...Sociologists Zvi Namenwirth and Robert Weber view culture as a system of ideas that constitute a design for living (Hill, 2011, p. 89). Ultimately all the above definitions combine to show culture is made up of values, “ideas about what a group believes to be good, right, and desirable”, and norms, “social rules and guidelines that prescribe appropriate behavior in particular situations” (Hill, 2011, p. 89). Culture Components and Business Business Etiquette Business Etiquette from culture to culture differs, for example between the United States and Japan. Business cards are a big deal in Japan and how you present it can be the difference in how you are perceived. In a meeting in the United States if you pass your business card around the table or just leave it for the person it is acceptable and it will normally only be printed on one side. However, when in Japan you want to be sure your card is printed with English and Japanese, present it to the person by holding it with both hands, Japanese side up, to the most senior member at the meeting first bowing slightly and then make your way down the corporate ladder (Venture, 2009). For most American business people your first instinct is to walk in and shake your host hand, this is a big do not...
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...its roles have been realised as the pillar of most business to survive. Considering the importance of business etiquette many firms have argued that it is playing a better part in increasing of their sales. The boss of emancipator travel and tours once said that “it is the way that you behave which makes your business more preferable than others and this has helps us to survive in the tough going industry of transport in Zimbabwe”. He goes on adding that “if you can distinguish yourself from other animals then you will be excellent in all the way you deal with your customers hence creating a better environment to your customers which will inturn increase sales revenue and profits to the firm”. When asked to comment on the issue of how table manners and phone etiqute helps in increasing the brand loyalty Mr Musevenzi said that “if yu can be able to show your bosses how you react to phone calls during the meeting of cause you are able to respect your customers as well which will help them to feel secured and certain if they are at your place of business”. IN Zimbabwe due to the rate at which technology is increasing with many people are spendimg much of their time on their machines than the time they spend doing their office duties. This is in some cases leding to the ignorance of some important and poptential customers in the business. We conducted a survey about what are the results of ignoring business etiquette and one of the best Zimbabwe s best business consultant said that...
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...your company success? Answer: Communication skills play a vital role in a company's success as it build the foundation for stronger decision making to occur on a timely basis , so as to faster stove problem and diminish potential increases in a dilemma that can be fixed in its primitive stage. The effective outcome of communication is to enhance the firm by increasing productivity and to release persuasive marketing messages both to internal and external parties. What three principles will help you minimize missteps in business etiquette? Answer: The three principles that will help you to minimize the missteps in business etiquette are like technology, which get you into trouble on sites like online dating and even social networks. Table manners is another principle like having too many glasses of wine at a business event. Last principle is proper dressing, which should be appropriate always at work. How does formal communication differ from informal communication? Answer: Informal communication is casual and spontaneous, whereas formal communication is more thought-out and prepared from learned experiences or organized training that present rules and conventions authoritated by business and formal etiquette .Informal communication comes from communication activities outside of those formally learned at home through discipline. In what directions can information travel within an organization's formal hierarchy? Answer: In today’s fast paced e-commerce environment, the command...
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...UK office etiquette In Britain, people are very polite and reserved. They pay a lot of attention to manners and are extremely punctual. Knowledge about British culture and their etiquette plays a vital role in creating a good impression while doing business in Britain. * The British pays a lot of attention to their office attire. It is conservative for both men and women. Dark suits, usually black, blue and grey are well accepted. Men's shirts should not have a pocket. If shirts have pockets, it must be empty. Single colored or pattered ties must be worn. Striped ties are not well received. For women, a color doesn't matter, however their attire must maintain a conservative image. * English are slow decision makers. Hence, they must be given time to think and decide. * Punctuality is very important for the English. Hence, reaching early or late is not well accepted. * While greeting someone, a firm and confident handshake is a must. * Privacy is very important for the English. Hence, never delve in asking personal questions. * Never make an intense eye contact or physically touch a person in public. It is considered inappropriate. Even during conversations, seldom have eye contacts. * To signal that something must be kept a secret or confidential, always tap your nose. * Gift giving is generally not part of English business. US/Canada office etiquette Office etiquette varies from country to country. Get to know some office do's...
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...Spain Country Report Feb. 14, 2013 Doing business in a foreign Country can be a very difficult thing to do if you are not familiar with proper business etiquette in the Country in which you are doing business. It also helps to have a good understanding of family life and the culture, ad well as social customs in the new country. This report will tell you, our valued employee’s, how to be successful in Spain, the home of our newest expansion branch. The figure to the left shows the current trends in the unemployment rates in Spain compared to the US, Portugal, and the UK. It is very important with the constant rise in unemployment in Spain that you go to the new branch prepared and therefore everything in this report should be considered important. Business Etiquette The first thing that you need to know when doing business in Spain is how to properly introduce yourself in a business setting. The most common and accepted way to professionally introduce yourself in a business setting in Spain is with a firm handshake with direct eye contact being kept throughout the gesture. Men should wait for women to extend an offer to shake hands if she wishes. When verbally addressing people in the business setting “Try to address people by their title and last name until invited to do otherwise.” (Coleman, 2011) For people in Spain, calling them by their title and last name is a sign of respect and this will go along way with them. These are two small things that will gain you the...
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...Lecturer’s Name : MISS V Title : INFORMAL BUSINESS ETIQUETTE Order : Topical Order General Purpose : To inform Specific Purpose : To inform my audience about informal business etiquette rules that matter today: send a thank you note, focus on the face not the screen and do not judge. Central Idea : Informal business etiquette is a valuable skill-set that will make you stand out from others, enhance your chances of success and help you land your dream job in the future. Introduction I. Much of today’s formal etiquette originated in the French royal court during the 1600-1700’s. The nobles who lived at royal court did not work, and so they developed elaborate social customs mostly to avoid becoming bored. II. Since the 1960’s, manners have become much more relaxed. Etiquette today is based on treating everyone with the same degree of kindness and consideration, and it consists mostly of common sense III. It is helpful to know some rules about how to behave in certain situations if only because this makes life more comfortable for you and makes you more self-confident in various social situations. So today I would like to share with you 3 rules that matter now. A. Send a thank you note B. Focus on the face not the screen C. Don’t judge (Transition: Let’s start with my first main point, which is sending a thank you note) Body I. Ask the audience how many of them would send a thank you note to appreciate what others do for them A. The audience who would send...
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...Manners and Chivalry: Dead in Society? Thomas James Composition 1 Mrs. O’Connor 28 November 2013 Abstract Manners and chivalry in society have become a thing of the past. Today’s new technologies and peer pressure and marketing schemes of corporations, combined with lack of parent intervention have negated the skills. From the move of women into the workplace and to their full equality, men have lost their gentleman attitude toward the female species. In combination with lack of proper family time and negative detrimental media output, it has altered the way our youths act in society. Furthermore, turning our whole way of life as it used to be into something where we ask ourselves “do I want to bring a child into it?” Manners and Chivalry: Dead in Society? A glance through history tells of days of women and gentleman and the well-known romantic courtships of history. Evolution of modesty in relationships of past, to the present open sexually explicit relationships displayed on television, have desensitized the worlds youth perspective on moral behavior. Has the gift of technology, and a hectic life’s work schedule, taken the parent away from the home so much, that kids are teaching other kids habits that parents don’t condone? The time has come for society to pull back on the reins on socially and morally unacceptable behaviors. Chivalry, defined by Merriam Webster’s dictionary, states “An honorable and polite way of behaving, especially toward women” (Webster). This is a...
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...内地城市挑戰已成現實-香港迪斯尼如何應對“兄弟之争” 2009年11月,迪斯尼落戶上海的消息一波三折,在香江引起不小震動。金融中心面臨挑戰、物流中心地位不穩……似乎在一夜之間,來自内地城市的競争,令香港“四面楚歌”。港人的擔憂折射出内地經濟的強大活力,也預示着香港不能戀棧過去的榮光。事實上,香港與内地城市的競争,從來就不是你死我活的較量,而是一場互利共赢的博弈,也是共同提升國際競争力的一場“兄弟之争”。 迪斯尼樂園引發滬港“暗戰” 2009年下半年以來,上海迪斯尼項目進展的情況頻頻見諸報端,香港各界的讨論也日漸升級。内地搶客源,香港怎麽辦?競争要來了,前景怎麽樣?上海要建迪斯尼,“蝴蝶效應”頓時顯示:遠在數百公裏之外的香港,陷入了嚴重的“集體焦慮”。2009年11月4日上海市政府宣布征用土地逾409公頃,是香港迪斯尼的兩倍;特區政府有關官員及學者都顧慮,東亞地區已經存在東京迪斯尼和香港迪斯尼兩座主題公園,在上海再建一座,是否會分流其它兩地客源,造成内部不良競争。香港一家媒體還就此采訪了一些正在香港遊玩的内地遊客,許多人表示上海迪斯尼開幕後,他們有可能會減少光顧香港迪斯尼樂園的次數。至2009年11月下旬國家發改委發布“上海迪斯尼樂園項目通過核準”消息,并指出項目占地116公頃。這個比香港迪斯尼還小10公頃的迪斯尼樂園,是亞洲第三個、世界第六個迪斯尼樂園,也是全球最“迷你”的迪斯尼樂園。這讓港人長出了一口氣。與此同時,香港的應對措施迅速展開,香港迪斯尼樂園日前舉行“小小世界過聖誕”亮燈儀式,其行政總裁金民豪表示,香港迪斯尼将展開大規模的擴建工程,計劃在5年内将樂園總面積增加23%,并添置30多項遊樂和娛樂設施,工程最快于年底前動工,可如期于2014年完成。 香港商務及經濟發展旅遊事務署副專員林錦平表示,面對上海興建迪斯尼樂園,香港不怕競争。香港會推陳出新,興建新景點,海洋公園及迪斯尼樂園也會擴建,香港還會繼續提供旅客入境便利措施。也有人認爲,香港和上海的兩處迪斯尼樂園度假區可以互補合作,因爲中國經濟發展迅速,是一個龐大而有潛力的市場,足以容納兩個迪斯尼樂園。 金融、物流挑戰陸續有來 香港作爲國際金融中心的地位也在接受挑戰。随着内地經濟連年高速增長,上海作爲中心城市的地位日益突出,香港擔心自己的地位被邊緣化,而上海憑借雄厚的金融實力和最吸引外資的大陸城市等“資質”,成爲新的金融中心隻是時間問題。 就在2009年4月29日,國務院審議通過了《關于推進上海加快發展現代服務業和先進制造業、建設國際金融中心和國際航運中心的意見》。其中明确指出,上海國際金融中心建設的總體目标是“到2020年,基本建成與我國經濟實力以及人民币國際地位相适應的國際金融中心。”香港的國際金融中心地位将接受檢驗。據筆者一位供職于美林銀行的朋友黃書耀認爲,從長遠來看,上海将成爲亞洲乃至世界金融中心,一些大的國際投資銀行早已在上海跑馬圈地、先行布點了。他表示,也許在幾年後,會到上海去發展。 物流中心的競争也趨白熱化。近年來,天津要做北方物流“盟主”,上海立志要做全球物流的中心樞紐,廣州聲稱要成爲亞太地區最大的物流中心,連成都、重慶、甯波等也紛紛擺開要做國際物流中心的陣勢。有學者認爲,上海物流業産值以年均22%的增幅迅猛發展,且上海地處華東,是長江沿岸的龍頭,上可輻射至華北乃至東北,下可輻射到華南,有香港不可比拟的輻射優勢,潛力無限。 上海物流業的崛起,使香港産生了緊迫感。因爲,從目前的形勢看,粵港澳要聯合起來,以珠江大三角洲之勢作爲世界物流中心,才能與上海抗衡。廣東...
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...世宗韩语 | 发音部分 [pic] KoreaXin.com에서 재미나는 한글 공부를 시작합시다! 第一课 元音 ㅏ ㅓ ㅗ ㅜ ㅣ a (h)o o(h) wu i 아이 小孩a i 아우 弟弟a wu 어이 怎么ho i 오이 黄瓜 oh i 우 蜂拥貌 拟声词 wu 이 牙齿 i 안녕 你好 aniyoh 안녕하세요 您好 anihasehyoh 안녕히 가세요 请走好 aneohnihasehyoh 第二课 辅音 ㅂ ㅍ ㅃ ㅁ b- p b\ m ㅂ 바 버 보 부 비 b- ba- bho- boh- bwu- bi- ㅍ 파 퍼 포 푸 피 p pa pho poh pwu pi ㅃ 빠 뻐 뽀 뿌 삐 b\ ba\ bho\ boh\ bwu\ bi\ ㅁ 마 머 모 무 미 m ma mho moh mwu mi 바보 傻瓜 ba bho 비 雨 bi 삐삐 寻呼机 bi bi 아빠 爸爸(娇气)a ba 아버지 爸爸 a boh ji 부친 父亲a pa 파 葱 pa 피 血 pi 무 萝卜 mu 모 苗 moh 안녕히 계세요 请留步 aniyohi kehsihyo 또 만나요. 再见 toh mannayoh 第三课 辅音 ㄷ ㅌ ㄸ ㄴ ㄹ d- t\ d\ n r/l ㄷ 다 더 도 두 디 d- da- t/dho- toh- dwu- ti- ㅌ 타 터 토 투 티 t\ ta tho toh twu ti ㄸ 따 떠 또 뚜 띠 di\ da dho doh dwu di ㄴ 나 너 노 누 니 n na nho noh nwu ni ㄹ 라 러 로 루 리 r/l r/la r/lho r/loh r/lwu r/li 나무 树 na mwu 다리 腿,桥 d/ta- r/li 또 又,再 doh 오리 鸭子 oh r/li 머리 头,头发 mho r/li 나비 蝴蝶 na bi 토마토 西红柿 toh ma toh 도토리 橡子 toh- toh r/li 따다 采,摘 da- da 라디오 广播 r/la ti- oh 뿌리 根 bwu\ r/li 누구세요? 谁呀?dubusehyoh 제예요. 是我 choyeyoh 어서 오세요. 快请进,欢迎光临 hosowusehyoh 第四课 元音 ㅡ ㅐ ㅔ ㅚ ㅟ eeh aeh ahy yve/e vi 배 梨,船,肚子 baeh 애나무 小树 aeh na mwu 누르다 压 duzhitah 모으다 集拢 moh eeh dah 베 麻布 bahy 모래 沙 moh deh 누에 蚕 duh eh 위 胃 wi 뒤 后 dwui 뇌 脑 nve 되다 成为 tuaidah 부르다 叫...
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...第一部分:戒 第六章 为何我们生于此? 这次雨安居我不太有力,身体欠安,所以来山上呼吸点新鲜空气。人们来拜防,我也无法如往常般接待他们,因声音沙哑,气息奄奄。大家现在还能看见这身体坐在这里,也算是种福份,很快就会看不见了。气将尽,声将息,它们会如其他所有因缘和合的事物般,随著其他支撑的元素一起消逝,佛陀称此为「灭尽衰灭」(khaya vayam)。 根本没有任何人只有地、水、火、风 它们如何坏灭?想像一块冰,它原来只是水,将它冷冻后就变成冰,但不久就融化了。取一大块冰放在太阳下,可以看见它如何消解,身体也差不多是如此。它会逐渐瓦解,不久就只剩下一滩水,这就称为「灭尽衰灭」。自古以来,它一直如此,当我们出生时,就带著这坏灭的本质来到世间,无从回避,从一出生,老、病、死就和我们结伴而来。 所以,佛陀要说「灭尽衰灭」。现在,所有坐在讲堂里的人,无论比丘、沙弥或在家男女,无一例外,都是一堆会坏灭元素的组合。现在这堆东西就如冰块一样坚固,冰块从水开始,暂时变成冰,然后融化。你们能看见自己身体的这个败坏过程吗?看看这身体每天都在老化——头髪在变老,指甲在变老,每样东西都在变老。 你们不会一直都像这样,会吗?过去的你们要比现在小很多,现在长大与成熟了。从现在起,你们将随顺自然的方式,慢慢衰老。身体就如冰块一样衰坏,很快就消失了。 一切的身体都是由地、水、火、风四大元素所组成,匪聚后称之为「人」。我们受它迷惑,说它是男人或女人,为它命名而称某某先生、女士等,如此一来,更容易相互辨认。但事实上,其中没有任何「人」,只有地、水、火、风。当它们聚合成形时,我们称这结果为「人」,但切莫高兴得太早,若真的深入观察它,其中根本没有任何「人」。 身体坚硬的部分——肉、皮肤、骨头等,称为「地界」;身体液体的部分则是「水界」;身体温暖的机能是「火界」;在身体里流动的气体则是「风界」。 在巴蓬寺有具看来既非男也非女的身体,它是具骷髅,挂在大会堂中。看著它,你不会有男人或女人的感觉。人们彼此询问那是男人或女人,而所能做的只是茫然地面面相觑。它只足具骷髅,所有的皮、肉都消失了。 人们从不曾真正看过自己 人们对这些事都很无知。有些人来到巴蓬寺,走进大会堂,看见骷髅立刻夺门而出!他们不忍卒睹,害怕骷髅。我想这些人以前一定未看过自己,他们应该反省骷髅的珍贵价值。要到寺院来必须乘车或走路,若没有骨头,怎么办得到?他们能走路吗?但坐车来到巴蓬寺,走进大会堂,看见骷髅却夺门而出!他们从未看过这东西,其实他们生来就有一副,却从未看过它。 现在有机会看见,真的非常幸运。即使老人看见也会受到惊吓,这究竟是怎么一回事?这表示他们对自己完全陌生,不曾真的认识自己,也许回家后会失眠三、四天……不过,他们仍和一副骷髅睡在一起!无伦穿衣、吃饭或做任何事都在一起,但他们却害怕它。 人们如此疏于接触自己,真是可怜!他们总是向外看,看树、看人、看外界事物,说:「这个是大的」、「那个是小的」、「这是短的」、「那是长的」。他们如此急于看其他东西,但从不曾看过自己。老实说,人们真的很可怜,他们没有皈依处。 在受戒仪式中,戒子必须学习五项基本的禅修主题:头发、体毛、指甲、牙齿、皮肤。①有些学生和受过教育者在仪式中听到这部分时会暗自窃笑:「到底阿姜想教我们什么呢?竟然教导一生下就有的头发,他无须教这些,他们早就知道了。为何要教导我们早已知道的事呢?」 愚人就是如此,自以为早就看过头发了。我告诉他们,当我说「看头发」时,意思是如实地看见它,如实地看见体毛、指甲、牙齿与皮肤。 这才是我所谓的「看」——...
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...序:我所理解的生活 《我所理解的生活》作者:韩寒 做自己喜欢的事情,和自己喜欢的一切在一起。 多天前参加比赛,来了一个久未见面的朋友,他现在的工作是给明星做经纪。整个周末 他都在我们车队的帐篷里。周日分别,他对我说,其实你的自我开发做得并不好,形象管理 有问题,如果有职业经纪人帮你打理一下,必然远不是今天的模样。这样,回去给你一个总 结的邮件。 刚才他打来了电话说,你问题太多,邮件说不清楚。比如你在比赛那天一直“双反”,你 知道么?我当时就晕了,我只知道“双规”和“单反”,“双反”还真不知道。弄半天才明白,所 谓“双反”,原来是衣服穿反了,而且内 外和前后都反了。我说,我出门太急,真没注 意,也没人提醒我,难怪一整天都觉得脖子有点勒。 朋友说这个问题不大,你本来就粗心,容易被人取笑。更要命的是,你在车队帐篷的沙 发上乱睡觉。你睡觉的时候总共有十二个人来拍过你的睡姿,五个是挂记者证的,四个是车 队成员,三个是其他车手,其中有两个是故意拍丑态大头照的。我查了一下,其中五个人发 微博了。有一张照片很难看,影响形象,你身边也没人拦着人家拍照,这在我们这行里是绝 对不允许的。我说这我也没办法,熬夜看欧洲杯,的确睡眠不够,你叫我怎么能睡得玉树临 风? 朋友继续教育我,面部表情是其次,关键是你团着身子睡,手还一直塞在自己的裆部, 这个猥琐的动作绝对是破坏形象的。照片如果上传,有些网友看见了容易反感。我说我又没 把手塞在那些网友的裆部,我碰了自己的鸟,关他们鸟事,反感就拉倒呗。朋友说,不是这 样的,你是一个公众人物,现在又是微博时代,谁都能随手拍,越夸张传播越快。你要确保 自己的每一张照片都不能影响你的形象,比如你的手放的位置不对,很容易被一下转发数千 条。我说,这我实在没办法,空调温度太低了,只要一冷,我就自动睡成捂裆派了,从小就 这样。总不能我睡觉的时候,雇几个保镖拦着不让拍照,这也太装逼了。 朋友还指出了一堆问题,比如随意跟人合影,人家递过来什么都签,这会留下隐患。我 说,不,人家如果递过来一百块人民币我就不签。朋友肯定道,不错,你还算有这个意识, 我们行业里有明星在递过来的钞票上签字,结果被网友骂死,破坏人民币肯定不好。我说不 是的,是因为我不想把自己的名字和老毛放在一起。 朋友痛心疾首道,你看,你这种话不能乱说,得罪的人太多。你在车队聊天也是这样, 什么都说,而且常说脏话。你要知道,如果现场有一个不怀好意的,把你说的那些用手机录 下来,放到网上,是很大的负面新闻。你知道当时帐篷里多少人?十八个!你都认识么?我 回答说,有几个不认识。朋友的听筒差点掉地上,有几个不认识你就那么说话?你考虑过后 果么?你一睡醒就和人合影,有一撮头发翘得跟天线宝宝似的,人家还开着闪光灯,照片效 果可想而知。你看你衣服的配色,是很乡土的,最关键是,再不拘小节,裤子拉链还是要拉 上的。总之,你太随便了,也没有一个专业点的经纪人帮你,你如果不严格地对自己的形象 进行系统的管理,就不能保持神秘感和名人气质。你如果对自己有一个好的定位,有合适的 人帮你运作和服务,调整一下你的社交圈子,你能赚得远比现在多得多。你告诉我,你打算 怎么经营自己?你是怎么想的? 我说,整个周末我只在想一个问题,我和对手差了零点三秒,我该怎么追回来?我能惦 记着出门要穿衣服已经不错了,哪还顾得上搭配? 挂了电话,夜深人静,回想朋友所言,有些也对。我在帐篷里口无遮拦,对所有人都没 有设防,要是真有人偷拍偷录或者微博直播,的确会惹麻烦。对陌生人提防与否取决于你的 ...
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...The 3 key points you would take into account about the Maple company/business in order to define the “best possible candidate” are: 1. High-profile customers: Maple’s clients are high-income people that expect “a high level of professionalism from the staff”, and the course is expected to be in an “impeccable condition”. We believe that the first statement is more important for the job, as professional staff can be taught to have the course in an impeccable condition. Therefore, candidates have to be friendly to customers, good looking, have good manners and good attitude to learn. 2. Physical requirement and teamwork: Candidates have to be physically prepared for the job, and have to be able to start working at 5:30 am with a smile on their face, for which we need an active and fit person. Additionally, the job characteristics require team players. 3. Poor pay and seasonality: The job has a low pay in addition to being offered for only 8 months per year. Additionally, candidates must be happy with their positions in order to be nice to clients. This probably involves that the person you are looking for is someone who had an even worse job. The key aspect in choosing someone would be that the person does not have an attractive alternative job in terms of salary or job scope. Even if this candidate does not have optimal skills, we can train him and bring him to speed. Additionally, someone who, for example, is used to cleaning bathrooms, could be very happy working in a distinguished...
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...know why using manners are important in our everyday lives. Introduction: Manners are something people should use everyday to make a good impression on others and to feel good about ourselves. No matter where we are … at home, work, or with friends, practicing good manners is important in our society. Body: I. Manners are important to have A. They are a form of caring B. Manners allow society to communicate with fewer misunderstandings. II. Types of manners that we should use everyday A. Please, thank you, holding a door for someone B. Hanging up your cell phone when you are going through a check out line III. Don’t think a person needs manners? A. Just try to say please when you ask for something and see how different a person reacts to your kindness B. Practicing good manners not only can make your day better but someone else’s just by being courteous C. You can get through Life with Bad Manners but it’s a lot easier with good manners, According To famous Actress Lillian Gish Conclusion: In conclusion, manners are extremely important in society and our everyday lives. It shows people that you are caring and a polite person. Manners allow us to have few misunderstands and get along with people in society. Simple words people can use everyday will show they have manners. Examples of certain manners are the words please and thank you. Also holding the door for someone is a great example. People should practice using manners in their life...
Words: 425 - Pages: 2
...residents of cities, who are familiar with vice, tends to lower the moral tone of the students; and he adduces many facts in proof of his position. There is undoubtedly much truth in this view. Large colleges certainly have a large ratio of dissolute-or, put it less harshly, wild-students than smaller institutions. But this can be truthfully said of their vices: They are more gentlemanly and less vulgar than those practised in country colleges. City students may drink more, and occasionally gamble; but they never give the Professors a charivari, or attack the President with bad eggs, or conspire against the college authorities and get expelled in a body. They have more affection and respect for their Alma Mater-more esprit de corps-more urbane manners. Students however, are not a class suigeneris. They are what their instincts and surroundings make them. An educated gentlemen is apt to be a gentleman even though he be a student; and being a student doesn't prevent him from being a rowdy, if he was born such. Mobs of course lose the human instinct; and we need not look to college-life to find examples of men who act like ruffians when in a...
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...重商主义早晚期代表人物及其主要观点: (1)早期重商主义贸易观点 • 代表人物是威廉·斯塔福 • 强调绝对的贸易顺差,即出口值超过进口值。主张采取行政手段,控制商品进口,禁止货币输出以积累货币财富。早期重商主义的这种思想被称为“货币差额论”或“货币平衡论” (2)晚期重商主义贸易观点 • 代表人物是英国经济学家托马斯·孟 • 晚期重商主义重视的是长期的贸易顺差或总体的贸易顺差,从长远的观点看,认为,在一定时期内贸易逆差是允许的,只要最终的贸易结果能够保证顺差,保证货币最终能够流回国内就可以。因此晚期重商主义的思想被称为“贸易差额论”或“贸易平衡论” 1. 要素丰裕度,要素密集度的概念: 要素丰裕度:衡量的是一个国家所拥有的经济资源的相对丰富性或者说一个国家经济资源的相对供给量。 要素密集度:衡量的是产品中的生产要素的投入比例。 2. 产业内贸易的核心内容 产业内贸易:既出口又进口同类产品的贸易模式(同一产业内部差异产品之间的贸易)。 3. 比较优势论的基本内容 国际贸易的基础并不仅仅局限于劳动生产率的绝对差别,只要各国间存在劳动生产率的相对差别,就会出现生产成本和产品价格的相对差别,从而使各国在不同产品上具有比较优势,使国际分工和国际贸易成为可能,各国应集中生产并出口具有比较优势的产品,同时进口不具有比较优势的产品。 4. 非关税壁垒的种类 1进口配额制 2自动出口配额制 3进口许可证制 4外汇管制 5最高限价制和禁止进口 6歧视性的政府采购 7进口押金制 8技术壁垒,绿色壁垒,环境壁垒 5. 商品倾销,外汇倾销的概念 商品倾销:进口商品以低于正常价值的价格在进口国进行销售,并对进口国的同类产品或产业造成损害或损害威胁。 外汇倾销:是指一国政府利用本国货币对外贬值来达到扩大出口,限制进口目的的一种措施。 6. 贸易创造效应 贸易转移效应 贸易创造效应:成员国之间相互取消关税和非关税壁垒所带来的贸易规模的扩大和福利水平的提升。 假定;1、A、B、C三国生产同一种产品,在国内售价分别为:5美元,2美元、3美元 2、A国对进口的该种产品征100%的关税 3、A国和B国结成关税同盟 关税同盟:贸易创造效应 贸易创造效应经济学分析 1、生产者剩余:a 2、消费者剩余: a+b+c+d 3、政府财政收入:c 4、社会福利水平:b+d 贸易转移效应:建立关税同盟之后成员国之间的相互贸易代替了成员国与非成员国之间的贸易,从而造成贸易规模缩小和福利水平的减少。 贸易转移效应假设: 1、A、B、C三国生产同一种产品,在国内售价分别为:5美元,2美元、3美元 2、自由贸易 3、A国和C国结成关税同盟 关税同盟:贸易转移效应 贸易转移效应经济学分析 1、生产者剩余:a 2、消费者剩余: a+b+c+d 3、政府财政收入: 4、社会福利水平: b+c+d 3、贸易创造与贸易转移效应的经济学分析 [pic] 贸易创造与贸易转移效应的经济学分析结论 1、生产者剩余:a 2、消费者剩余: a+b+c+d 3、政府财政收入:c+e 4、社会福利水平: (b+d)-e 7. 关税的概念 各国海关根据指定的海关税则,对进出关税的货物征收的一种捐税。 8. 出口补贴的概念 又称出口津贴,市一国政府为了降低出口产品价格增强其在国际市场上的竞争力,在出口某商品时,给予出口商的现金补贴,或财政政策上的优惠待遇。 ...
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