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The Skin I M In Character Analysis

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For example , status presents itself in all things you do . Especially in the novel , The Skin i’m in , by Sharon Flake. In this novel status is a big deal in Maleeka everyday life . Maleeka is a 7th grader at McClenton Middle School who is affected by status , students judge her on how she looks and doesn't actually get to know her . Maleeka struggles trying to fit in but the kids at her school always seem to find something negative to say about Maleeka .“ It's bad enough that I’m the darkest worst dressed thing in school .“ I’m also the tallest skinniest thing you ever seen ”. They only see what they see and they don’t seem to like what they see much.” From the color of her skin to the hand made clothes. Maleeka can’t seem to get a break

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