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Theory vs Law


Submitted By laurene1994
Words 284
Pages 2

Many Students tend to intermingle the two terms law and theory. A law can be explained as a tested observation that has perfect reliability without explanation of the origin. It is the knowledge of something in nature but without the explanation of how it came to be. For instance the Universal Law of Gravitation is a principle regularity of how two particles attract each other. Whereas a theory may be explained as an extension of a hypothesis intended to explain something in nature. For example The Big Bang Theory is a hypothesis that has gained attention and evidence to support it.

Mayonnaise Experiment

In my double blind study to test my hypothesis that mayonnaise facials cause warts in humans I will have two different groups, my control group and experimental group. The subjects who get the Mayonnaise facials will be in the experimental group and the subjects who receive a traditional facial crème will be the control group. The doctor or scientist in charge should not be informed of which group is the receiving the mayonnaise facials, this will cause neither the subject nor the researchers to form any unconscious bias. The experiment should consist of multiple races to show any other variables. This experiment will last one month with weekly reports from the subjects based on how the experiment is going if there are any side effects or if the facial seems to be working.

FDA does not label milk that has been produced with hormone treatment.

Since: Bovine hormone can cause an increase in growth factors in milk
And: Increased growth factors may result in colon cancer
And: Colon cancer is deadly

Therefore: Bovine hormone-treated cattle should be

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