Premium Essay

Veel D Hiv Round Up Analysis

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Julia is researching about Sarah’s life during the Vel d’Hiv Roundup. She is very concerned with Sarah’s life. In the midst of her researching, she finds out that she is pregnant. She has one child who is eleven. Julia and her husband are in their forties and fifties. Julia always wanted to have another child for herself and Bertrand. She says, “For years, I had longed to give Bertrand another child. To prove myself.” (167) She was super excited when she found out that she was pregnant, but when she told Bertrand his feelings were not the same. He flat out told her that if she decides to keep this baby, this will be the end of them. Their relationship will be over. Bertrand does not want a child at the age he is because he would be an old parent. Julia is heartbroken over this. Although I do not know what Julia’s decision regarding the baby is yet, I think that she will have the baby. Bertrand is not very nice to Julia. He is straight forward with what he says, and is rude. He does not treat Julia well. For that matter, I believe that Julia will accept having the baby. After she has heard about some of Sarah’s story and the life of Jewish children back then, I think that that will be a big factor in deciding to have the baby. She will realize how important a person and life …show more content…
He was dead when she got to him, and that really hurt her. She was so devastated that he had died. She believed that it was her fault that he was dead. She blamed herself for all of it. In the same sense, I think that Julia will decide not to abort the baby because she will know that it was her fault that she ended the life of the human inside her. Because of what Sarah went through, I think that will convince Julia too that if she lets the baby go, she is causing his or her’s death. She will understand how important it is to keep a child and let him or her live a good life, unlike most Jewish

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Veel D Hiv Round Up Analysis

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