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Web 2.0


Submitted By nthedford80
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Web 2.0

Web 2.0 How would you describe Web 2.0 to someone who has not taken a course in information systems? What are the advantages and disadvantages of Web 2.0? How has Web 2.0 impacted business?

The best way to explain Web 2.0 to someone lacking the knowledge thereof, should first understand that Web 2.0 is not a new type of web, it is more of an enhancement of the web experience by a vast collection of information technologies and applications that allows web users to interact socially, collaboratively, and more or less the ability to participate with ease, as these technologies and applications encourage users to do so. Web 2.0 allows Web users to be a part of the development and growth of different websites and the web, instead of just visiting a website and browsing through its information. Different applications and information technologies include Wikis, Mashups, Tagging, Blogs and blogging abilities, Podcasting and video uploading, etc (R. Kelly Rainer & Turban, 2009).
A few disadvantages of Web 2.0 is the fact that communication and sharing of information has now become unrestricted. This means that copyrighted material caqn now be infringed upon and even altered. Web 2.0 has made it to where users are more dependent on its technologies for research and information, socializing, etc. There are also a lot of unsecure websites that use Web 2.0 technologies and that poses a lot of threats as well, including accounts being hacked, spam, viruses, unknown scripts, etc. According to "Advantages Of Web2.0 Development And Web 2.0 Development Services" (2011), major advantages of this technology are its dynamic content, user participation, scalability, metadata, openness, collective intelligence, and also its rich user interface.
Web 2.0 has impacted businesses in a number of ways. Web 2.0 has allowed businesses to provide more innovative products and services, better access to critical and priceless knowledge, marketing that is cheaper and more effective, lower cost (overall) of doing business, and in return – higher revenues ("How Companies Are Benefiting From Web 2.0: Mckinsey Global Survey Results", 2012).


* R. Kelly Rainer & Turban. (2009). Introduction to Information Systems: Supporting and Transforming Business. Retrieved from R. Kelly Rainer & Turban, XBIS/219 website. * Advantages of Web2.0 Development and Web 2.0 Development Services. (2011). Retrieved from

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