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Web Mining


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基于 We 挖掘的个性化技术研究 b 冯是聪, 单松魏, 张志刚, 龚笔宏, 李晓明 ( 北京大学 计算机学院,北京 1 81
0 7)

摘 要:针对用户特性向用户提供个性化服务已经成为W b e 技术的研究热点。We 挖掘是实现 W b个性化服务 b e
的关健技术之一。研究了W b e 挖掘技术,阐述了We挖掘技术存在的不足,并对应用W b b e 挖掘技术实现个性化
关键 词 :个性 化 :We 挖 掘 : 用 户涂稼 :代理 b R s r o pr nlao t ho g s e o w b i e a h e oaztn nl i bs n mn g e c f s ii e c o e a d e in
F N Siog H N n-e Z A G iag O G hn, Xa- i
E G - n, A S g i H N Z - n, N B- g L i mn hc S o w , l g G t io
I o g

(oe oCm u r ne Tc o g P i Uir , jg 81 Ci)
Clg f p eSica e nl y en n ei Bi l 7, n le o t c e n h o , g v s d k y t en 0 i 0 ha A s at T p v e s az s v ef ui o uep f s be a a h s t e t ho g s As n o bt c: r i pr nle e i s s g s r i hs r e c ht oiw b nl i . o e r o d e o id c o n n r l a e e r o p n e o e o r c o e n s c f t ky nl i ow b s aztn wb i idelsd d Te ro i s s g mn g h e t ho g s e pr nlao, mn g ep t i . socmn oui w b i t e e o e f e o i i c e in s y e h ht u g f e in o n w b oaz s v ea s c e ad pr ei s ao l e. epr nle e is i d t epcv a aa z e s id c r p f n h s te r l ny d r e ei e e s
K y rs pr nlao; b i ; em dlg aet e w d: s azt n w mn g u r en; ns o eo i i e in s o i g 1 引

随着 Ie t e的飞速发展, r Wi We 上的网页 nr t n Wod d b l e

量正在呈指数的增长。 og (t/ w .oeo )
Goe : w o l m 搜 l hp/ g g . t w c 索引
0 根据“
天网” t:

e k. un搜索引擎得到的数据,
. e c
量己超过了30 万。在网页迅速增长的同时, b
We 用户
也迅猛地增长。根据C NC n
N I"的最新调查统计,
有48 万的网络用户, e 已经成为获取信息最重要的
海洋中获取其所需信息的挑战。 前W b

e 系统为所有用
e 站点来向所有用户发布相同的信息,
然而W b e 用户
用户希望W b e 系统能够根据他们特性
用户提供个性化服务已经成为 We b技术的一个研究热 同的 W b e 用户通过各种途径访问 W b资源 〔 e 如图 l 所 a 示) 其次,


图 l 所示) 最后, b :
如图l所示) 因此创建We c 。 b 个性化服务系统的一般步骤为:
息建立用户访 问模式是建立个性化系统的关键,
性向用户提供个性化服务。 e 挖掘是实现用户建模的

所谓We 个性化实质上就是一种以用户需求为中心 b 十一 一

的 We 服务 。图 1 b 描述 了 We 个性化 的实质 。首 先 , b 不


We 个性化的实质

基金项目 国
家重点 研究发展规划9 项目

3 基金资助 (1 9376 收稿日 20- -
G9 020 0

期: 0 1 1
冯是聪 ( 7一 男,
1 4)
9 ,
主要研究方向为W b e 挖掘和智能检索; 单松巍, 研究生; 张志刚,硕」
龚笔宏,硕士研究生; 李晓明,教授,
博士生导师,主要研究方向为W b e 挖掘、
一 4一


2 b We 挖掘技术
2 We 挖掘

1 b
We挖掘技术是实现We 个性化服务的核心技术之 b b 一。 b
We 挖掘的一般过程可以分成 3
个阶段: 预处理,

应用不间的W b e 挖掘算法发现用
选择有意义的模式。 b
We 挖掘通常可以分成3

个性化服务系统。这些系统体应川的W b e 挖掘类型包括
即过滤服务和导航服务。表 1
根据这 3个方
比较了基于We 挖掘的典型 W b b e 个性化系统。
表 1 典型 We 个性化系统的比转 b







服 务方式

内容 结构

一丁 ̄ 丁 —
一 一



图2 b
We 挖桩的分类

W b内容挖掘是从 W b资源中发现信息或知识 e e 的过程。在创建个性化服务系统时,人们通常应用
W b内容挖掘对网页内容进行分析,其中网页的 自动分 e 类技术‘

WeV R C b .-

和数据库方法。 e 内容挖掘由于直接处理数据对象的
We 使用挖掘技术通常可以应用到两个领域:当用 b
来分析 W b e 服务器的访问日志时,
服务模型来设计适应性 W b e 站点[ 当应用到单个用户

式 ’ W b使用挖掘由于处理数据对象通常为用户的访
0 e

中也得到了较广泛的应用。 b
We 使用挖掘的基本方法包
分类 、

W七 b结构包括页面内部的结构以及页面之间的结
通过挖掘We 结构信息 对于导航用户浏览行为、 b 改

评价页面的重要性等都非常重要。a Rn
Pg a e k
算法和C E E
L V R算法利用We 网页间的链接信息来查找 b “
权威" t r e 网页和“
(u ots
A hi ) i 集线器"H b) e 结构挖
掘通常需要整个We 的全局数据, b 因此在个性化搜索引
2 典型We 个性化系统的比较

2 b 目前 己经 出现 了多个应用 We 挖掘技术创建的 We b b

, ̄
 ̄响. ... ... ... ,..


3 e 挖掘技术存在的问题 b

尽管W b e挖掘技术已经在W b e个性化系统中得到了 广泛的应用,
( 隐私问题 1

这是一个不可回避的问题,因为要想建立个性化 We 系统就必须有用户的参与,同时还要分析用户反馈 b 的信息,
这就可能涉及到用户的隐私。目前的 W b e 个性
( 性能问题 2

Wb e个性化系统都不同程度地扩展了传统的浏览器/
服务器体系结构, e 信息经过相应处理后才返回客户
特别是采用中间代理方式的系统川 如果


个不可忽视的问题。针对 W b e 系统,
还是系统维护的网页通常都是海量的,目前的We 挖掘 b 算法在处理这些数据时通常都采用离线方式,
( 质量评价问题 3

应用We 挖掘技术实现We 个性化服务, b b
采用不同的We 挖掘技术, b 如何评价它们的建模效果以

一 5一



参 考 文 献

的B nh a 来评价 We 各种不同的We 挖掘技术 ecm r k b b 4 基于We 挖掘的个性化技术的发展 b ()与人下智能技术的结合 1

因此人工智能技术与We 挖掘技术的 b 结合将会促进 W b e 个性化系统的飞速发展。

2 与交互式多媒体We 技术的结合 b 随着 卜 一 n r t 代 Ie e技术的飞速发展与应用, tn 未来的
b的将是多媒体的世界。W b e 个性化技术和We 多媒 b 体系统结合出现了交互式个性化多媒体We 系统1 。 b e 支


体 We 系统更能满足用户需要, b 因此也将成为We 个性 b 化系统的发展方向之一

3 与数据库等技术的结合
We 挖掘技术的基础是数据挖掘。 b
尽管We 数据由 b 于 自身的特性(
使得W七挖 b 掘面临着新的挑战,
掘技术的发展,We 挖掘技术也将得到快速的发展。当 b 然,
基于W b

5 结束语
随着 W b 的迅猛发展, e 千差万别的用户希望We 系 b 统能够根据他们的特性提供个性化的服务。作为实现
We 个性化服务的关键技术之一, b b We挖掘技术受到了广
无论 W b e 挖掘技术还是个性化技术,


此, 于We挖掘的个性化技术还有着广阔的研究空间。

交互式多媒体We 技术的发展, b b We 个性

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上接第 3
可 以用于多种问题的解决和处理。

3 一0 8

[ CoeG Cm utnl px op bbic -
3 op . pti ac li r aliie
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参 考 文 献: [ C i en D Gi r ekr a D La i B y
4 h krg , g D H ce n ern a,
] c i M e e , m
. n g sn w k iN - dZ. hil o RT - rs Phr[]Tcn aRprMS -R i nto s a a e e c et
[ H ce a DA oao lri wtBysn o s
1 ekr n t rl e n i aea nt r

m . ti n g h i e k u a n w

[ . n a e r -R9 0 Mc s e c c r o M RT - - , r o Rs r ,
Z Tc il t S
h p 5 6 io f e ah t 19 9 5

( 余长慧,

识发现 [ 武汉大学学报信息科学版 〔 .

增刊) 20, )
, 02( :

一 6一


9 1. oo er , 4 rsfR sa h 19
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Identify Five Different Materials That You May Encounter

...a mineral that is mined to supply each of those materials. Can you think of any considerations, other than economic, that might prohibit or limit the mining of certain minerals? The five materials I use on a daily basis are Gold, Silver, Copper, Graphite and Halite. The gold used on a daily basis is my wedding ring, watch as well as the gold plated audio video cables on my TV. Silver is used in the coins I use in the vending machine at work. Copper is used in the heating and air conditioning in my home as well as work. Copper is also the conductor used in the computers I work on a daily basis at work. The Graphite is used to make carbon fiber parts on my motorcycle as well as my carbon fiber brakes. Carbon fiber made from Graphite is very light weight and the brakes dissipate heat very quickly. Halite can be used as salt that seasons the many foods I eat. One consideration could cause a health risk and limit the mining of certain minerals like quartz. This mineral has been known to cause respiratory problems with miners. Kumar, Narian, Sharma, Tiwari (2010), “Quartz stone grinders are one such group of workers who are exposed to silica and thereby at risk of developing silicosis” (p.87). The longer a miner is exposed to the quartz in the mines the greater the risk to develop health problems. It is also possible mining some materials in other less developed countries funding could result in buying proper equipment as well as safety gear. The lack of proper training...

Words: 361 - Pages: 2

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An Analysis of the Government's Role in the Mining Industry in the Philippines

...An Analysis of the Government's Role in the Mining Industry in the Philippines Steven B. Baria Kim Edbonn C. Castillo Maridy D. Nuyda Economics 151 Prof. Teresa J Ho March 13, 2013 The stance of the government in recapturing the essence of the mining industry in the country has been reiterated time and again. The industry has been tapped as one of the most viable provider of revenues and employment through local and foreign investments. Past administrations had stressed the importance of favorable investment conditions that is supposed to promote the economic growth and progress, particularly in the mining industry. However, various issues has haunted the implementation of a holistic mining industry in the nation. This paper aims to provide a view of the efficiency and equity issues that plagues the whole of the mining sector and what the government can do in order to cater to these considerations. The Philippine case would be the vantage point of the study. The paper starts by defining some terms that is helpful in understanding the entire paper. A discussion of the externalities emanating from the mining industry and equity and efficiency arguments follows suit. Lastly an analysis of the government’s role in the Philippines and some recommendations are given. Mining: Some Definitions Mining is the useful extraction of minerals and other geological materials from the surface of the earth. This involves complicated and expensive processes and is accompanied by externalities...

Words: 4936 - Pages: 20

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Ethics of the Energy Industry

...! ! ! Group Project: Ethics of the Mining Industry Group 4 Business Ethics 04-71-300-02 Professor Singh Date submitted: March 19th, 2014 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !1 Executive Summary This report assesses the global mining industry from a business perspective. Firstly, it begins with the history of mining across the globe and the structure of the mining industry. It then analyzes the impacts of the mining industry globally. Lastly, it addresses the issues surrounding our land—the Canadian mining industry. The research shows that the history of mining goes as far as the Neolithic era. The mining value chain presented demonstrates the formation of a mining company to the extraction of the natural resources. Further investigation shows that the mining structure is an oligopoly. Methods of analysis include an environmental analysis using PEST and a stakeholder map, which focus on the performance of a world-renowned mining company TransAlta. The finding is that management’s role is to have efficiency and productivity while maintaining ethical practices. Ethical theories are then used to look at the social, environmental and economical impacts of the Canadian industry. It is concluded that each ethical theory presents a favorable solution to each impact. Social corporate responsibility is evaluated in the last ten years in Canada and around the globe. It is found that the industry has become one of the most safety-conscious industries within Canada. The companies still...

Words: 8928 - Pages: 36

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...‘North-End-CSR’ card, should reveal certain of the company’s characteristics, and allow us to evaluate and reconsider the purpose of CSR Discussion Outline of XSTRATA The publicly-traded company selected by our team is XSTRATA, a corporation which is listed on both the London Stock Exchange and the Switzerland Stock Exchange. The headquarters of the company is in Switzerland. To analyze the XSTRATA’s CSR conformity, key general factors of the company which will be considered. They are: (a) industry classification, (b) services and products, (c) overseas operations, and (d) number of employees. The strategy and extent of CSR activities may be expected to vary depending upon these factors. a) Industry Classification XSTRATA is in the mining industry....

Words: 5767 - Pages: 24

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Gold Mining in the Philippines

...Gold Mining: Why it should be banned in the Philippines? Gold mining in the Philippines can be traced hundreds of years back before the colonizers came to the country. As early as 1521, our ancestors were already panning gold and have decorated themselves with gold accessories. As years passed, the growth of the mining industry has increased. In 1995, Philippine Mining Act was passed which the government allowed foreign companies to fully operate in the country; it created backlash from Filipinos stating that they should be the only ones to mine their own resources but the government still allowed it for large investments coming from foreign companies which will boost the economy. 1 The country’s mining industry was also ignited by the legend of Yamashita’s treasure. The legend has attracted tourists and curious treasure seekers to look out for the supposed ‘treasure’ of gold that the Japanese Army had hidden in the different parts of the country. 2 It seems that gold mining is a lucrative business. But is mining helpful to the country? Mining have garnered vast impacts in every aspect of the country. It boosts the economy by letting the mining companies give the government its share of their profits. But only a margin of profits is being given to the government. According to Governor Joey Salceda of Albay, “which hosts the Rapu-Rapu Polymetallic Project, only received P3.4 million from the mining company’s revenues. The company’s export value reached P7.7 billion...

Words: 964 - Pages: 4

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Mining a Tropical Paradise

...allows easy strip mining operations. Nauruans enjoyed strip mining for a century as it made them among the richest people in the world. Billions of dollars worth of phosphates had been exported. The damage to their environment due to mining was so severe. The rehabilitation of the devastated land and the replacement of income from phosphate are serious long-term problems. Since 2000, Nauru’s economy has relied largely on payments for fishing rights within its exclusive economic zone and the detention center camps for asylum seekers to Australia, which held Afghan, Burmese, and Sri Lankan refugees. The government-owned mining company, the Republic of Nauru Phosphate Company, or RONPhos, initiated the mining of subsurface secondary reserves of phosphate in late 2009, along with a new rehabilitation program for mined-out land. The rehabilitation program includes the development of a new national cemetery, a nursery for developing native flora for the reforestation of the island, a catchment area for a freshwater reservoir and a conservation area. The Nauru’s example is a warning for the Philippines. The Philippines is the fifth most mineral-rich country in the world for gold, nickel, copper, and chromite. It is home to the largest copper-gold deposit in the world. The Mines and Geosciences Bureau has estimated that the country has an estimated $840 billion worth of untapped mineral wealth. And all the regions (except NCR and ARMM) in the country allow mining operations. Even...

Words: 349 - Pages: 2

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...important medical isotopes. It is for this reason that Uranium mining is an ever-important and pressing point of discussion. Mining itself has been criticized for the massive effect it on the environment around it. Uranium mining is no different, and more often then not, the after effects of Uranium mining are more detrimental to the environment. Unlike other mining, Uranium mining has also caused a major stir in the actual use of the Uranium after it has been mined. The environmental problems of Uranium mining go further then the actual mining and by products. The uses of Uranium have been seen as risky and dangerous. Using Uranium as a source of energy has already shown the disastrous effects. The melt down at Chernobyl is still causing health problems in citizens after 30 years. On the upside, Uranium mining creates employment and boosts the Australian Economy. It is for these reasons that Uranium Mining is a process that needs to be looked at carefully before any judgements are made on it's future in Australia. Chemistry Of Uranium and Uranium Mining In the Earth's crust, mineral Uranium averages about two parts per million. Traces of Uranium occur just about everywhere on earth. In Australia, the existence of uranium has been noted since the 1890's. In 1930, ores were mined at Radium Hill in South Australia for minute deposits of Radium. The Radium was used for medical purposes. As a result of the Radium mining, a couple of hundred kilograms of uranium was obtained and used...

Words: 831 - Pages: 4