...308 Week 3 ANOVA and Paired T-test Click Link Below To Buy: http://hwcampus.com/shop/bus-308-week-3-anova-paired-t-test/ 1Week 3 ANOVA and Paired T-test At this point we know the following about male and female salaries. a. Male and female overall average salaries are not equal in the population. b. Male and female overall average compas are equal in the population, but males are a bit more spread out. c. The male and female salary range are almost the same, as is their age and service. d. Average performance ratings per gender are equal. Let's look at some other factors that might influence pay - education(degree) and performance ratings. 1 Last week, we found that average performance ratings do not differ between males and females in the population. Now we need to see if they differ among the grades. Is the average performace rating the same for all grades? (Assume variances are equal across the grades for this ANOVA.) You can use these columns to place grade Perf Ratings if desired. A B C D E F Null Hypothesis: Alt. Hypothesis: Place B17 in Outcome range box. Interpretation: What is the p-value: Is P-value < 0.05? Do we REJ or Not reject the null? If the null hypothesis was rejected, what is the effect size value (eta squared): Meaning of effect size measure: What does that decision mean in terms of our equal pay question: 2 While it appears that average salaries per each grade differ, we need to test this assumption...
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...308 Week 3 ANOVA and Paired T-test Click Link Below To Buy: http://hwcampus.com/shop/bus-308-week-3-anova-paired-t-test/ 1Week 3 ANOVA and Paired T-test At this point we know the following about male and female salaries. a. Male and female overall average salaries are not equal in the population. b. Male and female overall average compas are equal in the population, but males are a bit more spread out. c. The male and female salary range are almost the same, as is their age and service. d. Average performance ratings per gender are equal. Let's look at some other factors that might influence pay - education(degree) and performance ratings. 1 Last week, we found that average performance ratings do not differ between males and females in the population. Now we need to see if they differ among the grades. Is the average performace rating the same for all grades? (Assume variances are equal across the grades for this ANOVA.) You can use these columns to place grade Perf Ratings if desired. A B C D E F Null Hypothesis: Alt. Hypothesis: Place B17 in Outcome range box. Interpretation: What is the p-value: Is P-value < 0.05? Do we REJ or Not reject the null? If the null hypothesis was rejected, what is the effect size value (eta squared): Meaning of effect size measure: What does that decision mean in terms of our equal pay question: 2 While it appears that average salaries per each grade differ, we need to test this assumption...
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...If there are images in this attachment, they will not be displayed. Download the original attachment Real Foods One way ANOVA Steps involved in a statistic test 1. Background information 2. Assumptions : method of Sampling, dependent or independent variables, scale of measurement, and sample size 3. State the Hypothesis * Error types: false positive- reject a true null and false negative: fails to reject a false null hypothesis * A statistical test can either reject (prove false) or fail to reject (fail to prove false) a null hypothesis, but never prove it true (i.e., failing to reject a null hypothesis does not prove it true). 1. Decide on test statistic, Set the Rejection Criteria: P or critical value and Compute the Test Statistic 2. Decide Results of the Null Hypothesis * Independent observations * T test: sample means differences * Variability: sum of squares * Estimate of variance * Mean variance and degrees of freedom * T & F Statistics * Total Variance = variance within and between groups * When sample means are not equal variance of sample means will be higher than variance within groups * Anova Table Case Objectives | | Data Given | | Week | Bangalore Convenience | Chennai Quality | Hyderabad Price | Total | 1 | 75 | 45 | 65 | 185 | 2 | 60 | 54 | 45 | 159 | 3 | 75 | 65 | 56 | 196 | 4 | 45 | 56 | 60 | 161 | ...
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...ANOVA 1- Mobility: There was a significant increase level of mobility in the non-adherent group (t = -3.4, p =.001) Spasticity: There was a significant increase level of spasticity in the non-adherent group (t = -2.6, p = .01) There was a significantly increased level of spasticity in the non-adherent group from baseline to the six months follow up (t = -3.0, p = .004). Fatigue: There was a significantly increased level of fatigue in the non-adherent group (t = -2.1, p =.03). There was no significant increased level of fatigue in the non-adherent group from baseline to the six months follow-up (t = -3.0, p = .004). At paired t-Test, there was no significant...
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... VI- Mean comparison test RESEARCH: Finding solution to the problem and a careful study that creates addition in existing body of knowledge. Types I- Basic II- Applied Other I- Descriptive II- Explanatory III- Exploratory Types of Scales I- Nominal II- Ordinal III- Interval IV- Ratio Other I- Dichotomous II- Likert-type scale III- List of items IV- Matrix question Correlation analysis is used to describe the strength and direction of the linear relationship between two variables. Types I- Pearson correlation is used when quantitative data is normally distributed. II- Spearman correlation is used when data is not normally distributed Reliability: Reliability of measure indicates extent to which it is without bias and hence ensures consistent measurement across time (stability) and across the various items in the instrument (internal consistency). Reliability is a test of how consistently a measuring instrument measures whatever concept it is measuring. Internal Consistency the homogeneity of the items in the measure I- items should hang together as a set and be capable of independently measuring the same concept II- Whether the items and the subsets of items in the measuring instrument are correlated highly. a. Inter-item Consistency Reliability: This is a test of the consistency of respondents’ answers to all the items in a measure. The most popular test of inter-item consistency...
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...1. 2. QBUS5001 3. QBUSS5002 topic1 - 12 EXCEL 4. word ----- 5. zh.lai@foxmail.com R-XIANG George Jackie HD QBUS5001 ~ Jack 2015/6/7 目录 ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 1 TOPIC 1 ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 4 TOPIC 2 PROBABILITY ........................................................................................................................................................ 4 2.1 EVENTS & PROBABILITIES 2.2 JOINT ............................................................................................................................................ 4 MARGINAL& CONDITIONAL PROBABILITIES 2.3 PROBABILITIES TREES ....................................................................................... 4 .......................................................................................................................................................... 4 2.4 BAYER’S THEOREM ......................................................................................................................................................................... 4 2.5 POPULATION MEAN & VARIANCE ................
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...(Italy) and the Oracle (USA), are competing for a spot in the upcoming America’s Cup race. They race over a part of the course several times. The sample times in minutes for the Prada were: 12.9, 12.5, 11.0, 13.3, 11.2, 11.4, 11.6, 12.3, 14.2, and 11.3. The sample times in minutes for the Oracle were: 14.1, 14.1, 14.2, 17.4, 15.8, 16.7, 16.1, 13.3, 13.4, 13.6, 10.8, and 19.0. For data analysis, the appropriate test is the t-Test: Two-Sample Assuming Unequal Variances. The next table shows the results of this independent t-test. At the .05 significance level, can we conclude that there is a difference in their mean times? Explain these results to a person who knows about the t test for a single sample but is unfamiliar with the t test for independent means. Hypothesis Test: Independent Groups (t-test, unequal variance) Prada Oracle 12.170 14.875 mean 1.056 2.208 std. dev. 10 12 n 16 df -2.7050 difference (Prada - Oracle) 0.7196 standard error of difference 0 hypothesized difference -3.76 t .0017 p-value (two-tailed) -4.2304 confidence interval 95.% lower -1.1796 confidence interval 95.% upper 1.5254 margin of error 2. The Willow Run Outlet Mall has two Haggar Outlet Stores, one located on Peach Street and the other on Plum Street. The two stores are laid out differently, but both store managers claim their layout maximizes the amounts customers...
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...would not be the appropriate test since statistical assumptions for the t test for groups are not satisfied with correlated data. The difference can be detected much better with a paired t-test and you may be overstating the significance if you used a group t-test rather than a paired t-test. 2-b MATCHED PAIRS: There is a small ratio of 0.1218 difference Kiln compared to regular. [pic] 3-a There is an outlier in sales for 63,438 computer sales. [pic] 3-b grouped means. 3-c: |t| 0.8874 (very small difference) [pic] 3-d Outliers: It would not be appropriate to remove the outlier because the difference in the analysis would be unfavorable due to the sale being such a drastic amount and the difference reported in question “c” being already reported as a small difference. 4-a: Yes, there is a significant difference between 2 door and 4 door impact on left legs. [pic] 4-b: The difference on compression on right legs between 2 and 4 door vehicles is not significantly different. [pic] 4-c The difference is very small on Head IC between 2 and 4 door cars. [pic] 5-a We will be using a matched set of variables to determine if their difference is zero or different than zero. 5-b and 5-c [pic] The matched pairs t test analysis Prob>|t| 0.1107, is insignificant. In the t test above you will see that we...
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...during "dangerous" scenarios. All 20 participants are 18, but only half of them have a driver's license. What statistical test would we use to compare the number or words spoken for people with and without licenses. | | | | | Selected Answer: | Independent samples t test | Answers: | Dependent samples t test | | Independent samples t test | | | | | * Question 2 10 out of 10 points | | | We want to know how having kids affects happiness. We surveyed 100 couples that were expecting a child in the next three months. We went back and surveyed those same 100 couples one year later. What test would we use to compare their previous scores with their current scores? | | | | | Selected Answer: | Dependent samples | Answers: | Dependent samples | | Independent samples | | | | | * Question 3 10 out of 10 points | | | We are doing a dependent samples t-test and we're in the middle of step 4 of our null hypothesis test. We determined that D̅ = .25, SD̅ = .05, n = 9Calculate tD/ SD= Answer | | | | | Selected Answer: | 5 | Answers: | 5 | | 15.006 | | .0166 | | None of the above | | | | | * Question 4 10 out of 10 points | | | I just used Excel to do a two-tailed dependent samples t-test and it gave me the output that I pasted below. How would I list the results of my t-test? Hypothesized...
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...we need to select the independent factors or variables to test the hypothesis to see if these factors do have any affect on the selling price of Ford Mustangs cars. In this case I have selected nine Independent variables that we have used to study the relationship with selling price are (1) Whether the car is a convertible or not convertible (2) Transmission Type (3) Presence or absence of air conditioning (4) GT Model or not (5) Private owner or dealer owner (6) Age of car (7) Mileage (8) # of cylinders (9) Color. We want to start by conducting a hypothesis test to study the relationship of each independent variable with the selling price at the 0.05 significance level. To study the affect of the independent variable “CONVERT” on the selling price, we have set the following Null and Alternate Hypothesis. The null hypothesis tested is H0: The mean price does not depend on whether the car is a convertible. The alternative hypothesis is H1: The mean price depends on whether the car is a convertible Using the independent variable CONVERT and the dependent variable Selling price, following Regression output is generated by Excel Data Analysis. SUMMARY OUTPUT | | | | | | | | | | | | | Regression Statistics | | | | | | Multiple R | 0.386986 | | | | | | R Square | 0.149758 | | | | | | Adjusted R Square | 0.123993 | | | | | | Standard Error | 3541.151 | | | | | | Observations | 35 | | | | | | | | | | | | | ANOVA | | | | | | | | df | SS | MS | F | Significance F | | ...
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...Week 4 Reflection Jennifer Wood Week 4 Reflection When comparing two or more groups there are five tests that are used: Standard T-Test, Paired T-Test, One-Way ANOVA, Two-Way ANOVA, and Linear Regression. The Standard T-Test is the most basic testing when you are comparing the means of exactly two groups. A Paired T-Test is more used in a “Before vs. After” experiment, and is the most sensitive test out of all five. One-Way ANOVA test is just like the T-Test except you can use this test for comparing three or more groups. The Two-Way ANOVA test can be used when comparing three or more groups, which have two different independent variables. According to “Statistical Testing For Dummies!!!" (n.d.), “the Linear Regression test is for comparing the means of groups along a continuum of three or more treatment levels, such as a gradually increasing depth of water” (para. 16). References Statistical Testing for Dummies!!!. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.cbgs.k12.va.us/cbgs-document/research/Stats%20For%20Dummies.pdf Footnotes 1[Add footnotes, if any, on their own page following references. For APA formatting requirements, it’s easy to just type your own footnote references and notes. To format a footnote reference, select the number and then, on the Home tab, in the Styles gallery, click Footnote Reference. The body of a footnote, such as this example, uses the Normal text style. (Note: If you delete this sample footnote, don’t forget to delete its in-text reference as...
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...alternative hypothesis for a test of significance. Problem 2) At one school, the average amount of time that tenth-graders spend watching television each week is 18.4 hours. The principal introduces a campaign to encourage the students to watch less television. One year later, the principal wants to perform a hypothesis test to determine whether the average amount of time spent watching television per week has decreased. Formulate the null and alternative hypotheses for the study described. Problem 3) A two-tailed test is conducted at the 5% significance level. What is the P-value required to reject the null hypothesis? Problem 4) A two-tailed test is conducted at the 5% significance level. What is the right tail percentile required to reject the null hypothesis? Problem 5) What is the difference between an Type I and a Type II error? Provide an example of both. Chapter 10 Show all work Problem 1) Steven collected data from 20 college students on their emotional responses to classical music. Students listened to two 30-second segments from “The Collection from the Best of Classical Music.” After listening to a segment, the students rated it on a scale from 1 to 10, with 1 indicating that it “made them very sad” to 10 indicating that it “made them very happy.” Steve computes the total scores from each student and created a variable called “hapsad.” Steve then conducts a one-sample t-test on the data, knowing that...
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...functions of the program remain similar. This guide is intended to give the reader a VERY basic understanding on how to use SPSS. This is also intended to be a crash course type of guide. The length of this document is indicative of how “in depth” this document goes. Furthermore, there is a lot that this document does not mention. If you want to perform a very thorough analysis with very in depth statistics, you can read the SPSS survival manual by Julie Pallant. Table of Contents * Preparations3 * Getting Started4 * Entering Data7 * Output Window9 * Walkthrough10 * Analysis10 * Graphing10 * Regression13 * Correlation14 * Testing15 * One Sample T-Test 15 * Independent Sample T-Test 17 * Paired Sample T-Test 18 * One Way ANOVA 20 * Hypothesis Testing Crash Course26 Preparations * Know that SPSS is for analyzing data from a statistical researcher’s point of view. The name SPSS stands for Statistical Package for the Social Sciences – SPSS. This means that this program is best suited to comparing data samples or surveys using statistics. Furthermore, this is a very robust program that is much more difficult to use if you do not know statistics very well; it is designed primarily for the researcher or statistician. Essentially, if you need to use this program, you will need to learn basic statistics and its application before using this program. * Set up a...
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...Statistics 5 Hypothesis of the test 5 Statistical Findings 6 Interpretation of results 6 3.2 Question 2: Satisfaction level between gender 7 Descriptive statistics 7 Hypothesis 7 Method used and nature of the test 7 Reporting of statistical analysis 8 Interpretation of results 8 3.3 Question 3: Difference between satisfaction levels across business divisions. 9 Descriptive Statistics 9 Hypothesis 9 Method used and the nature of the test 9 Reporting of Results 9 Interpretation of results 10 3.4 Question 4: Gender composition across divisions 11 Descriptive Statistics 11 Hypothesis 11 Method used 11 Reporting of Statistical analysis 11 Interpretation of results 12 3.5 Question 5: Years of service and overall satisfaction level 12 Null and alternate hypothesis 12 Method used 12 Nature of test used: 13 Reporting of Results 13 3.6 Question 6: Employment basis and their perception of their values. 14 Descriptive Statistics 14 Hypothesis 14 Method used and the nature of the test 14 Reporting of Results 15 Interpretation of results 15 3.7 Question 7: Difference between values employees placed on income and training opportunities 16 Descriptive statistics 16 Hypothesis 16 Method used and nature of the test 16 Reporting of statistical analysis 17 Interpretation of results 17 3.8 Question 8: Value on work social events and numbers of hours 18 Descriptive statistics 18 Hypothesis 18 Method used and nature of the test 18 Reporting of statistical analysis...
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... * Has two error terms = SSMAIN = SSTMT = SSMAIN = SSTMT * RSSMAIN and RSSTMT → Calculate but don’t use in ANOVA * Also need RSSBLOCKS, RSSPP, and RSSM (CT and RSSTOTAL) * F values are calculated using the error from the same block * For t-test * Standard errors: * Error (b)n for interaction 9.78583 * 2 × Error (b)n for Factor M 2 × 9.78586 * 2 × Error (a)n for Factor PP 2 × 4.96756 * 2 critical-t values → t at 2 and t at 4 df i.e. 4.303 and 2.776 * Could ask: do ANOVA and t-test, or ANOVA and interpret results from F; Standard error for the difference (a or b); Conclusion: levels differ/do not differ at 1% etc. NS 13 – Non-parametric tests * Parametric tests for data with normal distribution (t, F or X2 distribution) * Non-parametric tests for * Categorical data, * Quantitative data divided into class intervals, * Small data sets, * Data sets without repetition of the TMTs. * Non- parametric tests * Medians, not Means * Usually rank your data * Single sample: * Sign test (No assumptions about distribution) * Rank test (assumes data comes from symmetrical distribution) * Wilcoxon’s symmetry test * For 2 independent samples * Mann-Whitney U test (Assumes distributions have same shape and equal...
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