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Underachieve Research Paper

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We have established, that comparing to the more privileged learners, pupils from working class, according to numerous statistical results, underachieve in their exam scores. The selected reference group is from more successful upper and middle class learners, it’s them who the working class learner’s results are measured against. The assumption is made that there should not be a difference between the two groups and so the difference is described as underachievement”. ( s.jones and d. Myhill.):” "Underachievement" can be defined as relative to what test results a pupil could be predicted to achieve based on prior attainment, or could be thought of in terms of a comparison with another group, such as children from more prosperous homes, a different ethnic group, or a different part of the country (Underachievement in Education by White Working Class Children - Education Committee )
This assumption, based on predicting potential success via tests and measures, has been frequently criticized for being irrelevant and inaccurate. According to Coil, these old assessment measures, which put the majority of working class learners in the category of underachievers / losers, only serve one purpose: to oppress them further. “The …show more content…
The system, which is eager to play the equality game, does offer working class kids places in prestigious universities, and some indeed get there, but only as an exception rather than a rule(Gillard) . The majority can’t cope with the unachievable attainment targets, and, as a result, remain within their brackets, still oppressed and unmotivated. . And middle class educational authorities still remain class-blind and oblivious to their learners’

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