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Trampoline Research Paper

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Would you change your mind about school if they got a trampoline for kids when they go to the gym? Well I know I would change my mind about school. I would start to be more excited about going to school because you get to jump on a trampoline. In my opinion trampolines would be good for the school because it will help kids with their balance, more kids will probably be second guessing about school, and finally the school might get more kids involved in activities.

Trampolines would be good for a school because it will help with kids balance. Some kids don't have very good balance and have trouble walking sometimes and a trampoline would be good for them. They would help them out because when they land they are landing on their feet and will be planting them so they won't fall down when they land. When kids usually fall on a trampoline when they are landing is usually from their feet not planting or someone jumps when they are landing. When kids come down from jumping they keep attending to jump up and down and they can mess up their ankle which would mess up their balance also. …show more content…
The thing is that kids don't go to schools because they don't believe that they should have an education or they think it is boring. When kids see that school is important and they get a trampoline I think more kids will end up showing up more to school. I think kids will end up showing up to school more because they are going to be excited about having a trampoline and being able to go on it everyday. When kids go on trampolines everyday they will begin to like school more and more and will go to school a lot

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