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Vark Learning


Submitted By Mrfro1976
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Trident Pre-Baccalaureate Assessment
The questions below will assess your knowledge of pre-requisite skills required for MAT 101. Please answer the questions honestly, without the use of outside resources. Doing so will help you determine what you need to review prior to enrolling in MAT 101. Do not use a calculator where stated.

Transfer your answers to the Student Solution Worksheet using CAPITAL letters. It is recommended that you print out this assessment to keep track of your work and answers. If you do not know an answer, you can make a note next to the problem and skip it. This will help you determine which sections you need to review. (Domain 1: The Real Number System)
1. Simplify 4 – (-10)
A. 6
B. 14
C. -14
D. -6

2. Simplify | -25| - |3|
A. 28
B. -25
C. -28
D. 22

3. What are the factors of 12?
A. 1 & 12
B. 2 & 6
C. 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, & 12
D. 2, 3, 4, & 6
4. What is the least common multiple of 5 and 18?
A. 5
B. 18
C. 23
D. 90

5. What is the greatest common factor of 30 and 75?
A. 150
B. 5
C. 15
D. 1

6. Simplify using the order of operations: 5* [32 + (9-5) * 23] - 1
A. 391
B. 204
C. 301
D. 164

(Domain 2: Operations with Fractions)
7. Write the fraction is simplest form. 24210
A. 12105
B. 652
C. 435
D. 18

8. Multiply the fractions and reduce to lowest terms if necessary. 25×109
A. 2045
B. 49
C. 1850
D. 1214

9. Divide the fractions and reduce to lowest terms if necessary. 410÷15
A. 2
B. 450
C. 1020
D. 2010

10. Add the fractions and reduce to lowest terms if necessary. 34+116
A. 320
B. 416
C. 364
D. 1316

11. Subtract the fractions and reduce to lowest terms if necessary. 1120-38
A. 812
B. 33160
C. 820
D. 740

12. Subtract the fractions and reduce to lowest terms if necessary. 425-21 6
A. 2 111
B. 1 211
C. 2 730
D. 1 230 (Domain 3: Decimals)
13. Round the decimal to the nearest tenth. 3265.85127
A. 3266
B. 3265.9
C. 3265.85
D. 3265.8

14. Order the decimals from least to greatest. 0.0615, 6.15, 5.618, 0.00814, 65.18

A. 0.00814, 5.618, 0.0615, 6.15, 65.18
B. 5.618, 0.0615, 6.15, 65.18, 0.00814
C. 0.00814, 0.0615, 5.618, 6.15, 65.18
D. 6.15, 5.618, 65.18, 0.0615, 0.00814

15. Write the following decimal as a mixed number in lowest terms. 8.65
A. 8 1320
B. 865
C. 86 510
D. 8 65100

16. Multiply the decimals without using a calculator. Round to the nearest tenth. 4.32 x 8.128
A. 12.448
B. 32.16
C. 12.5
D. 35.1

17. Subtract the decimals without using a calculator. Round to the nearest tenth. 56.78 – 27.845
A. 28.9
B. 29.1
C. 31.145
D. 29.515 (Domain 4: Ratios and Proportions)
18. Write the following ratio as a fraction in lowest terms. 18 : 90
A. 1890
B. 15
C. 945
D. 630

19. Write the following ratio as a percentage. Round to the nearest tenth. 27 : 51
A. 0.5%
B. 0.529%
C. 52.9%
D. 53%

20. Solve the following proportion. 85x x 56
A. x= 6
B. x= 102
C. x= 71
D. x= 160

21. There are 105 calories in 16 ounces of chocolate milk. How many calories are in 24 ounces of chocolate milk? Write this scenario as a proportion and solve.
A. 157.5
B. 196.1
C. 365
D. 70 (Domain 5: Percents, Translations, and Rates)
22. 45% of what number is 252?
A. 113.4
B. 138.6
C. 458
D. 560

23. Translate the following equation and solve. Twice a number subtracted from 20 is 8.
A. 2n – 20 = 8; n= 14
B. 20 – 2n = 8; n= 6
C. 20 – 8 = 2n; n= 6
D. 20n – 2= 8; n= 1/2 24. Sally’s work contract calls for a 3% raise every year for three years, compounded annually. If Sally makes $35,000 the first year, how much will her salary be at the beginning of year 3?
A. $38,150.00
B. $37,100.00
C. $37,131.50
D. $36,050.00

25. Joe’s house sold for x dollars. The real estate agent received a 6% commission, and Joe received $173,430 after the agent was paid. How much did Joe’s house sell for?
A. $184,500
B. $202,450
C. $183,835
D. $163,024

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