...became known as Vulgar Latin. Vulgar Latin is not a language of obscenities, but a language that used dialect from different coulters and languages for their people to understand. Latin began to adapted and transform into to the languages of the people from a particular region, becoming less understandable to the people of other regions, eventually turning Latin into a dead language (The End of Europe's Middle Ages) Adaptation is very evident throughout history. As the common people began to drop syllables or terminal letters, beginning what is known today as slang, different languages and dialect began to form. Today even in different states of America we from different languages of our culture, using slang and thick accents, which are hard for some outsiders to understand. Much like soldiers in Roam, who traveled using Latin with their native language developing a type of slang. Forming different languages, that developed into the rise vernacular language, or Vulgar Latin. (Gill, N, S) Slang is words or speech that is known as informal, in today's world, we use it more in speaking then in righting. Slang an informal speech began the end of Latin and the use of vernacular language. As vernacular...
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...In 1834, Jackson began a push to move towards "hard" currency, gradually phasing out small bills over more than twenty years. He and Benton believed that only gold and silver provided proper security, as, during financial bust periods, working-class people could not get credit. Hard money, then, ensured the workers would always be paid in money that had real value. The move terrified many rich Democrats, who saw a future in which they might not be able to conduct business with large bills. In a final attempt to end the Bank, Jackson ordered it to cease issuing pensions to Revolutionary War veterans and to relinquish those funds. Biddle refused, and the bank battle quickly deteriorated. Jackson's own Attorney General questioned the moves, and Jackson faced barrages from business leaders up and down the East Coast who thought he must mean to ruin the country. Some Democrats began to leave the party. Joining with National Republican, states righters, nullifiers, and other Jackson enemies, they formed the Whig party–headed by none other than Clay. The views of those involved were so disparate that they could only unify under the banner of opposing Jackson's bold new uses of Presidential authority. Indeed, the Whig newspapers soon mockingly anointed Jackson "King Andrew I." The new party, coupled with a rumor that a new bank might launch in New York to counter the national bank, brought the nation new fear of financial disaster. Although Van Buren eventually quieted the new bank...
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...contempory psychology. In the business world it is one of the hottest topics thanks to author Daniel Goldman, righter of Emotional Intelligents why it can matter more than IQ. When taking the EIQ test it relayed to me a message of my results, those results were: There's some bad news and some good news. The bad news is that your Emotional IQ is rather low. In a practical sense, this means that you are not reaching your full potential. Low EIQ has a negative impact on all aspects of life such as relationships, emotional health and level of motivation. As a result of your behavior, others may often view you as critical, inexpressive, inhibited, detached, cold, or even condescending. Your difficulties relating to others and dealing successfully with your own emotions may have a negative impact on your health; people with lower EIQs are prone to anxiety, depression, excessive guilt, aggressiveness, low self-concept, and stress-related problems. Chances are that you also have difficulty bouncing back from life's problems. Now for the good news: by learning and practicing new skills and more effective ways of dealing with people, you can significantly improve your EIQ. The benefits will be numerous, including stronger relationships, a more successful career and better health. Most of all, you will be an all-around happier person. My experience with taking this test was hard hitting. It showed me that I need to overcome some obstacles’ in my life to be a better person. It also tells...
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...The following text is the second chapter of ―L‘Essai sur l‘oeconomie‖ by Pierre Calame, published at Editions Charles-Léopold Mayer in 2009. Translated from French by Michael C. Behrent. Chapter 2. Globalization in Question 1. “Pro” vs. “Anti” Globalization: The New Divide For a number of years, the question of economic globalization—i.e., the interdependence of national systems of production and exchange and the ―financialization‖ of the world (revealed by the American subprime crisis in 2007)—has polarized public opinion. The problems stemming from economic globalization dominate the news: the outsourcing production in search of cheaper labor costs; the decreasing efficiency of national juridical and fiscal regulation; the waning of the very idea of sovereignty; the growing constraints within which politicians can act; the emergence of a small class of the immensely rich alongside the billions of poor; the rise of new financial actors—pension funds, hedge funds, and sovereign wealth funds—capable of destabilizing or seizing control of entire realms of the economy; and the emergence of China and India as new global economic actors, as their companies storm the industrial bastions of the United States and Europe. Should one be for or against globalization? Can we turn our backs on globalization, and return to national or regional systems of production and exchange that are autonomous, even autarkic? Is the large cosmopolitan corporation the new leviathan—a monster that...
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...Harvard Business School 9-386-019 Rev. November 15, 1987 R&R During the summer of 1983, Bob Reiss observed with interest the success in the Canadian market of a new board game called “Trivial Pursuit.” His years of experience selling games in the U.S. had taught him a rough rule of thumb: the sales of a game in the U.S. tended to be approximately ten times those of sales in Canada. Since “Trivial Pursuit” had sold 100,000 copies north of the border, Reiss thought that trivia games might soon boom in the U.S., and that this might represent a profitable opportunity for him. Reiss’ Background After his graduation from Harvard Business School in 1956, Reiss began working for a company that made stationery products. His main responsibility was to build a personalized pencil division, and he suggested that he be paid a low salary and a high sales commission. He was able to gain an excellent understanding of that market, and by 1959 could start on his own as an independent manufacturer’s representative in the same industry. His direct contact with stores that sold stationery products revealed that many of them were beginning to sell adult games. He decided to specialize in those products. In 1973, Reiss sold his representative business to a small American Stock Exchange company in the needlecraft business in exchange for shares. He then set up a game manufacturing division and ran it for that company, building sales to $12,000,000 in three years. Reiss decided to go into...
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...Chapter 1 The Christmas dinner dispute introduces the political landscape of late nineteenth-century Ireland into the novel. This is the first Christmas meal at which Stephen is allowed to sit at the grown-up table, a milestone in his path toward adulthood. The dispute that unfolds among Dante, Mr. Dedalus, and Mr. Casey makes Stephen quickly realize, however, that adulthood is fraught with conflicts, doubts, and anger. This discussion engenders no harmonious Christmas feeling of family togetherness. Rather, the growing boy learns that politics is often such a charged subject that it can cause huge rifts even within a single home. Dante's tumultuous departure from the dinner table is the first in a pattern of incidents in which characters declare independence and break away from a group for political and ideological reasons. Indeed, the political landscape of Ireland is deeply divided when the action of the novel occurs. Secularists like Mr. Dedalus and Mr. Casey feel that religion is keeping Ireland from progress and independence, while the orthodox, like Dante, feel that religion should take precedence in Irish culture. The secularists consider Parnell the savior of Ireland, but Parnell's shame at being caught in an extramarital affair tarnishes his political luster and earns him the church's condemnation. This condemnation on the part of the church mirrors Stephen's shame over expressing a desire to marry Eileen Vance, who is Protestant. On the whole, however, Stephen's reaction...
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...Grameen Bank: Taking Capitalism to the Poor Evaristus Mainsah* MBA ’04 Schuyler R. Heuer MBA ’04 Aprajita Kalra MBA/MIA ’04 Columbia Business School Columbia University School of International and Public Affairs Qiulin Zhang MPA ’04 Columbia University School of International and Public Affairs This paper was written as part of the course Emerging Financial Markets taught by David O. Beim, professor of professional practice, at Columbia Business School in fall 2003. The authors are grateful for his invaluable feedback. © 2004 by The Trustees of Columbia University in the City of New York. All rights reserved. CHAZEN WEB JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS SPRING 2004 www.gsb.columbia.edu/chazenjournal * Corresponding author (EMainsah04@gsb.columbia.edu). Executive Summary In the early 1970s, Professor Muhammad Yunus envisioned a means of alleviating poverty by circumventing the major impediment to lending to the poorest in society—the need for collateral. He tested this instinct in an experiment in 1976, when he lent about $27 to 42 women in an ordinary Bangladeshi village. Just 30 years later, Grameen Bank has more than 3.2 million borrowers (95 percent of whom are women), 1,178 branches, services in 41,000 villages and assets of more than $3 billion. This paper explores Grameen Bank’s origins, structure, culture, performance and efforts to expand and broaden the microfinance agenda. The authors evaluate Grameen’s success in implementing Yunus’s vision...
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...A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man Context James Joyce was born on February 2, 1882, in the town of Rathgar, near Dublin, Ireland. He was the oldest of ten children born to a well-meaning but financially inept father and a solemn, pious mother. Joyce's parents managed to scrape together enough money to send their talented son to the Clongowes Wood College, a prestigious boarding school, and then to Belvedere College, where Joyce excelled as an actor and writer. Later, he attended University College in Dublin, where he became increasingly committed to language and literature as a champion of Modernism. In 1902, Joyce left the university and moved to Paris, but briefly returned to Ireland in 1903 upon the death of his mother. Shortly after his mother's death, Joyce began work on the story that would later become A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man. Published in serial form in 1914–1915, A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Mandraws on many details from Joyce's early life. The novel's protagonist, Stephen Dedalus, is in many ways Joyce's fictional double—Joyce had even published stories under the pseudonym "Stephen Daedalus" before writing the novel. Like Joyce himself, Stephen is the son of an impoverished father and a highly devout Catholic mother. Also like Joyce, he attends Clongowes Wood, Belvedere, and University Colleges, struggling with questions of faith and nationality before leaving Ireland to make his...
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...Chapter 1 Introduction to Law and Legal Reasoning TRUE/FALSE QUESTIONS A1. The stability and predictability of the law is essential to business activities. B1. An important function of the law is to provide jurisprudence. A2. Law is a body of enforceable rules governing relationships among individuals and between individuals and their society. B2. How judges apply the law to specific disputes may depend in part on their personal philosophical views. A3. The basis for the U.S. legal system is natural law. B3. A judge’s view of the law is of little importance in a common law legal system. A4. Constitutional law includes only the U.S. Constitution. B4. Congress can only pass legislation that falls within the limits set up by the U.S. Constitution. A5. A state constitution is supreme within the state’s borders. B5. The U.S. Constitution is the supreme law of the United States. A6. Whether a law is constitutional depends on its source. B6. Each state has its own constitution. A7. Uniform laws apply in all states, including those in which the laws have not been adopted. B7. The Federal Trade Commission developed the Uniform Commercial Code. A8. A state law that conflicts with the U.S. Constitution will be deemed unconstitutional. B8. State agency regulations take precedence over conflicting federal...
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...Th e T yranny of Gui lt • Pa s c a l B ru c k n e r Translated from the French by s t ev e n r e n da l l The tyranny of Guilt An Essay on Western Masochism • P r i n c e t o n u n i v e r si t y P r e s s Princeton and Oxford english translation copyright © 2010 by Princeton university Press First published as La tyrannie de la pénitence: essai sur le masochisme occidental by Pascal Bruckner, copyright © 2006 by Grasset & Fasquelle Published by Princeton university Press, 41 William street, Princeton, new Jersey 08540 in the united kingdom: Princeton university Press, 6 oxford street, Woodstock, oxfordshire OX20 1TW press.princeton.edu all rights reserved library of congress cataloging-in-Publication data Bruckner, Pascal. [tyrannie de la pénitence. english] The tyranny of guilt: an essay on Western masochism / Pascal Bruckner; translated from the French by steven rendall. p. cm. includes index. isBn 978-0-691-14376-7 (cloth : alk. paper) 1. civilization, Western— 20th century. 2. civilization, Western—21st century. 3. international relations—Moral and ethical aspects. 4. Western countries—Foreign relations. 5. Western countries—intellectual life. 6. Guilt 7. self-hate (Psychology) 8. World politics. i. title. CB245.B7613 2010 909’.09821--dc22 2009032666 British library cataloging-in-Publication data is available cet ouvrage, publié dans le cadre d’un programme d’aide à la publication, bénéficie du soutien du Ministère des affaires étrangères et du service...
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.... ReseaRching and WRiting a disseRtation a guidebook foR business students Colin Fisher second edition . Researching and Writing a Dissertation: A Guidebook for Business Students . We work with leading authors to develop the strongest educational materials in management, bringing cutting-edge thinking and best learning practice to a global market. Under a range of well-known imprints, including Financial Times Prentice Hall, we craft high-quality print and electronic publications which help readers to understand and apply their content, whether studying or at work. To find out more about the complete range of our publishing, please visit us on the World Wide Web at: www.pearsoned.co.uk . Researching and Writing a Dissertation: A Guidebook for Business Students Second edition Colin Fisher with John Buglear Diannah Lowry Alistair Mutch Carole Tansley . Pearson Education Limited Edinburgh Gate Harlow Essex CM20 2JE England and Associated Companies throughout the world Visit us on the World Wide Web at: www.pearsoned.co.uk First published 2004 Second edition 2007 © Pearson Education Limited 2004 © Pearson Education Limited 2007 The right of Colin Fisher to be identified as author of this work has been asserted by him in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical...
Words: 142971 - Pages: 572
...CALIFORNIA CALIFORNIA An Interpretive History TENTH EDITION James J. Rawls Instructor of History Diablo Valley College Walton Bean Late Professor of History University of California, Berkeley TM TM CALIFORNIA: AN INTERPRETIVE HISTORY, TENTH EDITION Published by McGraw-Hill, a business unit of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 1221 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10020. Copyright © 2012 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. Previous editions © 2008, 2003, and 1998. No part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written consent of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., including, but not limited to, in any network or other electronic storage or transmission, or broadcast for distance learning. Some ancillaries, including electronic and print components, may not be available to customers outside the United States. This book is printed on acid-free paper. 1234567890 QFR/QFR 10987654321 ISBN: 978-0-07-340696-1 MHID: 0-07-340696-1 Vice President & Editor-in-Chief: Michael Ryan Vice President EDP/Central Publishing Services: Kimberly Meriwether David Publisher: Christopher Freitag Sponsoring Editor: Matthew Busbridge Executive Marketing Manager: Pamela S. Cooper Editorial Coordinator: Nikki Weissman Project Manager: Erin Melloy Design Coordinator: Margarite Reynolds Cover Designer: Carole Lawson Cover Image: Albert Bierstadt, American (born...
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...Unit 1 Lesson 1 Finding fossil man 发现化石人 First listen and then answer the following question. 听录音,然后回答以下问题。 Why are legends handed down by storytellers useful? We can read of things that happened 5,000 years ago in the Near East, where people first learned to write. But there are some parts of the word where even now people cannot write. The only way that they can preserve their history is to recount it as sagas -- legends handed down from one generation of another. These legends are useful because they can tell us something about migrations of people who lived long ago, but none could write down what they did. Anthropologists wondered where the remote ancestors of the Polynesian peoples now living in the Pacific Islands came from. The sagas of these people explain that some of them came from Indonesia about 2,000 years ago. But the first people who were like ourselves lived so long ago that even their sagas, if they had any, are forgotten. So archaeologists have neither history nor legends to help them to find out where the first 'modern men' came from. Fortunately, however, ancient men made tools of stone, especially flint, because this is easier to shape than other kinds. They may also have used wood and skins, but these have rotted away. Stone does not decay, and so the tools of long ago have remained when even the bones of the men who made them have disappeared without trace. ROBIN PLACE Finding fossil man New words and expressions 生词和短语 fossil man (title) adj. 化石人 recount...
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...A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide) m START m CHAPTER 7 m CONTENTS m CHAPTER 8 m LIST OF FIGURES m CHAPTER 9 m PREFACE m CHAPTER 10 m CHAPTER 1 m CHAPTER 11 m CHAPTER 2 m CHAPTER 12 m CHAPTER 3 m APPENDICES m CHAPTER 4 m GLOSSARY m CHAPTER 5 m INDEX m CHAPTER 6 EXIT A Guide to the Project A Guide to the Management A Guide to the Project Body of Project Management Knowledge Management Body of (PMBOK Guide) Body of KnowledgeE KnowledgeE L L ® P MP AM SA S 2000 Edition Project Management Institute Newtown Square, Pennsylvania USA ❍ NAVIGATION LINKS ❍ ACROYMNS ❍ ACRONYMS LIST LIST ❍ ACROYMNS LIST Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data A guide to the project management body of knowledge (PMBOK® guide).--2000 ed. p. cm. Includes biobliographical references and index. ISBN 1-880410-22-2 (alk. paper)--ISBN 1-880410-23-0 (pbk. : alk. paper) 1. Industrial project management. I. Title: PMBOK® guide. II. Project Management Institute. HD69.P75 G845 2001 658.4’04—dc21 00-051727 CIP A Guide to the A Guide to the Project Project Management Management Body of Body of KnowledgeE L KnowledgeE PL ISBN: 1-880410-23-0 (paperback) ISBN: 1-880410-22-2 (hardcover) ISBN: 1-880410-25-7 (CD-ROM) MP AM SA S Published by: Project Management Institute, Inc...
Words: 88066 - Pages: 353
...Project Management Institute A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide) – Fifth Edition Licensed To: Jorge Diego Fuentes Sanchez PMI MemberID: 2399412 This copy is a PMI Member benefit, not for distribution, sale, or reproduction. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data A guide to the project management body of knowledge (PMBOK® guide). -- Fifth edition. pages cm Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 978-1-935589-67-9 (pbk. : alk. paper) 1. Project management. I. Project Management Institute. II. Title: PMBOK guide. HD69.P75G845 2013 658.4’04--dc23 2012046112 ISBN: 978-1-935589-67-9 Published by: Project Management Institute, Inc. 14 Campus Boulevard Newtown Square, Pennsylvania 19073-3299 USA Phone: +610-356-4600 Fax: +610-356-4647 Email: customercare@pmi.org Internet: www.PMI.org ©2013 Project Management Institute, Inc. All rights reserved. “PMI”, the PMI logo, “PMP”, the PMP logo, “PMBOK”, “PgMP”, “Project Management Journal”, “PM Network”, and the PMI Today logo are registered marks of Project Management Institute, Inc. The Quarter Globe Design is a trademark of the Project Management Institute, Inc. For a comprehensive list of PMI marks, contact the PMI Legal Department. PMI Publications welcomes corrections and comments on its books. Please feel free to send comments on typographical, formatting, or other errors. Simply make a copy of the relevant page of the book, mark the error, and...
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