...freedom. However, how can America idly sit by and not enact drastic measures to battle against these atrocious actions? What is the true cause and purpose behind the enactment of violence through gunplay in a school atmosphere? These questions must be resolved in order to prevent unfortunate events such as the Red Lake...
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...Are Video Games Dangerous? Should teens be able to play violent video games? Teens should not be able to play violent video games. Role- playing games with simulated violence are sperilous for kids. If it is study proved that it can cause violence then why are they not illegal, or why do they not have a law that say you have to be a certain age to be able to play violent video games? In the article “Do Games Like ‘Grand Theft Auto V’ Cause Real-World Violence?”. “ In fact numerous studies have been conducted and the results are mixed. Some studies have shown that video games increase aggression.” “ It is possible that someone who plays or buys the violent video game will later go on, to carry out a horrible shooting. Should that happen, it will almost certainly occur in America, which boasts far and away the highest number of mass shootings (and shootings in general) while boasting no higher rate of video game consumption.”...
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...television to video games. Violence exists in sports, news, movies, and games. This violence has many implications on society. The impact of this violence is different from one person to the next and from children to adults. There are many forms of violence in the media today. Violence is most prevalent on TV and in movies, video games, and the daily news from around the world. Violence can be found in sports such as boxing, mixed martial arts, hockey, and football. The news reports of murder and other forms of violence every day. News about foreign wars or news of violence in your local inner city, bet your bottom dollar you will hear something new every day. It seems like every day there is a new and violent video game coming out. Games about war and games about crime life, even games about fantasy violence are all over the market. Children are affected by violent media more so than adults. Studies have shown that on average, American children watch no less than 4 hours of TV a day. Studies have also proven that violent programming can have some very adverse effects on children. Children can become emotionally numb to violence and develop a lack of empathy for victims, as noted by the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. Children have been known to imitate the violence they see on TV. Some children may even learn to use violence that they see in real life situations. Sometimes all it takes is once and a kid can be effected by a violent program...
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...Do Violent Video Games Lead to Real World Violence? ABSTRACT As our society becomes more reliant on technology and the mass media, the notion that the media may have a profound influence on people has become more prevalent. Research into Media Violence and its effects on values, beliefs and behaviour has been well documented over the past 50 years. This systematic review, looking at both research reports and other relevant literature relating to the topic explores whether or not violent video games lead to real world violence. This topic has been selected due to the unique participatory nature of this type of media. The review demonstrates the inconclusive nature of the research on this topic. It focuses on the short term and long term effects possible while also investigating the need to consider alternate explanations to violent behaviour in children and youth. The review concludes with suggestions for further research. SYSTEMATIC REVIEW Children spend an increasing amount of time playing video games with the majority of them violent in nature (Huesmann, 2007). Players participate in and create the violence, often receiving reward for their violent behaviors rather than negative consequences (Funk, Baldacci, Pasold & Baumgardner, 2004). The area of violent video games in regards to Media Violence is relatively new with somewhat limited research as video games have only been available to the general population since the 1980s. It is however in...
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...Video Games: Impact on a gamer’s life Student’s Name University Affiliation Video Games: Impact on a gamer’s life All work with no play makes Jack a dull boy is one of the most common quotes we have all grown up with. It simply means that one needs to relax his body and mind after working for some time. Playing games has been known to relieve tensions and relax the body across all ages and genders. However, gone are the days when ‘play’ meant actual play in the fields; the modern ‘play’ involves sitting in front of the screen holding a gaming pad playing video and computer games. Video games have been said to be addictive and having bad effects to the gaming addicts. Another group has defended video games stating a few benefits to counter the criticisms. Most of the researches done by psychologists on “gaming effects” focus on the negative impacts: the harm done being related to depression, violence and addiction. Addiction has been identified as the main negative effect. Once a person starts playing, they can sit there for as many hours as possible and forget about any other task they are supposed to undertake (Abanes, R, 2006). All that the gamer cares about is beating his opponent or overcoming obstacles to get to another level. According to Abanes (2006) video games tend to take the first priority over anything else including revision for exams and going out with friends. This addiction...
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...Name Professor Course Name Date Research Paper Outline Video Games Promote Violent Behaviour in Boys 1) Introduction a. Thesis: Video games promote violent behavior in boys b. Prevalence of violence attributed to video games c. Proportion of boys who are chronic video gamers 2) What is known about violence and video games d. Relationship between video games and aggression e. How video games affect the brain f. How video games have contributed to school shootings g. Other moral concerns concerning video games that promote violence 3) What is not known about video games and violence 4) How to address the problem h. Minor's access to the video games/content i. Other approaches to address the problem 5) Conclusion Video Games Promote Aggressive Behavior in Boys Video games have become an acceptable alternative of leisure, especially with the boys. The video gaming industry has been defined by robust growth over the last decade to a point it has now become an acceptable norm in the society. It is purported to be one of the major gross earner industry racking about 87 billion in 2012 (Robinson 414). Major players within the industry release numerous graphic video games into the market to garner a large customer niche. With advances in technology so does the content in most games become more realistic. This trend worries most social players ranging from parents, teachers, legislators...
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...------------------------------------------------- Introduction ------------------------------------------------- The video game industry is powerful and incredibly profitable. Its $18 billion in annual sales, large workforce, and even larger consumer base makes it a lobby one would not want to attempt to regulate unduly. Yet, violence in America, especially among young people, is a known problem. Some research indicates that video games are a part of that problem. Indeed, playing video games may be linked to antisocial behavior and permissiveness about violent behavior. For this paper I highlight the importance of that issue - that violence and video gaming may be linked, and censoring gaming to reduce that link is politically problematic - but turn to a lesser know issue. Educational gaming, a form of gaming assumed to be without controversial content, can also be the subject of public censorship. ------------------------------------------------- Video Game Industry ------------------------------------------------- With over $18 billion in total sales and a workforce of more than 213,000 the video game industry has grown from a somewhat small portion of American entertainment to an industry that influences the leisure and livelihood of many people (O’Holleran, 2010). There is power in having that standing, an any attempt to curtail that power would likely encounter a great deal of resistance. That means censorship of the video game industry would pit the real and perceived First Amendment rights of commercial...
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...Behavioral-Management.com. As youths get older they tend to stop the physical and verbal bullying and move to indirect bullying. Indirect bullying is mostly associated with teenagers and it involves gossiping, spreading rumors, excluding someone from social groups. Youths and adolescents that have been bullied directly or indirectly have committed an act of violence against their peers. From 1979 through 2001 youths that were bullied committed acts of violence at schools all across America that resulted in 45 deaths and 90 injuries. “Bonilla, D. M. (2000). School Violence. School violence (pp. 378-391). New York: H.W. Wilson Co.” Two-thirds of school shootings in the U.S. stemmed from the shooters being bullied by other students. In today’s society, popular websites such as Facebook and Twitter allow bullies to intimidate others through the internet. Youths who have been victims of child abuse or witnessed some form of domestic violence are more likely to commit an act of violence as well. Children who grow up in violent homes can develop...
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...Devious. Dangerous. Distracting. All of these negative thoughts are associated with the violence of simulated games. Guy Martin, a journalist for the New Yorker, wrote the article Shoot-Out, written in 2009. He brings readers’ attention to the debate over simulated violence games. All through America, these awful games are being promoted. For example, a school in New York by the name of St. Ann’s plays “Killer, the last-man-standing game of water-pistol ambush, [and] has become a key end-of-the-year ritual” (Martin, 2009). This role-playing game is executed in an incredibly ferocious manner and lasts a whopping two and a half weeks. The goal is to massacre the opposing squads assigned by the ruling judge, who watches the game and settles disputes,...
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...shootings that have occurred. Flared by uncontrollable violent emotions and encouraged by violent media, the violent killers have struck, taking many lives. Now, everyone will pay. In the Columbine shooting, the dangerous effects of the tons of violent media plastered everywhere is evident. The two horrible killers played countless hours of violent video games, leading them to the dreadful plotting of their extremely devastating shooting. When shooting occurred, it was clear from the guns they used to the strategies of killing they used where they obtained their inspiration from Their violent video games. Clearly, violence in the media does contribute to the violence in society. Since celebrities are very commonly idolized, it is very likely people will imitate their idols, even to the point of acting out violently. Mary Gavin admits, "Many violent acts are perpetrated by the "good guys" whom kids have been taught to emulate. Even though kids are taught by their parents that it isn't right to hit, television says it's okay to bite, kick, or hit if you're the "good guy."" Like Mary states, these violent acts are usually directed at the "bad guy," it is very easy to apply the "good guy's" solution to their own lives. When the solution that the "good guy" uses involves violent material, media consumers are encouraged to commit these violent acts themselves just because their role models say it is okay to. This greatly affects the role of violence in our society when these "good guys"...
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...Are Video Games really to Blame for Violence of Children? Kid violence and video game violence: Is there a correlation? When a child commits an act of violence, there are times when video games are brought into the equation of the cause. Sometimes, depending on the nature of the crime, violent video games are being blamed directly for the violence of children. There has been research done to learn more about the effects playing violent games on children’s behavior. Since children learn through repetition, repeatedly watching acts of violence over and over again will have an adverse effect on a child’s mind. While the debate continues of whether violent video games are the cause of child violence, one thing that is certain is that parents need to be educated about the effects that playing unsuitable games can have on their children. Cases that seem to show a link between violent video games and children’s behavior are countless. In Jacksonville, Florida, a little girl accidentally shot herself with her father’s handgun (Warford). When Action News asked the little girl’s mother, Lachrisha Holmes, how the little girl even knew what to do with the gun, her mom replied, “I walked past my son and saw her on the computer and they were playing game called ‘Maria Wars,’ they were disassembling a gun” (Warford). Holmes said that she isn’t blaming video games but wonders if that is how her daughter learned what to do with a gun (Warford). In Marble Falls, Texas, a thirteen-year-old...
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...Media Violence as an Instigator of Aggression and Violence You are what you watch. Easy to say, and not too difficult to imagine either. A little over a decade ago, two boys who later became household names in America, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold walked into Columbine High School in Colorado and went on a mass murdering spree where they killed 12 students, 1 teacher and injured 23 others before shooting themselves. While their motives behind doing so can not be ascertained, one possible contributing element which did surface was the influence of violent video games. At the risk of oversimplifying what is possibly a complex psychological mindfield, Harris and Klebold did enjoy playing a game called Doom, which is licensed by the American military for the purpose of training soldiers to kill effectively. Harris had customized his own version of this game and put it up on his website, which was later tracked by The Simon Wisenthal Center. This version of the game had two shooters with an unlimited supply of weapons and ammunition, and their targets lacked the ability to retaliate. A class project required them to make a video of themselves similar to the game, and in it, they dressed in trench coats, armed with weapons, and conduct the massacre of school athletes. Less than one year had gone by when Harris and Klebold played their videotape out, in real life, and became the protagonists of the deadliest high school shooting in U.S. history (Anderson & Dill 772). ...
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...of recent school shootings in America. Youth violence is a main issue in today’s society. Many people fear what causes youngsters to be so violent, committing atrocious. There are many wonders that go around about why young adolescents commit such violent crimes. These questions vary from why kids take guns to school, or how do we know if they are putting others in danger, what signs are there, what should be looked at, and what can be done to stop these acts of violence. I remember watching the MTV special “Warning Signs”; it explained the violence in our society today. In the video they talked with young adolescents and asked them questions dealing with crimes they have been institutionalized for. The video also explained warning signs of someone who may be planning to commit an act of violence. Study has shown that anger plays a major role in ones behavior problem. Aggression is any form of behavior intended to harm or injure another living being. There are many reasons why someone acts in an aggressive way. First, many people have an instinct of being aggressive towards certain individuals, second genes are another factor that can develop from a complex interaction of biology, social experience, and each individuals behavior, t... The potential influence of violent video games on youth violence remains an issue of concern for psychologists, policymakers and the general public. Although several prospective studies of video game violence effects have been conducted...
Words: 2395 - Pages: 10
...“Effects of Violent Video Games and Media on Aggressive Behavior” Gabin ,Pauline Palma, Keirsha Jhoanne J. Perona, Jerril A. Ramirez, Ma. Bernadette Riverside College Inc. Computer 2: Internet Research January 9, 2015 RESEARCH PAPER APPROVAL In partial fulfilment of the requirements for Computer 2 - Internet Research, this research paper entitled “Effects of Violent Video Games and Media on Aggressive Behavior” with the following subtitles: 1. What are the elements that provoke the child to take interest in violent media and games? 2. Does playing and watching anything remotely violent really affect a child’s behavior? 3. What is the behavioral result if the child is exposed to violent entertainment? 4. In what aspects can a child be able to stop his aggressive behavior? 5. What measures does the media industry have to do in order to put a stop to this? Has been prepared and submitted by Perona, Jerril A. Palma, Keirsha J. Gabin, Pauline C. Ramirez, Bernadette G. APPROVED BY: Mrs. Maritess Pomada January 9, 2015Coordinator, Psychology Department | Introduction “Effects of Violent Video Games and Media on Aggressive Behavior” It’s not a new issue – in the 1950s, psychiatrist Fredric Wertham wrote a book called “Seduction of the Innocent”, which claimed that comic books were unnecessarily exposing children to violence and causing them to become delinquent. Although Wertham’s methods...
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...encourage student commitment. This paper examines the integration of videogames into classrooms, as it can benefit students to improve cognitive skills and reach curricular education goals. Thesis statement “The integration of videogames into classroom learning process can allow students to reach curricular learning goals and develop critical thinking skills” Historical background The rapid development of gaming industry is on its way to outdistancing television and film industry. A movement was started in the year 2003 to use videogames in training and teaching process. This movement is known as serious games. The significant range of representations of worldwide people and society in the field of video games created a huge opportunity for cross-cultural learning and education in any field of study. In the world of globalization, screen culture plays a vital role in defining the work and need of people. The young generation of people is gaining further...
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