...MEANINGFUL WORK: EXPLORING BARRIERS INTERVENING AS WELL AS FACTORS ENHANCING EMPLOYEES’ ENGAGEMENT IN MEANINGFUL WORK. Course: Careers & Organizations Student: Isabelle van den Tol Studentnumber: 2509606 Contact: i.vandentol@student.vu.nl Coordinators: Prof. dr. Svetlana Khapova & Dr. Sylvia van de Bunt Datum: October 19th, 2015 MEANINGFUL WORK: EXPLORING BARRIERS INTERVENING AS WELL AS FACTORS ENHANCING EMPLOYEES’ ENGAGEMENT IN MEANINGFUL WORK. ISABELLE VAN DEN TOL 2509606 Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam Through interviews and literary findings, a qualitative case study has been done to enrich the theory about the factors enhancing and barriers intervening meaningful work. For this case study two interviews were conducted. Together with the literary findings several findings became apparent. There were three sources found that enhance the meaning of work, being: the self, the others and the work context. There were also several constraints found that are intervening the meaning of work. These constraints were the individualism within the jobs, the communication within the management team and the organizational pressure of being as efficient and effective as possible. These constraints together formed the barriers, which has a negative effect on the meaning of work. These findings were then discussed and concluded. Implications of the findings (e.g. limited amount of data) for both theory and practice are discussed. The area around Human Resource...
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...The current issue and full text archive of this journal is available at www.emeraldinsight.com/1750-5933.htm An efficiency comparison of direct and indirect channels in Taiwan insurance marketing Chiang Ku Fan and Shu Wen Cheng Graduate Institute of Finance and Insurance, Shih Chien University, Taipei, Taiwan, Republic of China Abstract Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to compare the efficiency of bancassurance, an indirect marketing channel formed through the creation of subsidiaries, with an insurer’s own team, a direct marketing channel, in the Taiwan insurance sector. Design/methodology/approach – This paper uses the Charnes, Cooper, and Rhodes (CCR) model to measure the decision-making units’ (DMU) operating efficiency. Findings – The three major findings are: the efficiency score of a direct marketing channel is significantly higher than that of a comparable indirect marketing channel. The efficiency relationship between the indirect marketing channel and the direct marketing channel is independent. A marketing efficiency evaluation, when divided into different marketing channels for evaluation, provides meaningful results for marketing decision-makers. Originality/value – By comparing the efficiency between two different insurance marketing channels, managers in life insurance companies can make a more informed choice. Keywords Direct marketing, Marketing, Insurance, Taiwan Paper type Research paper Comparison of direct and indirect channels 343 Introduction Bancassurance...
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...INTERNSHIP REPORT ON “MONEY LAUNDERING AND ITS PREVENTION POLICY: A CASE OF CITY BANK LIMITED” Submitted To: Mr.Shawkat Kamal Assistant Professor & Program Coordinator, Executive MBA BRAC Business School, BRAC University Submitted By Tarek Amin Chowdhhury ID: 08104130 Department of Business Administration BRAC Business School, BRAC University Date of Submission: 22nd April, 2012 INTERNSHIP REPORT ON “MONEY LAUNDERING AND ITS PREVENTION POLICY: A CASE OF CITY BANK LIMITED” Table of Contents Letter of transmittal ............................................................................................................... i) Acknowledgement ................................................................................................................ ii) Executive Summary ............................................................................................................ iii) Acronyms ............................................................................................................................ iv) Chapter 1 ..................................................................................................................................1 Introduction of the report ........................................................................................................1 1.1 Origin of the report ...........................................................................................................2 1.2 Objective of the report ......
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...Woman’s Rights - Comparative Essay - Hinduism vs. Sikhism Throughout the history of religion, the dialectical process has been in full effect. The dialectical process begins with a thesis, an established entity. In opposition to the thesis, there is an antithesis. The antithesis spawns from the thesis due to oppression, objection or similar matters. This process is generally what happens within religion as well, and how the formation of new religions occur. Sikhism, a religion formed from Hinduism, demonstrates the dialectical process. Within this paper, I will be comparing Hinduism and Sikhism, and the rights of woman within each religion to demonstrate how Sikhism is more progressive within woman’s rights and gender equality. Hinduism is mankind’s oldest living religion; it is a religion that is said to be mother to all religions. It consists of many different religious groups that have evolved in India since 1500 BCE. One of Hinduism’s intentions is to lead individuals to live in unity with dharma, the right way of living, through it’s practices. Hinduism believes in many deities, and accepts that there is no correct way of practice as long as an individual’s ambition is dharma. The Bhagavad Gita, Hinduism’s holy book, quotes, “You are what you believe in. You become that which you believe you can become.” Sikhism is the youngest world religion. It was founded nearly 500 years ago in the Punjab region of India. Currently, there are about thirty million Sikhs in the...
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...Explain the term structure of interest rates. What are the effects of rise in risk and expectations on the formation of long term rates? Interest rate within an economy is subject to many factors and as a result varies in relativity of those. The major factors are time period: short term Vs. long term investments, the degree of risk to which its exposed (AAA rated, mortgages, default, zero coupon…). Term structure of Interest rate is a significant tool for investors of bonds but also for policy makers, in terms of having an overview of whether to invest in short or longer term securities. This essay will go on to explain the term structure of interest rate how it is used by investors, the different theories and hypothesis behind it but also how the creation of long term rates effects its relation to risk. The term structure of interest rates also called the yield curve shows the relationship between interest rate and time to maturity of bonds, it is a common method of bond valuation. A graph is used to represent this relationship in relation to long term interest rates and short term interest rates where the maturity of an investment (x axis ) is compared to the interest rate (y axis) showing the yield (rate return) on bonds with the different maturity length. Term structure of interest usually refers to zero coupon bonds which are bonds without coupons (weekly interest rate payments on the bond) which are sold at its face value requiring as a result a fixed interest...
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...INHOUDTABEL A. 1) B. 1. a. b. c. d. 2) 3) 4) C. 1) 2) 3) 4) D. Inleiding ..................................................................................................................................... 4 Wat is kwalitatief onderzoek? ................................................................................................ 4 Het formuleren van een probleemstelling in kwalitatief onderzoek ........................................... 6 Filosofische paradigma’s ........................................................................................................ 6 Positivisme.......................................................................................................................... 7 Post-positivistisch of het subtiel realisme ........................................................................... 7 Constructivisme ................................................................................................................. 8 De kritische theorie ........................................................................................................... 10 Het onderzoeksdoel .............................................................................................................. 15 Literatuur .............................................................................................................................. 15 Evaluatie ...................................................................................................................
Words: 43527 - Pages: 175
...†iwR÷vW© bs wW G-1 evsjv‡`k †M‡RU AwZwi³ msL¨v KZ…©cÿ KZ…©K cÖKvwkZ e„n¯úwZevi, Ryb 30, 2011 evsjv‡`k RvZxq msm` XvKv, 30†k Ryb, 2011/16B Avlvp, 1418 msm` KZ©„K M„nxZ wbgœwjwLZ AvBbwU 30†k Ryb, 2011 (16B Avlvp, 1418) Zvwi‡L ivóªcwZi m¤§wZ jvf Kwiqv‡Q Ges GZØviv GB AvBbwU me©mvavi‡Yi AeMwZi Rb¨ cÖKvk Kiv hvB‡Z‡Q t⎯ 2011 m‡bi 12bs AvBb miKv‡ii Avw_©K cÖ¯Ívevejx Kvh©KiKiY Ges KwZcq AvBb ms‡kvabK‡í cÖYxZ AvBb †h‡nZz miKv‡ii Avw_©K cÖ¯Ívevejx Kvh©KiKiY Ges wbæewY©Z D‡Ïk¨mg~n c~iYK‡í KwZcq AvBb ms‡kvab Kiv mgxPxb I cÖ‡qvRbxq ; †m‡nZz GZ`&Øviv wbgœiƒc AvBb Kiv nBj:⎯ cÖ_g Aa¨vq cÖviw¤¢K 1| mswÿß wk‡ivbvg I cÖeZ©b|⎯(1) GB AvBb A_© AvBb, 2011 bv‡g AwfwnZ nB‡e| (2) The Provisional Collection of Taxes Act, 1931 (XVI of 1931) Gi Aaxb Rb¯^v‡_© RvixK…Z †NvlYv mv‡c‡ÿ, GB AvBb 2011 m‡bi 1 RyjvB Zvwi‡L Kvh©Ki nB‡e| ( 7677 ) g~j¨ t UvKv 44.00 7678 evsjv‡`k †M‡RU, AwZwi³, Ryb 30, 2011 wØZxq Aa¨vq The Excise & Salt Act, 1944 (I of 1944) Gi ms‡kvab Act I of 1944 Gi FIRST SCHEDULE Gi ms‡kvab |⎯The Excise & Salt Act, 1944 (I of 1944) Gi FIRST SCHEDULE Gi PART II Gi cwie‡Z© GB AvB‡bi Zdwmj-1 G ewY©Z FIRST SCHEDULE Gi PART II cÖwZ¯’vwcZ nB‡e| 2| Z…Zxq Aa¨vq Customs Act, 1969 (Act IV of 1969) Gi ms‡kvab 2K| Act IV of 1969 G section 3 Gi ms‡kvab|⎯Customs Act, 1969 (Act IV of 1969), AZtci Customs Act ewjqv DwjøwLZ, Gi section 3 Gi clause (a) Gi cwie‡Z© wbgœewY©Z clause (a) Ges clause (aa) mwbœ‡ewkZ nB‡e, h_v t⎯ Ò(a) a Chief Commissioner...
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...fo"k; :- Contract – I izFke o"kZ 2015-16 uksV%& fuEufyf[kr iz’u dsoy vuqeku gS bu ij iw.kZr% fuHkZj ugh jgsaA iz’u 1- ^^lHkh lafonk,a djkj gksrh gS ysfdu lHkh djkj lafonk ugha gksrs gSaA^^ D;k vki blls lger gSa \ fu.khZr oknksa dh lgk;rk ls Li"V dhft;sA Q.-1 All contracts are agreements but all agreements are not contracts .Do you agree, Explain with the help of decided cases. iz’u 2- izfrQy dh ifjHkk"kk nhft;s rFkk blds viokn Hkh crkb;sA Q.- 2 Define Consideration and mention exceptions of the Consideration. iz’u 3- izLrko ds fy, Lohd`fr dk ogh egRo gS tks ck:n ls Hkjh xkM+h ds fy, ekfpl dh ,d tyrh gqbZ rhyh dk gS & ,Ulu Q.- 3 “Acceptance is to an offer what a lighted match is to a train of gunpowder.” – Anson. iz’u 4- Mkd o VsyhQksu }kjk lafonk ds fuekZ.k lEcU/kh fu;eksa dk o.kZu dhft,A Q.- 4 Explain the rules relating to formation of contract by post and telephone. iz’u 5- O;kikj vojks/kh djkj 'kwU; gksrs gS \ vioknksa lfgr bldk o.kZu dhft;sA Q.- 5 Agreements in restraint of trade are void. Discuss it with exception. iz’u 6- ckth djkj o lekfJr djkj esa vUrj dhft;s rFkk mudh ifjHkk"kk Hkh nhft;sA Q.- 6 Explain the difference between wagering agreement and contingement agreement and define the both also. iz’u 7- mu vk/kkjksa dk mYys[k dhft;s] ftuds vk/kkj ij ,d djkj o lafonk foQy ;k uSjk’; ¼QzLVªsVsM½ gks tkrh gSA Q.- 7 Explain the grounds on which a agreement and contract becomes frustrated. iz’u 8- ,d djkj esa ekufld lgefr vko’;d gSA foospuk...
Words: 16472 - Pages: 66
...Original Article Evaluation of initial stability and crestal bone loss in immediate implant placement: An in vivo study Durga Prasad Tadi, Soujanya Pinisetti1, Mahalakshmi Gujjalapudi2, Sampath Kakaraparthi3, Balaram Kolasani4, Sri Harsha Babu Vadapalli Department of Prosthodontics and Crown and Bridge, 1Oral Pathology and Microbiology, Drs. S and NR Siddhartha Institute of Dental Sciences, Chinaoutpally, Gannavaram, 2Department of Prosthodontics and Crown and Bridge, 4Department of Prosthodontics and Crown and Bridge, Dental Surgeon, Government Dental College and Hospital, Gunadala, Vijayawada, 3Department of Prosthodontics and Crown and Bridge, SIBAR Institute of Dental Sciences, Takkellapadu, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, India Corresponding author (e‑mail: ) Prof. Durga Prasad Tadi, Department of Prosthodontics and Crown and Bridge, Drs. Sudha and Nageswara Rao Siddhartha Institute of Dental Sciences, Chinaoutpally, Gannavaram ‑ 521 101, Andhra Pradesh, India. Abstract Objectives: (1) To measure the crestal bone levels around implants immediately, and one month, three months, and six months after immediate implant placement, to evaluate the amount of bone level changes in six months. (2) To measure the initial stability in immediate implant placement. Materials and Methods: Ten patients were selected and a total of ten implants were placed in the immediate extraction sites. The change in the level of crestal bone was measured on standardized digital periapical radiographs...
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...CHAPTER – IV LEADERSHIP LEADERS ARE BORN & MADE…. Leadership is the ability to articulate a vision, embrace the values of the vision and nurture an environment where everyone can reach the organizations goal and their own personal needs. Leadership is an indescribable ability based on concrete principles and a tool that anyone can learn that helps guides an organization or group of people in a beneficial direction or to a valuable destination. The ability to get work done with and through others, while at the same time winning their confidence respect, loyalty and willing cooperation. Before we get started, let’s define leadership. Leadership is a complex process by which a person influences others to accomplish a mission, task, or objective and directs the organization in a way that makes it more cohesive and coherent. A person carries out this process by applying her leadership attributes (belief, values, ethics, character, knowledge, and skills). The complete definition highlights the difference between simply managing and being a leader. Good leaders are made not born. If you have the desire and will power, you can become an effective leader; Good leaders develop through a never-ending process of self-study, education, training and experience. There is very little evidence that the so-called “naturally born’ leader really exists. Continuing and ongoing studies are showing that the concept of a “natural born” leader has little merit. One reason for...
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...Introduction to Decision Making Methods János Fülöp Laboratory of Operations Research and Decision Systems, Computer and Automation Institute, Hungarian Academy of Sciences 1. Decision Making Process “Decision making is the study of identifying and choosing alternatives based on the values and preferences of the decision maker. Making a decision implies that there are alternative choices to be considered, and in such a case we want not only to identify as many of these alternatives as possible but to choose the one that best fits with our goals, objectives, desires, values, and so on.” (Harris (1980)) According to Baker et al. (2001), decision making should start with the identification of the decision maker(s) and stakeholder(s) in the decision, reducing the possible disagreement about problem definition, requirements, goals and criteria. Then, a general decision making process can be divided into the following steps: Step 1. Define the problem “This process must, as a minimum, identify root causes, limiting assumptions, system and organizational boundaries and interfaces, and any stakeholder issues. The goal is to express the issue in a clear, one-sentence problem statement that describes both the initial conditions and the desired conditions.” Of course, the one-sentence limit is often exceeded in the practice in case of complex decision problems. The problem statement must however be a concise and unambiguous written material agreed by all decision makers and stakeholders...
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...Consumentpercepties over MVO Running head: CONSUMENTPERCEPTIES OVER MVO 1 Consumentpercepties over Maatschappelijk Verantwoord Ondernemen Een crosscultureel onderzoek tussen Engeland en Nederland Emiel Roland Hoffer Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen | Januari 2010 | Consumentpercepties over MVO Samenvatting Maatschappelijk Verantwoord Ondernemen – kortweg MVO – is een kans voor ondernemingen om hun eigen identiteit te onderstrepen en te verduidelijken en zo een voorsprong op de concurrentie te nemen. Kotler & Lee creëerden een framework waarmee verschillende MVO-activiteiten kunnen worden onderverdeeld. Zij specificeerden zes verschillende manieren waarop een bedrijf of organisatie zich kan bezighouden met Maatschappelijk Verantwoord Ondernemen. Het onderzoek van Planken et al. (2009) gebruikte dit framework en onderzocht de houding ten opzichte van organisaties en een eventuele verandering in koopintentie bij consumenten. De belangrijkste bevindingen uit het onderzoek van Planken et al. (2009) waren dat zowel de houding ten opzichte van de organisatie als ook de koopintentie positief werden beïnvloed door het inzetten van de 6 strategieën van Kotler & Lee (2004). Verder werd er ook ingegaan op de voorkeur van consumenten voor de te kiezen communicatiekanalen. Dit crossculturele onderzoek heeft zich gericht op een mogelijk verschil tussen Engelse en Nederlandse consumenten. Centrale vraag hierbij was of er een verschil was tussen Engelse en Nederlandse consumenten wat...
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...hacking. The purpose of this study is to examine the literature regarding how private sectors and educational institutions are addressing the growing demand for ethical hacking instruction. The study will also examine the opportunity for community colleges in providing this type of instruction. The discussion will conclude with a proposed model of ethical hacking instruction that will be used to teach a course in the summer semester of 2006 through the continuing education department at Caldwell Community College and Technical Institute within the North Carolina Community College System. Ethical Hacking 3 Ethical Hacking: Teaching Students to Hack The growing dependence and importance regarding information technology present within our society is increasingly demanding that professionals find more effective solutions relating to security concerns. Individuals with unethical behaviors are finding a variety of ways of conducting activities that cause businesses and consumers much grief and vast amounts annually in damages. As information security continues to be foremost on the minds of information technology professionals, improvements in this area are critically important. One area that is very promising is penetration testing or Ethical Hacking. The purpose of this paper is to examine effective offerings within public and private sectors to prepare security professionals. These individuals must be equipped with necessary tools, knowledge, and expertise in this fast growing proactive...
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...Chapter 1: Expanding abroad Voorbeeld MNE: Intel, Unilever, Samsung, McKinsey Starbucks Vb. blz. 3 toont aan dat de invloed van MNE op de wereldeconomie gigantisch is. MNE stellen enorm veel mensen te werk en volgen vaak een zeer complexe strategie. 1. The MNE: Definition, Scope and Influence Wat is een MNE – multinational ( multinationaal management) Niet alle MNE zijn groot, maar de meeste grote bedrijven in de wereld zijn MNE. zijn Men is alleen een MNE als men aan deze voorwaarden voldoet: 1. Directe investeringen doen in het buitenland. MNE doet niet alleen aan export, maar is ook écht aanwezig in het buitenland. Ze voeren er directe investeringen in door vb. te produceren in het buitenland. 2. Actief met de investering bezig zijn (vb. aanwezig zijn in de RvB) 3. Geïntegreerde operaties (geen losse filliaaltjes) Dit betekent ook dat de operationele omgeving sterk verandert, de complexiteit stijgt. ekent omgeving Veel verschillende consumenten, distributiesystemen, … Ook de politieke agenda van de landen waarin we investeren speelt een belangrijke rol. Global game: men speelt wereldwijd waardoor alles complex wordt. Binnen de EU spelen de wisselkoersen geen rol meer maar daarbuiten wel, dit kan een belangrijke invloed hebben op vb. de winst. Ook organisatorisch is de omgeving complex. De meeste MNE zijn vrij recent (na WO II) uitgegroeid tot internationale spelers. In totaal zijn er wereldwijd zo’n 70 000 bedrijven van dit type. De toegevoegde waarde van grote...
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...gva¨wgK evsjv mvwnZ¨ 1 cÖZz¨cKvi Ck¦iP›`ª we`¨vmvMi [†jLK cwiwPwZ : Ck¦iP›`ª we`¨vmvMi cwðge‡½i †gw`bxcyi †Rjvi exiwmsn MÖv‡g 26 †k †m‡Þ¤^i 1820 mv‡j Rb¥MÖnY K‡ib| wZwb KjKvZv ms¯‹…Z K‡j‡Ri QvÎ| cÖ_‡g ms¯‹Z I c‡i Bs‡iwR fvlvq cvwÊZ¨ AR©b … K‡i wZwb eû m¤§vb I L¨vwZ jvf K‡ib| Dwbk eQi eq‡m we‡kl cix¶vq mvdj¨ AR©b K‡i wZwb Ôwe`¨vmvMiÕ Dcvwa jvf K‡ib| e`vb¨Zvi Rb¨ RbmvaviY Zuv‡K Ô`qvi mvMiÕ AvL¨v †`q| GKvav‡i gnvcwÊZ, wk¶vwe`, mgvR ms¯‹viK I L¨vZbvgv †jLKiƒ‡c cÖwZôv jvf mvaviYZ Kg e¨w³i †¶‡ÎB N‡U| 1841 mv‡j wZwb †dvU© DBwjqvg K‡j‡Ri cÖavb cwÊZ wbhy³ nb| wZwb 1851 mv‡j ms¯‹…Z K‡j‡Ri Aa¨¶ c‡` DbœxZ nb| wZwbB cÖ_g Ôevsjv M‡`¨i Af¨š—ixY k„•Ljv Avwe®‹vi K‡ib Ges M`¨ fvlvq hwZ wPývw` h_vh_fv‡e cÖ‡qvM K‡ib| d‡j Zuvi M`¨ n‡q I‡V ˆkjxm¤úbœ| GRb¨ Zvu‡K ejv nq evsjv M‡`¨i RbK|Õ evsjv eY©mg~n myk„•Ljfv‡e mvwR‡q wkï‡`i evsjv eY©gvjvi cÖ_g mv_©K MÖš’ 1855 mv‡j †jLv Zuvi ÔeY© cwiPqÕ| G MÖš’ AvRI evsjv fvlv wk¶vi †¶‡Î w`Kwb‡`©kK| Ô†eZvj cÂweskwZÕ, ÔkKzš—jvÕ, ÔmxZvi ebevmÕ Ôwe`¨vmvMi PwiZÕ, Ôåvwš—wejvmÕ cÖf…wZ MÖš’ Zvui cÖavb iPbv| Ck¦iP›`ª we`¨vmvMi 1891 mv‡j g„Zz¨eiY K‡ib|] Avjx Be‡b AveŸvm bv‡g GK e¨w³ gvgyb bvgK Lwjdvi wcÖqcvÎ wQ‡jb| wZwb ewjqv wMqv‡Qb, Avwg GKw`b Aciv‡nè Lwjdvi wbK‡U ewmqv AvwQ Ggb mg‡q, n¯—c`e× GK e¨w³ Zuvnvi m¤§y‡L bxZ nB‡jb| Lwjdv Avgvi cÖwZ GB AvÁv Kwi‡jb, Zzwg G e¨w³‡K Avcb Avj‡q jBqv wMqv i“× Kwiqv ivwL‡e Ges Kj¨ Avgvi wbKU Dcw¯’Z Kwi‡e| Z`xq fve `k©‡b ¯úó cÖZxZ nBj, wZwb H e¨w³i Dci AZ¨š— µz× nBqv‡Qb| Avwg Zuvnv‡K Avcb Avj‡q Avwbqv AwZ mveav‡b i“× Kwiqv ivwLjvg...
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