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The Joys Of Weightlifting

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Weightlifting is a discipline sports which he athletes try to lift a maximum weight of the barbell that are loaded with weight plates. One of the nutrition that weightlifting athletes need is protein. Example of protein that well known is beef, chicken, eggs, dairy, fish and seafood. First of all, protein help to build and repair athlete’s muscle. Eggs supply the optimum mixture of necessary amino acids among all food sources. Weightlifters need to take protein at least double then average person because the toughness of resistance training.

When the weightlifters training hard while weight lifting, they will be afflict with micro tears. After a few days, the muscle heal and become bigger and stronger. Protein is important to weightlifters because it help to rebuild muscle cells and speed up recovery. This is the reasons why it is important for weightlifters to get sufficient amount of protein. Attempt to eat a high amount of protein can be hard when you …show more content…
Carbohydrate is a combination of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen and form a basic carbohydrate (William D. McArdle, Frank I. Katch, Victor I. Katch, 2010). Carbohydrate can be found either in healthy or unhealthy food for instance bread, spaghetti, pasta, potato, cereal, banana, green vegetables and many more. Eating more carbohydrate help the weightlifters gain muscle mass and weight while eat small amounts carbohydrate if the weightlifters want to maintain muscle tissue when losing body fat for their diet. Oatmeal, whole grain rice and bread, sweet potatoes and potatoes are a complex carbohydrates. This kind of food are slowly absorb by the body to give energy for their weightlifting workouts. This kind of food also supply constant energy for the weightlifters lift the barbell and help the blood sugar levels in a stable condition (Ollie Odebunmi, 2017). Nutrition is important for weightlifters to perform better and

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