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West Side Story: How My Hair Changed My Life

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I was 12 years old when a purple satin dress changed my life.

My middle school choir was not unique in our watching of West Side Story in class- most anyone whose parents sign them up for choir at that age are subjected to the Romeo and Juliet of musical theater. Typically, this rite of passage is used as a tool to teach kids that dancing and theater can tell stories that they can relate to in the same way that English teachers will try to tell you that Shakespeare is just like a “hardcore dope rap”. In short, it makes kids cringe, and I was not unique in my eye-rolling at this movie. We were unique, however, in that the local theater was putting on a production of West Side Story, so we all got to take an afternoon off school to go and tour the set, ask questions, and then attend a performance at Drury Lane.

We were a poorly behaved group of kids, if I remember right- we giggled and hit each other when people fell in love, we cooed like a studio audience the first time Tony sang to Maria. Good theater kids would’ve sat quietly, enjoyed the music, and be swept away by real actors singing and dancing.

Clearly, I was not a good theater kid.

But then, Anita swept onstage in her purple satin dress. And I was …show more content…
Over and over again, I was told growing up that life in the arts was impossible, that there were no jobs in theater, that if that’s the life I wanted, I would be penniless and living in a box or on my parent’s charity. College wasn’t in the cards for me, since we couldn’t afford it and I wasn’t a good enough student to get scholarship, so instead I packed my bags and shipped off to Florida to work for the best entertainment company I could find- The Walt Disney Company. Disney took me in with open arms and after working 40 hours a week at minimum wage for two years, I decided that cost be damned, I was headed back to school (there’s only so long that everything stays magical when you have to eat ramen for dinner every

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