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The Christian Bible: Monotheistic Religion

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Christianity is a monotheistic religion which can be traced to Judaism
The Christian Bible is composed of the New Testament and the Old Testament.
Jesus is believed to be the Messiah of the anointed one base on the predictions of the Old Testament.
Christianity is the large religion in the world today.


I. Fill in the Blanks with the correct word. Choose your answer from the boxes.

A. Jesus Christ
6 B.C.E.- 29 C.E.

Jesus of _________________ was born in _________________a province of ___________ . He was born at around______________.

He founded the religion called __________________.

B. Apostles Creed

Son of God
Holy Spirit
God the Father
Judgment Day …show more content…
Mohammed was born in a small town of Mecca, on the coast of the Red Sea of Arabia, in about 570 A.D. He was the son of a merchant, and when he grew up he went into the family business. He was raised by his grandfather and as an adult married to an older widow, Khadijah, who was laso active in spreading Mohammed’s beliefs. In Mecca, there was a lot of money to be made out of the pilgrims who came from all over the east to see the Kaabah stone, said to have been brought to the town by Abraham. When Mohammed was about forty, he became increasingly religious and began to spend long periods of time in deep meditation. Later on, he decided to give up business and lead a life of prayer and meditation, preaching and helping the poor. Mohammed soon acquired followers and began to preach rules of good and kind behavior , claiming that he had been inspired by God, or in his language, Allah, which were transmitted through the angel Gabriel. Mohammed condemned the Arabs for worshipping different gods, and told his audiences that Allah was the one and only true God, in which Moses had said in the first of the Ten Commandments. At first , Mohammed’s teachings angered the Arabs. He was driven out of Mecca in 622, and escaped to Medina where he found more followers. Within ten years, he had acquired considerable support. This include small and devoted group of followers willing to

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