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Three Functional Areas Of Accountability

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This paper will discuss how the management of information relies on three distinct areas of accountability. These areas are sometimes not linked or coordinated because their management comes from separate organizational structures which may not be in contact with each other.
Enterprise and Physical security
Most organizations have physical security and someone responsible for it. The receptionist or uniformed guards control access which makes them examples of physical security.
Those responsible for physical security and their colleagues, they all have the responsibility for information security as indicated with pre-engagement background checks which are for or with the human resources function (Gelbstein, 2013 ).The background …show more content…
( Gelbstein, 2013). Physical security teams deal with security breaches, which may include investigations and seizure among other things. Examples of physical security include fences, biometric access control systems and motion sensors.
Information security is an organizationally dispersed activity and it deals with actual information assets of an organization whether paper or electronic, in whatever form they are kept and whether they are in archives, the computer or an outsourcing company or an employee's home, wherever they are kept. Information security primarily focuses on the balanced protection of the confidentiality, integrity and availability of data (Wikipedia, 2018).
In information security data classification is used. It is a process where the owner or the person responsible for the information is the only one who has the knowledge to classify what should be confidential and why. Organizations use many ways to classify data and they have their own different criteria of doing just that but these criteria should be applied in a manner that is consistent and

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