...LINEA DEL TIEMPO DE LOS CIENTIFICOS DE LA ELECTRICIDAD Tales de mileto Fue un filosofo griego, fundador de la escuela jónica, considerado como uno de los siete sabios de Grecia. Desde el punto de vista de la electricidad, fue el primero en descubrir que si se frota un trozo de ámbar, este atrae objetos más livianos, y aunque no llego a definir que era debido a la distribución de cargas, si creía que la electricidad residía en el objeto frotado. De aquí se ha derivado el término electricidad, proveniente de la palabra elektron, que en griego significa ámbar, y que la empezó a emplear hacia el año 1600 d. C., el físico y médico ingles Willian Gilbert, cuando encontró esta propiedad en otros muchos cuerpos. Willian Gilbert (1544-1603) se le atribuye realmente el descubrimiento de la electricidad, en un primer estudio científico sobre los fenómenos eléctricos que realizo hacia el año 1600, donde además y por primera vez aplico el término eléctrico a la fuerza que ejercen algunas substancias al ser frotadas. Este científico verifico que muchas substancias se comportaban como el ámbar al ser frotadas, atrayendo objetos livianos, mientras que otras no ejercían atracción alguna, aplicando el término eléctrica a la fuerza que ejercían estas substancias una vez frotadas. Clasificó dichas substancias: llamando a las primeras cuerpos eléctricos y a las segundas aneléctricos Fue el primero en realizar experimentos de electrostática y magnetismo, y quizás su aportación más importante...
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...Purdue Extension CFS-704-2-W Consumer and Family Sciences Department of Consumer Sciences and Retailing When Your Income Drops: Fact Sheet 2 Control Stress You are experiencing tremendous changes in your life if you have lost your job, Adapted by Barbara R. Rowe and Denise Schroeder, Family Resource Management, Purdue University experienced a particularly bad year in your farm or business operation, or have gone through a divorce, a separation, or the death of a spouse. While such events differ in many respects, they may also have some important effects in common. First, crises like these are very stressful in their own right – they force us, against our wishes, to make rapid changes in our lives. Second, however irrationally, they can diminish our self-esteem. Finally, these personal crises often lead to a drop in income and security, and this introduces a host of secondary problems. Because of all these changes and the stress that can result, it is important to understand some causes, effects, and ways of handling stress to cope with difficult times. Severe and prolonged stress of the type associated with events causing loss of income can have a serious effect on a person’s physical and mental health. Stress-related exhaustion is believed to play a significant role in heart attacks, high blood pressure, cancer, and some kinds of arthritis, migraine headaches, peptic ulcers, asthma, allergies, and kidney and thyroid disease. Stress alone probably does not cause these disorders;...
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...MOTORES ELECTRICOS SU CLASIFICACIÓN: • Motores de induccion de jaula de ardilla clase a • Motores de induccion de jaula de ardilla clase c • Motores deinduccion de jaula de ardilla clase d • Motores de inducción de jaula de ardilla de clase f • Clasificación de los motores de inducción de jaula de ardilla de acuerdo con el enfriamiento y el ambiente de trabajo. • Selección de velocidades nominales demotores de induccion • Efecto de la variación de voltaje sobre la velocidad de un motor • Motor sincrono de inducción En este caso estaremos tratando sobre los motores de jaula de ardilla. Estos motores provienen de los motores polifásicos de inducción. Suponiendo que un motor de inducción comercial de jaula de ardilla se haga arrancar con el voltaje nominal de las terminales de línea de su estator desarrollará un par de arranque que hará que aumente la velocidad. Al aumentar la velocidad a partir del reposo (100% de deslizamiento) disminuye su deslizamiento y su par disminuye hasta que se desarrolla un par máximo. Esto hace que la velocidad aumente todavía más, reduciéndose en forma simultánea el deslizamiento y el par que desarrolla el motor de inducción. Los pares desarrollados al arranque y al valor de desplazamiento que produce el par máximo, en ambos exceden el par de la carga, por lo tanto la velocidad del motor aumentará hasta que el valor de desplazamiento sea tan pequeño que el par que se desarrolla se...
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...Article Review 1. The paper clearly defined the research problem. The paper is designed to investigate the relationships between stress and performance among C-PM in a construction company between the project managers. The focus of the author mainly about to investigate the relationships between stress and performance among C-PMs. The purpose also clearly defined as such it provides an opportunity to investigate the impact of stress on the performance of C-PMs. 2. This article describe collection of data which using random sampling procedure, the questionnaire was distributed to 500 C-PMs in Hong Kong by fax, email, or in person. 3. The article organized in a manner of logical and easy interpretation by the readers. There is no further improvement needed as the study had all the required information for its structure. 4. Yes the study had done literature review and outline previous study linked to the topic. Examples depicted from previous studies were below: “In the last few decades, research has been carried out on stress and performance within various groups, such as managers (Therese, 2001), police officers (Tang and Hammontree, 1992), and students (Wolk and Bloom, 1978). “ The model proposed consisted hindrance and challenge stressors which is the cause for employees’ burn out. Stress deteriorates employees’ job satisfaction. In turn, job satisfaction was positively related to organizational...
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...Chapter IV Results and Discussion This chapter presents the data gathered from the randomly selected thirty (30) student assistants from the College of Education. who worked in school year 2011 - 2012. The main objective of the paper is to present the relationship between the academic performance of the respondents and their level of physical and emotional stress. Spefically, this paper aimed to present the following: I. Profile of the Respondents Table 1.1 Frequency Distribution of the Respondents in terms of their Gender Gender|Frequency|Percentage| Female|25|83.33| Male|5|16.67| Total|30|100| Table 1.1 presents the frequency distribution of the respondents in terms of their gender. Based on the result, twenty five (25) which comprises 83.33% of the respondents were female and five (5) or 16.67% of them were male. The result indicates that majority of the respondents were female. This makes the researcher to affirm the fact that female were more inclined in teaching profession than male. Table 1.2 Frequency Distribution Of the Respondents in terms of their Age Age Intervals |Frequency|Percentage| 17 y/o - 18 y/o |3|10| 19 y/o - 20 y/o |12|40| 21 y/o and above|15|50| Total|30|100| Table 1.2 presents the frequency distribution of the respondents in terms of their age. Based on the results, fifteen (15) of the Student assistants or 50% of them were 21 years old and above. There were twelve (12) of them or 40% of the students aged between 19 years old...
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...transformador se puede conectar de distintas maneras. En los transformadores monofásicos, tiene distintas formas de conectarse. Dos o más transformadores se pueden conectar en distintas formas con distintos requerimientos. Cada conexión se encuentra normalizada en grupos de conexión, cada grupo contiene un índice de conexión que es multiplicado a 30° y da resultado al desfase que existen entre las tensiones del secundario respecto al primario de cada transformador. Cuando las conexiones entre devanados son distintas, varía la relación entre las tensiones en condiciones de vacío en los terminales. Para relacionar las tensiones primarias con las secundarias es necesario indicar los desfases relativos entre ellas, ya sea en el lado de baja y alta tensión. La selección de la combinación de cada tipo de conexión dependerá siempre de lo que imponga la operación y las consideraciones...
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...Análisis de la influencia de electrodos verticales en una malla de puesta a tierra. Eduardo Andrés Ospina Serrano, Julián Andrés Ríos Casas, Semaria Ruiz Álvarez. Departamento de energía eléctrica y automática Facultad de Minas Universidad Nacional de Colombia – Sede Medellín Medellín Colombia eaospinas@unal.edu.co jariosca@unal.edu.co seruizal@unal.edu.co Abstract—A mesh is a very common grounding system, capable of evacuating high level currents due to faults or static discharges. Despite the symmetry of the arrangement, the current distribution along the ground is not regular and a great part of the current is evacuated by the electrodes in the periphery of the mesh. A way to make these irregularities more uniform is to place vertical electrodes along the mesh, besides this has the plus of decreasing the grounding resistance, thus, analysis of mesh with and without vertical electrodes is posed here in order to identify the behavior of the mesh in matter of grounding resistance, step and touch voltages, then manipulate the principal variables of analysis to the end of improving the performance of the mesh and establish it as a design criteria. Index Terms—Grounding system, grounding resistance, step voltage, touch voltage, vertical electrodes. proteger tanto personas como equipos evacuando corrientes provenientes de fallas y cargas estáticas entre otros. Dichos sistemas de puesta a tierra son de gran variedad y su diseño implica complejos análisis que en la mayoría de...
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...enjoy your work * You may have difficulty concentrating * You may have more negative thoughts STRESS IN STUDENT – the human reaction to events in our environment. Stress management – it is the amelioration of stress and especially chronic stress often for the purpose of improving every functioning. * stress produce numerous symptoms which vary according to persons, situation, and severity. These can include physical health decline as well as depression. TYPES OF STRESS MANAGEMENT * Acute stress – is usually for short time and may be due to work pressure, meeting deadlines pressure or minor accident, over exertion, increased physical activity, searching something but you misplaced it, or similar things. Symptoms of this type of tension are...
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...stopped by the kidnapping and murder of Moro in 1978 by the Red Brigades, an extremist left-wing terrorist organization. The Communist party was at this point the largest communist party in western Europe, and remained such for the rest of its existence. Their ability to attract members was largely due to their pragmatic stance, especially their rejection of extremism, and to their growing independence from Moscow (see Eurocommunism). The Italian communist party was especially strong in areas like Emilia Romagna, where communists had been elected to stable government positions. This practical political experience may have contributed to their taking a more pragmatic approach to politics. [edit] The Years of Lead See also: Strategy of tension On 12 December 1969 a roughly decade-long period of extremist left- and right-wing political terrorism, known as the years of lead (as in the metal of bullets, Italian: anni di piombo), began with the Piazza Fontana bombing in the center of Milan. Neofascist Vincenzo Vinciguerra later declared the bombing to be an attempt to push the Italian state to declare a state of emergency, in order to lead to a more authoritative state. A bomb left in a bank killed about twenty, and was initially blamed on anarchist Giuseppe Pinelli. This accusation was hotly contested by left-wing...
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...JBMR ORIGINAL ARTICLE Osteoblast Maturation and New Bone Formation in Response to Titanium Implant Surface Features Are Reduced With Age Rene Olivares-Navarrete, 1 * Andrew L Raines, 1,2 * Sharon L Hyzy, 1 Jung Hwa Park, 1 Daphne L Hutton, 1 David L Cochran , 3 Barbara D Boyan , 1 and Zvi Schwartz 1,3 1 Parker H. Petit Institute for Bioengineering and Bioscience, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, USA St. Joseph’s Translational Research Institute, Atlanta, GA, USA 3 University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, San Antonio, TX, USA 2 ABSTRACT The surface properties of materials contribute to host cellular response and play a significant role in determining the overall success or failure of an implanted biomaterial. Rough titanium (Ti) surface microtopography and high surface free energy have been shown to enhance osteoblast maturation in vitro and increase bone formation in vivo. Whereas the surface properties of Ti are known to affect osteoblast response, host bone quality also plays a significant role in determining successful osseointegration. One factor affecting host bone quality is patient age. We examined both in vitro and in vivo whether response to Ti surface features was affected by animal age. Calvarial osteoblasts isolated from 1-, 3-, and 11-month-old rats all displayed a reduction in cell number and increases in alkaline phosphatase–specific activity and osteocalcin in response to increasing Ti surface microtopography...
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...GPH- 100P-02 Ahrens Extreme Weather and Climate Ch. 7 Q’s 1, 2, 4, 10, 13, 16, 19, 20 1. What is the primary difference between a cloud droplet and a raindrop? A typical cloud droplet is 100 times smaller than a raindrop. Clouds are composed of many small droplets. 2. Describe how the process of collision and coalescence produces precipitation. To produce the many collisions necessary to form a raindrop, some cloud droplets must be larger than others. Larger drops may form on large condensation nuclei, such as salt particles, or through random collisions of droplets. The amount of time a droplet spends in a cloud, the larger it will be. In warm clouds (above freezing at all levels) strong updrafts slow the rain drops down, which allows it to grow larger because it spends more time in the cloud. As the droplet grows to 1 mm, the pull of gravity suspends the particle against the updraft. It will eventually collide with other small droplets begin to descend slowly, picking up size and speed. As it falls faster it reaches a size of 5mm at which point it is a rain drop. 4. How does the ice-crystal (Bergeron) process produce precipitation? What is the main premise behind this process? The Bergeron Process proposes that ice crystals and liquid cloud droplets must co-exist in clouds at temperatures below freezing. This process of rain formation is extremely important in middle and high latitudes, where clouds are able to extend upwards into regions where air temperatures...
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...CHAPTER 5 RESULT AND ANALYSIS 5.1 Result Two images of SAR and landsat8 are classified with automated signature using maximum likelihood algorithm. Fig. 6.9 shown classified map of the SAR image with automated training technique using maximum likelihood method which contains two classes, namely water and non water bodies. Fig.6.6 illustrate the classified map of landsat8 multispectral image which consists of four classes, such as water bodies , vegetation, bare land, buildup & sand area. Fig 6.16 shown the SAR image classification on the basis of ISODATA method. The water bodies visualized in classified landsat8 images are less than the amount of water bodies shown in the SAR images. The water bodies are depicted in the classified SAR map are flooded regions; by comparing two classified water bodies, flood location of study area is determined. In Fig. 6.16 Considerable Misclassification is detected in the result of ISODATA analysis. Classification with traditional maximum likelihood method is also shown in fig. 5.7. its result considerably less than the presented technique. The weakness of unsupervised classification is clearly indicated. The precision of result is drawn from confusion matrix. , fig.5.11 shown the flood location depicted in study area presented. To evaluate the generated flood inventory map and to assess the efficiency of proposed method a confusion matrix is generated. Table 6.1 to 6.10 display the confusion matrix results for the classified map of SAR...
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...I drip on your sink like water, I splash on your sink with water, I feel like I’m 21 Savage. Water, Water, Water, Water, Water, Water, Water, Water. I drip on your sink like water, I splash on your sink with the water, water, water, water, water. Water on my sink I keep wet like my cellphone. Water on my white skin and the redbone. Andi wrap your pipe up like some headphones. You say I ain’t got nothing I’m Andi and I’m well known I ain’t got time for no wife, Yeah, you kiss a pipe, Yeah feel like Yachty just give me one night, Yeah and if she like coke I tell her I’m going to Yeah. Yeah sink I’m a Strapped up like a Man made like a Boosie faded like a Andi join the wave Player take a hike...
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...OBJECTIVES The objectives of this experiment are as follow: • To study the rate of evaporation of water, acetone and diethyl ether. • To determine the intermolecular forces of the liquids. INTRODUCTION Evaporation is the process whereby atoms or molecules in a liquid state gain sufficient energy to enter the gaseous state. The thermal motion of a molecule must be sufficient to overcome the surface tension of the liquid in order for it to evaporate, that is, its kinetic energy must exceed the work function of cohesion at the surface. Evaporation therefore proceeds more quickly at higher temperature and in liquids with lower surface tension. Since only a small proportion of the molecules are located near the surface and are moving in the proper direction to escape at any given instant, the rate of evaporation is limited. Also, as the faster-moving molecules escape, the remaining molecules have lower average kinetic energy, and the temperature of the liquid thus decreases. In this project, we will focus on the rate of evaporation of water, acetone and diethyl ether. We can determine the major factor that cause the difference of the rate of evaporation between them. Most liquids are made up of molecules, and the levels of mutual attraction among different molecules help explain why some liquids evaporate faster than others. Intermolecular attractions that exist between the molecule of the water, acetone and diethyl ether affect...
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...leaves. Cassava leaves is common inside the community. The solution aims to produce the as an potential emulsion surfactant for detergents using the cassava leaves. The product does the same job as others but is more natural because an organic specimen is added. It contains less harmful chemicals. The said product will perform important functions in detergents cleaning such as loosening emulsifying and holding suspension until it can be rinsed (Healthy Cleaning 101, 2010 ) . Detergents are a surfactant or a mixture of surfactants with cleansing properties. It is a product of surfactants, an effective cleansing product because it has one or more surfactants. Chemicals like surfactants are said to make water wetter, reducing the surface tensions. Detergent’s surfactant were developed in response to a shortage of animal and vegetable fats and oils during world wars....
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