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The Sociopath: Common Traits Of A Psychopath

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Mr. Julian
“The winged Satan in my mind’s eye, roaring with cynical laughter and rising from the wreckage, was not a terrorist, but a demonic manipulator who used terrorist’s acts to ignite the kindling of hatred all over the globe”. According to the author, Martha Stout, Ph.D., the sociopath is an individual who uses manipulation, demonic manipulation, to gain power over others with no conscience or guilt. They are mentally ill psychopaths; these individuals lack the ability to form emotional bonds with other people. They are reckless! Our society is based on relationships and bonding. We are social beings and this is true all the way back to our primate ancestors. Sociopaths are undetectable; they are next-door neighbors, teachers, employers, co-workers, and so on. They undistinguishable except for the common characteristics as described by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders IV of the American Psychiatric Association. …show more content…
There is no specific diagnoses but a generalized description of this condition. This condition of missing conscience, for the past two hundred years, sociopathy, diversley theorized, has been called by a variety of different names in the western world. The traits of a sociopath is failure to conform to social norms; they are deceitful, manipulative, failure to plan, irritable, aggressive, have a reckless disregard for self or others, and are irresponsible and lack remorse. According to Dr. Robert Hare’s personality checklist, (the medical profession’s standard for diagnosing sociopathy)

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