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Venus Research Paper

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Venus holds many number two spots in the field of astronomy. It is the second brightest object in the night sky (behind the Moon), second largest terrestrial planet, and is the second planet from the Sun. Venus has an apparent magnitude of -4.6, which is bright enough to cast shadows. It’s so bright that it can also be viewed during the daytime on a clear day. It does take the number one spot for being the hottest planet in our solar system. It was first recorded in the 17th century BC by Babylonian astronomers. The planet’s name orignated from the name of the Roman goddess of love and beauty. Venus is also commonly referred to as Earth’s sister planet because of their very similar size and mass. Both planets have a central core, a molten …show more content…
The Babylonians named Venus “Istar”. It had the personification of a woman and the mother of the gods. They described her as the “the bright torch of heaven.” Istar was regarded as being responsible for the world’s fertility. There was a legend formed about Istar that she went to the Underworld to search for her dead lover Tammuz, and all life on Earth started to die. The gods intervened and revived Tammuz and Istar was restored to the world. The Greeks called these two bodies Phosphorus and Hesperus, and the Romans called them Lucifer and Vesper. Both the Greeks and Romans practiced Venus-worship and erected temples in her honor. Venus-worship continued up until very recent times. It was believed that at one point Venus might have been a tropical paradise. Only when radio mapping was developed in the 1960’s were scientists actually able to observe and measure the extreme temperatures and hostile environment through the dense cloud of sulfuric acid. It’s thought that Venus might have had oceans but they evaporated as the planets temperature …show more content…
The top layer of the clouds zips around the planet every four days and is propelled by hurricane-force winds that travel about two hundred and twenty-four miles per hour. The clouds of sulfuric acid have lightning associated with them. Another natural formation on Venus is a long-lived cyclone that first observed in 2006. It remains in constant flux. The clouds also contain signs of meteorological events known as gravity waves, which

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