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The 5 "S"


Submitted By yano
Words 633
Pages 3
The Will of God can be broken down into five specific parts. They are as followed:
1. Salvation - "God has no reason to reveal to you anything in particular about your life because you have not met qualification number one: salvation" (p. 13). If we do not believe in his existence we cannot fall under His will. If we have faith in who God is then we can also believe in His will and that what He offers us is as real as Himself . "If you have never committed your life to Jesus Christ, you cannot expect anything at all from God" (p. 16). God has no obligation to save us, in His sovereignty and His grace salvation is found. Only if we believe, are we brought into his will.
2. Spirit-filled - "There is no Christian who does not possess the Holy Spirit" (p. 21). If you have accepted Christ into your life then you have been equipped with God’s Holy Spirit. “We do not need to ask for the Spirit: He is in us already; since we have the Spirit, we also have power” (p. 74) The Spirit is what allows us to be usable by God in which we are called for His purposes.
3. Sanctification - “God desires every believer to be sanctified” (p.37) It makes God happy when we desire what he desires. ”We ought to keep our bodies in subjection to ensure that we are honoring God" (p. 40). Our words and actions display Christ, when we choose His way we are glorifying Jesus’ name. "God's calling—God's will—is that we be sanctified, holy, pure" (p. 42). Choosing God’s plan for our lives congruent with His will, means saying “no” to some things to choose the better yes that God has designed because He loves us.
4. Submission - "The Christian strives to be the best person he or she can be and to make the best contribution to society possible within the bounds of the law" (p. 47). Our attitudes and actions are an example to the world that does not know Christ. "God wants us to be the kind of

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Constraint Logic Programming in Prolog: Hanjie Puzzle Solver

...Constraint Logic Programming in Prolog: Hanjie Puzzle Solver Lu´ Cleto and Jo˜o Marinheiro ıs a FEUP-PLOG, Turma 3MIEIC05, Group 23 {ei11077,ei11129} Abstract. The purpose of this project was to use constraint logic programming in Prolog to implement a solver for the 2D puzzle, Hanjie. For this purpose we used the clp(FD) library provided by SICStus Prolog 4.2.3, specifically the sum/3 and automaton/3 combinatorial constraints. The program we developed is able to solve puzzles with dimensions up to 88x88, with only one possible solution, in less than one second. When there are multiple solutions, the execution time for the obtaining the first solution varies with the number of possible solutions. These results show that the execution time of the program is primarily affected by the amount of possible results. While larger grid dimensions do increase the execution time, the increase is linear if the number of possible solutions is maintained. On the other hand, increasing the number of possible solutions will lead to an exponential growth in execution time. 1 Introduction The goal of this project is to use constraint logic programming in Prolog to develop a logic program capable of solving a decision problem in the form of the 2D puzzle, Hanjie. This puzzle consists of a rectangular grid with ’clues’ on top of every column and to the left of every row that indicate the number and length of gray blocks in that column/row. To achieve this goal, first...

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Telco Color Code

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