...7th year participating in MUN conferences, and my third as staff at WASMUN. I’m looking forward to meeting you all and chairing a committee that has so much depth and scope in its topics! The following background guide is meant to serve as a general guide to the issues on our agenda. Your research should not only involve reading the background guide, but should also focus on an in-depth analysis of the history and debates which concern the regions in question. If delegates have any questions concerning the committee, topics or background guides, feel free to contact me at maderk@cc.wwu.edu. I look forward to seeing you in March! Sincerely, Kristina Mader Chair, Special Political & Decolonization WASMUN 2007 Copyright © Washington State Model United Nations 2006-2007 Page 1 of 14 Wash in gt on St ate Mo del Unit ed Nati ons 2 007 History of the Committee At the advent of the United Nations, a system of committees was set up to deal with the many diverse issues before the General Assembly. The First Committee, Disarmament and International Security, was formed to deal with the regulation of armaments and the admission, suspension and expulsion of United Nations members, as well as other political and security issues. With the number of problems rising though, the burden for DISC grew too great, leading the committee to rethink its focus and capabilities. Out of this effort a new committee was created. In 1965 the Fourth Committee, Special Political and...
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... War and Peace: An Analysis Of The Kashmir Issue And A Possible Path To Peace By: Iveshu R. Bhatia Dated: Friday, December 3rd 2004 Table of Contents Topic Pg. no. An introduction to Kashmir and a history of the region…………….1 Why is Kashmir so important? …………………………………………3 Analysis of terrorism in Kashmir and the India-Pakistan dispute…7 Other factors supporting the rise of terrorism in Kashmir……….10 Impact of terrorism and the proxy war……………………………..12 Potential steps towards a peaceful solution………………………..15 Latest developments………………………………………………….18 Appendix I: List of Works Cited/Bibliography……………….......20 Appendix II: Map of the region.……………………………………21 Appendix III: Copy of instrument of Accession of Kashmir to India…22 War and Peace: An Analysis Of The Kashmir Issue And A Possible Path To Peace Today, the word Kashmir has become synonymous with death, destruction and religious genocide in South Asia. Although the roots of the Kashmir issue lie in a territorial dispute between India and Pakistan, it has evolved into a multi-faceted issue over the years. This paper discusses this dispute, its history, its effects and potential steps towards a peaceful resolution. An introduction to Kashmir and a history of the region Kashmir is a landlocked region in South Asia, sandwiched...
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...tandfonline.com/loi/rsan20 Addressing Kashmir Satish Chandra Available online: 08 Feb 2011 To cite this article: Satish Chandra (2011): Addressing Kashmir, Strategic Analysis, 35:2, 304-307 To link to this article: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/09700161.2011.542928 PLEASE SCROLL DOWN FOR ARTICLE Full terms and conditions of use: http://www.tandfonline.com/page/terms-andconditions This article may be used for research, teaching and private study purposes. Any substantial or systematic reproduction, re-distribution, re-selling, loan, sub-licensing, systematic supply or distribution in any form to anyone is expressly forbidden. The publisher does not give any warranty express or implied or make any representation that the contents will be complete or accurate or up to date. The accuracy of any instructions, formulae and drug doses should be independently verified with primary sources. The publisher shall not be liable for any loss, actions, claims, proceedings, demand or costs or damages whatsoever or howsoever caused arising directly or indirectly in connection with or arising out of the use of this material. Strategic Analysis Vol. 35, No. 2, March 2011, 304–307 Addressing Kashmir Satish Chandra he spate of rioting which plagued Jammu and Kashmir (J&K) from June 2010 is testimony to the mismanagement of developments by both the state and central governments. This is all the more unfortunate as near normalcy had been established in Jammu and Kashmir following the November 2008 elections...
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...relationship may shift from time to time, numerous existential issues remain in place. Characterised by mistrust, contrasting interests and the oft-quoted ‘missed opportunities’, the bloodshed of 1947 has been replaced by a more diverse set of issues that continue to mar the relationship. Kashmir has come to exemplify the classic case of a territorial dispute between neighbouring countries in the modern world composed of nation States. Extended hostile periods have only been sporadically separated by periods of relative peace – interludes that many hoped would prolong into perpetuity. But failures of State, internal conflicts, deep-rooted differences and perhaps unavoidable circumstances have meant that these spells of tranquillity remain mere specks of light in an otherwise dark corridor, at best offering missed opportunities. In studying the Pakistan-India ties, it is simplistic but also convenient to divide them into phases with regard to important junctures in South Asian history. None of the occasions that gave rise to optimism could ultimately become the watershed they were built up to be. The most recent such case was in 2004; following a prolonged period of military standoff, there began a ‘peace process’ led by President Musharraf and Prime Minister Vajpayee. This phase was significant since it allowed for a more systematic approach to negotiations by adopting the concept of “Composite Dialogue” that covered various issues that have continually hindered progress on even seemingly...
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...flows through four different countries: Tibet, Afghanistan, India and Pakistan to end in the Arabian Sea. The Indus River catchment area is as follows: sixty percent of the area belongs to Pakistan, about twenty percent belongs to India, five percent belongs to Afghanistan and fifteen per cent belongs to Tibet (Aljazeera, 2011). There are a total of six main tributaries: Sutlej, Ravi and Beas flow through Punjab and the other three rivers of the Indus basin - Indus, Jhelum and Chenab run through the territory of Jammu and Kashmir (Harvard, 2011). Since the partition of the British Indian empire in 1947, Pakistan and India have fought over the province of Punjab and the state of Kashmir, which resulted in a partition of the area between the two countries. The water dispute is also closely related to partition of the Kashmir region, too. The six rivers run through India which controls Jammu and Kashmir, before reaching Pakistan and the part of Jammu and Kashmir governed by Pakistan (Harvard, 2011). The geological allocation described above brought out significant disadvantages to Pakistan in early the1950s as a consequence of the political conflicts between the two countries. The help of the World Bank together with other third parities made possible the signing of the Indus Water Treaty (IWT) between India and Pakistan in 1960, relieving political tensions on the both sides. Due to the high demand of water resources over sixty years and the insufficient supply, the Indus Water Treaty...
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...INDIA’S REGIONAL DIPLOMACY: NEW IMPERATIVES “The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting.” -Sun Tzu, The Art of War “Diplomacy is the art of telling people to go to hell in such a way that they ask for directions.” -Winston Churchill Introduction 1. India's regional policy, like its economic and international policies, has been facing continuous adverse criticism. Without well-defined and transparent national interests, a national aim and a proper doctrine to support these, it has ended up with vague and blurred goals. Besides, it has remained geared to the doctrine of nonalignment- a philosophy based on wishful thinking, self righteousness, a convenient substitute for hard thinking and decisions. 2. The old order based on a bipolar world achieved the objective of peace, or limiting the extent of conflicts after the Second World War. However, justice and prosperity eluded the old order because of international interests of superpowers. Presently, the world is experiencing transition to a New World Order, with no super power as the centre of the power hub. What then will the new order seek, now that ‘geo-economics’ has overtaken geo-politics. It is therefore imperative for us to know as to what is the role of India in Asian context, and how India’s regional diplomacy will affect the overall politico-military role of the country. Background 3. India being the largest democracy and the second most populous nation in the...
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...Kashmir conflict From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia [pic] [pic] The disputed areas of the region of Kashmir. India claims the entire erstwhile princely state of Jammu and Kashmirbased on an instrument of accession signed in 1947. Pakistanclaims all areas of the erstwhile state except for those claimed by China. China claims the Shaksam Valley and Aksai Chin. |[show] | |v | | | |d | | | |e | |Indo-Pakistani wars and conflicts | | | The Kashmir conflict (Hindi: कश्मीर विवाद, Urdu: مسئلہ کشمیر) is a territorial disputebetween India and Pakistan over the Kashmir region, the northwesternmost region ofSouth Asia. India claims the entire state of Jammu and Kashmir and as of 2010, administers approximately 43% of the region, including most of Jammu, the Kashmir Valley,Ladakh, and the Siachen Glacier. India's claims are contested by Pakistan, which controls approximately 37% of Kashmir, namely Azad Kashmir and the northern areas of Gilgit and Baltistan. India has officially...
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...NAVAL POSTGRADUATE SCHOOL MONTEREY, CALIFORNIA THESIS THE CHINA-INDIA-PAKISTAN WATER CRISIS: PROSPECTS FOR INTERSTATE CONFLICT by James F. Brennan September 2008 Thesis Co-Advisors: Alice Lyman Miller Feroz Khan Approved for public release, distribution is unlimited THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK REPORT DOCUMENTATION PAGE Form Approved OMB No. 0704-0188 Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 1 hour per response, including the time for reviewing instruction, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to Washington headquarters Services, Directorate for Information Operations and Reports, 1215 Jefferson Davis Highway, Suite 1204, Arlington, VA 22202-4302, and to the Office of Management and Budget, Paperwork Reduction Project (0704-0188) Washington DC 20503. 1. AGENCY USE ONLY (Leave blank) 2. REPORT DATE 3. REPORT TYPE AND DATES COVERED September 2008 Master’s Thesis 4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE: The China-India-Pakistan Water Crisis: Prospects for 5. FUNDING NUMBERS Interstate Conflict 6. AUTHOR(S) James F. Brennan, Lieutenant, United States Navy 7. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) Naval Postgraduate School Monterey, CA 93943-5000 9. SPONSORING /MONITORING AGENCY...
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...SAARC, are deeply concerned about the continuing scourge of terrorism afflicting the region which has caused extensive social disharmony, loss of human life, destruction and damage to property. Terrorism poses a serious threat to peace and cooperation, and friendly and good neighbourly relations. It jeopardises the sovereignty and the territorial integrity of States, while constituting a serious violation of fundamental human rights. We renew our commitment to strengthening comprehensive region-wide cooperation among SAARC Member States to combat and eliminate all forms and manifestations of terrorism and in this context affirm the need to reinforce further the regional legal regime and instituting pragmatic cooperation to address this issue effectively. We also recognise that our cooperation shall proceed on the basis of sovereign equality, mutual respect and the principles of non-intervention and non-interference in the internal affairs of Member States consistent with the SAARC Charter. As we meet in Colombo, at the Thirty-first Session of the Council of Ministers, we solemnly declare and agree to undertake the following measures of cooperation: 1. We reiterate our commitment to implement measures against organising, instigating, facilitating, financing, fund raising, encouraging, tolerating and providing training for or otherwise supporting terrorist activities. We will take appropriate practical measures, administrative and legal, to ensure that our respective...
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...Chapter INTRODUCTION 1.1 Livelihood of the majority of the population of the Jammu & Kashmir State revolves around the agriculture and allied sectors. These sectors constitute the mainstay of the State’s economy and contribute nearly 50 per cent to GSDP. Over 70 per cent of the population, of more than 1.25 crores depends, directly or indirectly, on agriculture and its allied sectors. The diversification in the physiographic features and agro-climatic variation at macro- and micro-level, involving cold arid, temperate, intermediate and sub-tropical zones, within a small geographical area of 2.22 lakh sq. km indicates the inherent agricultural potential of the State. The net sown area (NSA) of 7.35 lakh ha (2009-10) is 35 per cent of the reported area as against the national average of 46 per cent. About 70 per cent of the net sown area is under the food crops. The average size of holding is very small (0.545 ha/holding) as compared to 1.66 ha at the national level with more than 93% of owners of these farm holdings subsisting on agriculture and allied activities. 1.2 Over the years, agriculturists and farmers have adopted several area- specific and time-specific cultivation practices to meet the requirement of their staple food crops. Rice, maize, wheat, pulses, fodder, oilseeds, potato and barley are the main crops of the State. There is currently a shift towards cultivating lowvolume high-value cash crops, such as, flowers, vegetables, quality seeds, aromatic & medicinal plants...
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...National Defence University, Islamabad Faculty of Contemporary Studies International Relations Department Research Paper SIGNIFICANCE OF PAK-RUSSIA RELATIONS: FOREIGN POLICY OPTIONS FOR PAKISTAN By: Arshad Mahmood, M.Phil (IR), NDU, Islamabad 20 November 2012 Submitted to: Dr Shaheen Akhtar Associate Professor Department of International Relations NDU, Islamabad SIGNIFICANCE OF PAK-RUSSIA RELATIONS: FOREIGN POLICY OPTIONS FOR PAKISTAN ABSTRACT Pak-Russia relations, viewing from a realist perspective, have not been built upon strong pillars of understanding each other’s interests and concerns which are most essential for establishing enduring bilateral ties. The history of their bilateral relations is simply a tale of misperception and misunderstandings. Both the nations despite having convergence of interests on various bilateral, regional and international issues and immense potentials in cooperation have never availed opportunities. In fact both, Pakistan and Russia had viewed each other through the prism of other states and with wrong perceptions. The changing international environment and internal and regional political dynamics of both the states have now provided another chance their elites to revisit their bilateral relations and lay down a foundation for a prosperous future. SECTION-1 INTRODUCTION Background 1. On 26 December 1991 the world witnessed the collapse of the first and the largest communist country - the Union of Soviet...
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...level. Suggest remedies to mitigate this situation. (2007) GLOBALIZATION * Discuss politics of World Trade Organization and Globalization. (2000) * Globalization, as being shaped by the World Trade Organization in a world of un-equal nation-slates, has un-manageable implications. Discuss. (2003) 911 CONSEQUENCES * “A single catastrophic event –‘Nine Eleven’ – has turned the entire world topsy-turvy”. Discuss. (2002) * Give a long-term scenario of Afghanistan and Iraq beyond the perspective of' Nine Eleven'. (2003) TERRORISM * The phenomenon of terrorism has occupied center stage in today’s world. Highlight the difference between terrorism and a freedom struggle. Discuss the issue of terrorism in the back drop of what is happening in Iraq, Chechnya, Kashmir...
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... “All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.” “One should never do that to another which one regards as injurious to one’s own self. This, in brief, is the rule of dharma. Yielding to desire and acting differently, one becomes guilty of adharma.” “Thus, trampling on every privilege and everything in us that works for privilege, let us work for that knowledge which will bring the feeling of sameness towards all mankind.” Swami Vivekananda, “The Complete works of Swam Vivekananda,” Vol 1, p. 429 Mahabharata XII: 113, 8 Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 1948, Article 1 "All men are brothers; no one is big, no one is small. All are equal." Rig Veda, 5:60:5 © Hindu American Foundation 2012 Endorsements of Hindu American Foundation's Seventh Annual Report Hindus in South Asia and the Diaspora: A Survey of Human...
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...Post Cold - War Period (1992-2006) By Debasish Nandi Supervisor : Dr. Abhijit Ghosh October, 2012 Thesis submitted in partial fulfillment to the Ph.D (Arts) Degree in Political Science Department of Political Science, The University of Burdwan, Golapbag, Burdwan, Pin - 713104, West Bengal, India. Content Page No. 1. Preface 2. Acknowledgement I-II III 3. Abbreviations IV-VI 4. Chapter - 1 : Introduction 1-10 5.Chapter - 2 : Indo-U.S. Relations in the Cold War Period 11-41 6.Chapter - 3 : Indo-US Diplomatic Ties in the Post- Cold War Period 42-79 7.Chapter - 4 : Indo-U.S. Economic, Technological and Scientific Co-operation 80-131 8.Chapter - 5 : 9/11 Incident: US Attitude towards Terrorism Vis-à-vis India and Pakistan 132-169 9.Chapter - 6 : India’s Nuclear Links with the USA 170-204 10. Chapter - 7 : Conclusion 205-214 11. Select Bibliography 215-237 Preface Indo-U.S. relations constitute important and influential relations in this world politics. It influences not only the U.S.-Pakistani and the Sino-Indian relations to a great extent; ‘Indo-U.S. relations in the post-Cold War period (1992-2006)’ has been the title of the present dissertation. Beginning against the back ground of the U.S.-Pakistani Arms Assistance Agreement of 1954, the Indo-U.S. relations had witnessed many ups and down in the following years. For example, there had been flourishes in Indo-U.S. relations in the...
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...MARKETING MANAGEMENT II REPORT ON “MARKETING CHALLENGES OF INDIA” Submitted to Prof.-S. Anant Ram Submitted bySayona Maitra (2012287) Shafique Gajdhar(2012289) Satakshi Rani(2012276) Shubham Saxena(2012303) Suneet Shome(2012315) Sunil Gupta(2012316) Word Count 6909 Page Count 46 Group no. 8 1 Contents The marketing challenges in India can be 1. Cultural diversity: 2. Differences in purchasing power of consumers in India 3. The layer of Westernization 4. Considering the psychographics and cultural nuances of consumer segments: 5. Retailing complexities6. Indian consumers reflect a range of behaviors: 7. Consistent brand association in midst of price war 8. Penetration levels of branded offerings among consumers are extremely low (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) 9. Symbolism is reflected across product categories (symbolizing status or emotions) can be found in several product categories in today's context. It is a challenge for marketers to achieve symbolism for their products in India. (14) 10. The challenge for marketers is to ensure a judicious mix of traditional values and contemporary thinking for such segments. (16) 11. The presence of unorganized sector in several categories has created challenges to marketers at the lower price ranges. (18) 12. illegal duplicates prevalent mainly in Rural and Semi rural markets pose a threat to reputation of the company. 13. High degree of price sensitivity is a strong cultural trait in the Indian mass market...
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