formed. Prior to 1848, internal conflict was quite common, but Switzerland has enjoyed relative domestic tranquility since the mid-19th century, and its organization has remained essentially the same: it is a union...
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...1. 國家: Switzerland 瑞士 Official name: Swiss Confederation Capital: Bern 2. 基本資料介紹: * 人口: 8,069,387 (2013 年) 世界第96名);人口密度:188/km2(世界第65名) * 種族:天主教: 38,8% 新教: 30,9% 无宗教:20,1% 伊斯兰教: 4,5% 其他: 5,7%(2010年) * 語言:瑞士設有三種官方語言,分別為:瑞士德语(佔63.7%人口;若包含外國居民則佔72.5%)、瑞士法语(20.4%;21%)、義大利語(6.3%;4.3%);德語區位於中部及東部,西部為法語區,義大利語區分布於南部提契諾州,法語則通行於採行三語的格勞賓登州的部分地區。 * 經濟:瑞士經濟市場穩定且科技先進,透明的法律制度, 有效金融市場, 企業所得稅率低導向瑞士是世界上最具競爭力的經濟體之一。於2011年瑞士就人均財富而言為世界上最富裕的國家(包括金融及非金融資產)。 + 依國際匯率計算,瑞士為世界第19大經濟體;以购买力平价計算則為世界36大經濟體 + 出口額及進口額分別居世界第20位及第18位。雖然瑞士公營事業的服務範圍相當廣泛,但瑞士的經濟自由度仍居歐洲首位。 Exports | $298.3 billion (2012 est.) $322 billion (2011 est.) | Exports - commodities | 手錶、機械、電子電氣、鐘錶珠寶、農產品、及金屬 | Exports - partners | Germany 20.2%, US 10.3%, Italy 7.8%, France 7.1%, UK 4.8%, China 4.3% (2011) | Imports | $289.4 billion (2012 est.) $317.5 billion (2011 est.) | Imports - commodities | 機械, 化學, 交通工具, 金屬; 農產品, 紡織品。 | Imports - partners | Germany 32.3%, Italy 10.4%, France 8.6%, US 5%, Netherlands 4.4%, Austria 4.3% (2011) | + 瑞士依國際匯率計算人均國內生產總值較西歐及中歐主要經濟體及日本為高。 +以購買力平價換算則居世界第8位。 +世界經濟論壇發布的全球競爭力報告顯示瑞士為世界競爭力最強的國家,歐盟報告顯 示瑞士的創新力表現為歐洲最佳。 +瑞士人均國內生產總值長期居歐洲前列。瑞士經常收支佔國內生產總值比率亦居世界 前列。 + GDP $362.4 billion (PPP, 2012 年) 人均GDP (PPP) | $45,300 US dollars (2012 年) | ...
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...Switzerland is a tiny country of some 7.7 million people surrounded by four far-larger neighbours: France, Germany, Italy and Austria. Yet despite its small size, it seems everyone has an opinion about what life is like in Switzerland. For some the mountainous country is a beautiful, pristine paradise. For others it’s uptight, conservative and downright boring. Switzerland is most famous for its mountains, cheese, chocolate, cows, and watches. Of course these things are part of everyday life: check out the mouth-watering display of chocolate bars at any grocery store. But the Swiss and their country are far more complex. The biggest challenge is pinning down who exactly typifies the average Swiss: there are four different cultures and languages. Some 64 per cent of Swiss speak German. (They actually use Swiss German dialects when chatting and High German for writing). About 20 per cent speak French, seven per cent speak Italian, and less than one per cent speak Romansh. Only by living here does one learn the customs and etiquette that make the country so much more than its stereotypical image. The Swiss, for example, pursue a policy of neutrality but also have a large army to defend the country. It’s not unusual to phone up a business acquaintance and find they have left for military service for a few weeks. And while the Swiss love their rules and order, you still find places where chaos reigns. Try figuring out when to cross the road at the crosswalks known...
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...The economy of Switzerland is one of the world's most stable economies. Its policy of long-term monetary security and political stability has made Switzerland a safe haven for investors, creating an economy that is increasingly dependent on a steady tide of foreign investment. Because of the country's small size and high labor specialization, industry and trade are the keys to Switzerland's economic livelihood. Switzerland has achieved one of the highest per capita incomes in the world with low unemployment rates and a balanced budget. The service sector has also come to play a significant economic role. Its industrial sector began to grow in the mid-19th century, and had become the largest in Europe by the beginning of the 20th century. In October 2011, Switzerland had the highest average wealth per adult at US$540,000, making Swiss residents the richest in the world. Switzerland was the only country that had exceeded US$500,000.[15] This is said to have been because of the rising value of the swiss franc which has increased the wealth value of Swiss residents.[16] Economic sectors : The Swiss economy follows the typical First World model with respect to the economic sectors. Only a small minority of the workers are involved in the Primary or Agricultural sector (3.8% of the population, in 2006[update]) while a larger minority is involved in the Secondary or Manufacturing sector (23% in 2006[update]). The majority of the working population are involved in the Tertiary or...
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...Balance of Payment Switzerland 2011 I/ Introduction II/ Swiss economy III /BOP a) Goods and services b) Labour and investment income c) International Investment a. Swiss direct investment abroad b. Foreign direct investment in Switzerland IV/ Trade between Swiss and china V/ Conclusion I/ Introduction Switzerland is a landlocked country geographically divided between the Alps, the Swiss Plateau and the Jura, spanning an area of 41,285 km2 , The Swiss population of approximately 8 million people is concentrated mostly on the Plateau The Swiss Confederation has a long history of armed neutrality—it has not been in a state of war internationally since 1815—and did not join the United Nations until 2002. Switzerland comprises three main linguistic and cultural regions: German, French, and Italian. The strong sense of belonging to the country is founded on the common historical background, shared values (federalism and direct democracy) and Alpine symbolism II/ Switzerland Economy Switzerland is one of the richest countries in the world by per capita gross domestic product, and has the highest wealth per adult (financial and non-financial assets) of any country in the world. Zurich and Geneva have respectively been ranked as the cities with the second and eighth highest quality of life in the world It has the world's nineteenth largest economy by nominal GDP and the thirty-sixth largest by purchasing power parity. It is...
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...Project About: “ Travel And Tourism of Switzerland” Flag: It may be hard to believe but the famous white cross on a red background has only been the national flag of Switzerland since the 19th century. The origins of the flag, though, date back to 1339 and the historic Battle of Laupen, when Confederate soldiers began using the white cross as their field sign. History: Switzerland evolved over many centuries from a loose alliance of small self-governing towns and states, beginning with the confederation of Uri, Schwyz and Nidwalden in 1291, to a fully-fledged federal state of 26 cantons. Despite periods of political, social and religious unrest, unity prevailed in the Old Swiss Confederacy. However, the French invasion of 1798 was to be a turning point in the country’s history, ushering in the first of several changes in government – the short-lived Helvetic Republic – that would continue until 1848. The birth of modern-day Switzerland was accompanied by the creation of a federal constitution that laid the permanent foundations for national cohesion and the pursuit of the common good, while upholding the country’s cultural and linguistic diversity Much of Switzerland’s landscape is covered by mountains – apparently inhospitable terrain for human habitation. And yet the routes across the Alpine and Jura mountain passes have brought in people and goods since prehistoric times. The Swiss Plateau, which stretches from Lake Geneva...
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...International Marketing MKT 466- Country Paper Switzerland Including Sunglass Campaign Presented by: Eileen D. Klingsiek Fall Semester 2009/2010 International Marketing MKT466 Country Paper- Switzerland 1.0 Introduction 2.0 Background 2.1 History 2.2 Geography 2.2.1 The three main regions 2.3 Climate 2.4 Demographics 2.5 Religion 2.6 Culture 2.7 Infrastructure and Environment 2.8 Education 2.9 Politics 2.10 Foreign Relations and International Institutions 3.0 Hofstede’s Cultural Model 3.1 Individualism/ Collectivism 3.2 Uncertainty Avoidance 3.3 Power Distance 3.4 Masculinity/ Femininity 4.0 Sunglass Campaign 4.1 4.2 Lifestyle & Leisure 4.3 Climate 4.4 Infrastructure 4.5 Product Price Range 4.6 Product Positioning 4.7 ` Potential Market/ Target Market Media Strategy 5.0 Conclusion 6.0 Personal Reflection 7.0 Work 2|Page International Marketing MKT466 Country Paper- Switzerland Introduction Every Marketing campaign starts with devising the “4 – Ps,” price, product, promotion and distribution. Being successful in business in the international sector understands and adapts to one individual idea: culture. Culture is the most influential uncontrollable environmental force in international marketing (Cateora and Graham, 2007). Due to the fact that the world is ethnically diverse and each ethnicity holds their own traditions, a...
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...Switzerland Market Plan MBA 525: Applied Marketing June 10, 2014 City University of Seattle Abstract This article is a market plan for the beverage company Jack-up to launch products in Switzerland. The paper will first briefly introduce Jack-up’s plan on brand name, packing, market position and risks of launch products in the new market. Then, it will provide a Swiss environment analysis and Swiss market analysis. After that, this research will offer the SWOT analysis and sales forecast of Jack-up Switzerland Company. Finally, the article will discuss the advertising and promotion strategies that Jack-up will utilize. Introduction Jack-up is a leading beverage company in the United States. The company owns over 10 plants in the U.S. engaged in the production of soft drinks such as bottled water, carbonates, concentrates, vegetable juice, fruit juice, coffee, and Tea. In order to expand its business in European market, the company plan to launch products in Switzerland. Totally, Jack-up will launch 5 categories of soft beverages which include bottled water, concentrates, vegetable/ fruit juice, coffee, and Tea. The company will launch carbonated drinks because of lacking ability to compete with the strong competitor Coca-Cola at the beginning of stepping into Swiss market. Since Jack-up has a good reputation in USA, the company will keep using “Jack up” as the brand name and company name in the new market. For packaging, Jack-up will use PET bottles because...
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...another "Stupendous Tour" of Switzerland takes in many normal and social highlights. In any case, how attractive is the idea, and will it speak to guests? From the seventeenth to nineteenth hundreds of years, it was mainstream for well off youthful Englishmen to spend two or three years on the mainland doing an "amazing visit" of its social pearls. They'd regularly begin in Paris and work their approach to Rome – by means of Switzerland, obviously. Quick forward to the present day, when significantly more individuals are voyaging. Switzerland Tourism would like to bring them here, and has built up a 1,600km "Thousand Tour" of the nation's main 100 highlights, similar to the old town...
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...It is evidentially proven and shown that Switzerland is a more economically developed country than India which is a less economically developed country. Development is the quality of life in a country based on various categories such as health, education, improvement on quality of life in a country itself including material consumption, environment and distribution of wealth. Switzerland has a higher rates of GDP per capita, electricity usage and life expectancy comparing to India. Switzerland is located in the northern hemisphere, in the continent of Europe. It is surrounded by countries such as France, Italy, Germany, etc. India is also located in the northern hemisphere in the continent of Asia. It is surrounded by countries such as Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, etc. The life expectancy of Switzerland is 82 years and the life expectancy of India is 65 years. In Switzerland, the GDP per capita is $37,942 whereas the GDP per capita in India is $3163. This shows a positive correlation between the life expectancy and the GDP per capita as the life expectancy is directly proportional to the GDP per capita; the higher the life expectancy, the higher the GDP per capita of the country. When a country is wealthier, they will have more money to provide good health and medical care services. Switzerland has a high GDP per capita, which shows that most of the citizens are wealthy and have enough money to provide more than enough needs such as food, a shelter and medical care to their family...
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...СОДЕРЖАНИЕ ВВЕДЕНИЕ 3 1. Общие сведения о стране 4 1.1. Экономико-географическое положение страны 4 1.2. Население и демографическая ситуация 5 1.3. Социально – экономическая жизнь страны 6 2. Экономическое развитие страны 7 2.1. Структура торговли 7 2.2. Промышленность и сельское хозяйство 8 2.3. Туристический бизнес 10 3. Швейцария на международной арене 12 3.1. Конкурентоспособность страны 12 3.2. Швейцария – банковский центр мира 13 3.3. Взаимоотношения с Россией 14 ЗАКЛЮЧЕНИЕ 15 СПИСОК ИСПОЛЬЗУЕМОЙ ЛИТЕРАТУРЫ 16 ВВЕДЕНИЕ Швейцария - высокоразвитое индустриальное государство с интенсивным сельским хозяйством, один из крупнейших экспортеров капитала и финансовых центров мира. Высокий уровень концентрации капитала сочетается с относительно невысокой степенью концентрации производства. Для промышленности Швейцарии характерно немассовое производство высококачественных изделий на экспорт. Страна специализируется на производствах высококачественных дорогих изделий, требующих немного сырья, но большого труда. Такому направлению развития промышленности способствовало и то, что страна располагает высококвалифицированной рабочей силой. Страна небогата природными ресурсами, и поэтому существенную долю импорта составляет сырье, а также полуфабрикаты и потребительские товары. В результате, импортируя относительно...
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...Assisted suicide has become a very controversial issue all over the world. Although it is still illegal in most of the world, there are places where it is legal, at least under certain conditions. Switzerland is one of the countries where assisted suicide has been legal for many years. Many countries, like Canada, are considering making changes to their laws regarding this issue. Before doing so, it is essential to closely examine places like Switzerland to identify the issues that have arisen. The fact that people travel from countries where assisted suicide is illegal to places like Switzerland where it is legal is problematic. Additionally, the “slippery slope” argument against assisted suicide has become clearly evident in Switzerland. It is evident that the legalization of assisted suicide does not come without some serious concerns. In Switzerland, assisted suicide has been permitted since 1942. Assisted suicide is acceptable as long as medical protocols are strictly followed (Todd). Euthanasia is not legal in Switzerland. Euthanasia is defined as “intentionally causing the death of a person, the motive being...
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...Historical Background: Kuoni Travel Holding Ltd. is one of the top five travel and tour groups in Europe. Its head office is in Zurich, Switzerland. Its core business activities are Leisure Travel, Business Travel and Incoming. Switzerland is its chief market. (Reference for Business 2011) The company employs more than 7500 staff in 300 different sites all over the world. (Kuoni 2011) Alfred Kuoni first founded Kuoni in the year 1906 along with his brothers who had a successful freight-forwarding agency in Zurich. After returning from his work abroad in 1905, it was his idea to expand his brothers business with the addition of a travel agency. His first tours cost just one franc to a mountain in the outskirts of Zurich. Its first group tour outside of Switzerland was in the year 1907 when they organized an escorted group tour to Egypt. As a symbol of growth Kuoni was turned into a family joint-stock company in 1925. By the time The Second World War began it had opened several branches in Switzerland and an office in Nice (France). This trend of expansion continued as the years passed by as Kuoni opened its subsidiaries in Italy and France. In 1951 Kuoni became the first tour operator to fly chartered flights to Africa. (Kuoni 2011) 1957 saw Kuoni family establish Kuoni and Hugentobler Foundation to group their holding. In 1963 the company expanded into Asian market by opening a branch office in Japan. (Kuoni 2011) In 1965 Kuoni entered the UK by acquiring Challis &...
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