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Vigorous Exercise

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In the article Fetal wellbeing may be compromised during strenuous exercise among pregnant elite athletes, the authors researched fetal health during vigorous exercise in pregnant elite athletes. Moderate intensity exercise is recommended for women during uncomplicated pregnancies, but vigorous exercise for non-elite athletes could possibly lead to complications. However, if a woman is well trained before her pregnancy, continuing vigorous exercise during pregnancy has been shown to be safe. Some elite athletes continue to train or want to maintain their fitness level during pregnancy. Although many studies have studied how the fetus’s heart rate is affected during vigorous exercise, few have examined how the blood flow to the uterus is …show more content…
Another important objective of this article is to determine the effects of vigorous exercise on the blood flow to the uterus. The author argued that although vigorous exercise during pregnancy in elite athletes is safe, it might be compromised when exercise intensity reaches a certain level. The author came to this conclusion by testing six pregnant elite athletes during their second trimester. During a three to five submaximal running treadmill test, fetal heart rate, maternal heart rate, maternal VO2, maternal blood lactate, uteroplacental blood flow, and umbilical artery PI were measured. After gathering this data, the results showed that blood flow to the uterusd decreased 60-80% after the warm-up and decreased even more to 40-75% during the treadmill test. If the woman was below 90% of her maximal heart rate, the fetal heart rate was normal. However, if she was above 90% of her maximal heart rate and the blood flow to the uterus was below 50%, fetal bradycardia and high umbilical artery PI occurred. After a ten-minute rest, heart rate and umbilical artery PI returned to normal. Therefore, the authors were able to conclude that fetal health may be compromised if pregnant elite athletes maximal heart rate reaches above 90% during vigorous

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