...Final Exam Q. 1 Has the president grown too powerful for a republic, or is it too hobbled to carry out the mandate? Too powerful. The first argument people bring up is how the president is viewed more as the leader than a representative. Second, The president has too much power in executive orders. And lastly, the president has more political interest than public interest. Too limited. Many will argue that there are too many restrictions put on the president for him to actually do his job. They will also argue that due to opposition, or gridlock, in other branches of the government, the president is unable to effectively lead. I believe both are incorrect. I believe both of these arguments are based on a misperception of what the president...
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...I argue that the President of our Country must use signing statements because every President has made one deal, two deals or another to guarantee a individual, personal interest group, political interest party and/or lobbyist for their vote and support to get into the White House. Once the President is in office the laws and bills begin to shuffle in. The President probably does not agree with all that is written in the bill and must instead of veto it and draw out a long political fight he writes down his thought of agreement and disagreement in the bill. In reviewing President Bush’s signing Statement at the Library of Congress website. When Congress passes a bill it is titled by them and they are able to give themselves credit for passing the bill by stating 109th Congress and enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States. The President is not given credit. One reason I believe the President provides a signing statement is to give themselves a public voice and to explain the parts of the bill they agree with or do not agree with and as to why they do not agree with parts of the bill. A signing statement in not a bill or a law and some critic say if he does not agree with the bill or law he should veto it. There were only two statements in the bill that were set in by congress that the President did not agree with. I believe that a signing statement from a President allows for him to record his thoughts and beliefs and reasoning for signing...
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...What are the different Constitutional responsibilities with regard to war making for both the President and Congress? The different constitutional responsibilities as I understood them between the President and congress is that, the president is the main person who is in charge of the military, as it is said in the constitution he is the commander and chief of the military. The President can’t declare war only congress can this is where the biggest difference in responsibilities comes into play. The President may be the commander and chief of the military, but only in times of war and when an unexpected attack on home soil happens, but he himself cannot declare war this is a power that was only bestowed on congress, the President however...
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...President Abraham Lincoln: the supposed “Great Emancipator” who freed the slaves and won the civil war. That is how the story is told, but what is unknown is that slavery was never President Lincoln’s true priority. Just like any other President or Politician, during wartime (and the events leading up to war) his sole focus was keeping his country together. Slavery came second to this. While having this ideal, keeping the country unified, is not a bad priority, it definitely calls for a reevaluation of President Lincoln. He was not, truly, the Great Emancipator, but instead focused on his Presidential duties, just like another politician. First, it must be established that President Lincoln holding the unity of the country above slavery...
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...Imagine living in the world where one person can do whatever he feels like whenever he likes. On top of all that he is the person that controls The United States of America. Do we really want to let our president slowly get the power to do anything he wants? Do we want a dictator to rule the United States? By letting the President Obama bomb whoever he feels like was part of 9/11 without even talking to the Congress is giving The President of The United States way too much power. In 15 years the president has bombed 6 countries without congress approval that he had felt had something to do with 9/11. In this article we will talk about why it is wrong that the president has the power to bomb anyone, also we will talk about what power the president has, and what power the congress has. Unfortunately the majority of American does not know the power the president has and to what extent he can use it. According to Article II of the US Constitution the president has the power to control the military which includes The Army, The Navy, and The National Guard; however the president cannot send the Army off to war without the...
Words: 587 - Pages: 3
...|What is the supreme law of the land? | |The Constitution | |What does the Constitution do? | |It sets up the government | |Defines the government | |Protects basic rights of Americans | |The idea of self-government is in the first three words of the Constitution. What are these words? | |We the People | |What is an amendment? | |A change (to the Constitution) | |An addition (to the Constitution) ...
Words: 1907 - Pages: 8
...Republic Historical Fiction How would George Washington advise President Barack Obama? “Mr. President, your press conference regarding Ukraine will start in a hour.” informed Joseph Jones. “Thank you, Mr. Jones”, answered the President. “Anytime”, he said says as he leaves. The President paced the room. What was he going to say at the meeting? He still had no idea what he was going to do about Ukraine. He walked over to the wall of past presidents and looked at George Washington’s portrait. “If only you could come and give me advice about my situation.” All of a sudden, the cloudless, blue sky turned black and lightning struck. The front door of the White House flew open and a man in a trench coat came walking in. “Um, excuse me sir, but do you know where I can find the current president?” , says the strange man. The President straightened his tie and said, “I am he.” The strange man looked at him doubtfully. “I am here for a short time. I have no time for jokes. There is no way an African American like yourself could ever think of being President? Now step aside so I could go search for the President myself” The strange man started to walk by him. The President, surprised by such comment, stopped him in his tracks. “Who are you, exactly?” He asks trying to get a better view of his face. The strange man put his hood down to show his face. “I am no other than George Washington.” The President was at a loss for words. He attempted to speak but could...
Words: 1026 - Pages: 5
...Imagine yourself being the president of the United States of America. Do you want to be in those shoes? What traits do you see a good president having? In today’s society having this job isn’t going to be easy. This is the job for me because I’m a good leader, I’m honest, and I’m well organized. Vote me for president! First, I’m a good leader. A leader must be strong-minded, understanding, patient, and focused. Having a president with great leadership is what everyone wants for our society today. As a leader it is difficult to please everyone, you need to know how to guide and inspire people just like you might at your work. It also comes with negative effects that can discourage everyone. As has been the caption for the volleyball team for years, I can relate that everyone isn’t going to agree or even think the same, but if you show them and prove to them they will start respecting you more than what they did. Being a leader you will learn to listen and deal with the negatives. When voting for president choose someone with confidence and who can lead our country....
Words: 468 - Pages: 2
...1. What is the supreme law of the land? A: The Constitution 2. What does the Constitution do? A: sets up the government A: defines the government A: protects basic rights of Americans 3. The idea of self-government is in the first three words of the Constitution. What are these words? A: We the People 4. What is an amendment? A: a change (to the Constitution) A: an addition (to the Constitution) 5. What do we call the first ten amendments to the Constitution? A: The Bill of Rights 6. What is one right or freedom from the First Amendment?* A: speech A: religion A: assembly A: press A: petition the government 7. How many amendments does the Constitution have? A: twenty-seven (27) 8. What did the Declaration of Independence do? A: announced our independence (from Great Britain) A: declared our independence (from Great Britain) A: said that the United States is free (from Great Britain) 9. What are two rights in the Declaration of Independence? A: life A: liberty A: pursuit of happiness 10. What is freedom of religion? A: You can practice any religion, or not practice a religion. 11. What is the economic system in the United States?* A: capitalist economy A: market economy 12. What is the "rule of law"? A: Everyone must follow the law. A: Leaders must obey the law. A: Government must obey the law. A: No one is above the law. B. System of Government 13. Name one branch or part of the government.* A: Congress A: legislative A: President A:...
Words: 2497 - Pages: 10
...Experience Since 1945 Mrs. Andrea McClain November 1, 2012 The following is a full transcript of my interview with former President Ronald Regan. Jesus Flores: President Thank you for your time and for doing this President Ronald Regan: Thank you, Jesus. Jesus Flores: First of all I want to take this time and opportunity to ask you Mr. President a series of different questions based on different topics. Some of these topics include: economic policies, Religious right, Military spending, Attempted Assassinations and cutting the size of the government. I am going to be brief but concise on the questions. President Ronald Reagan: It will be my pleasure to answer your questions. Jesus Flores: my first two questions Mr. President are what are your thoughts on economic policies? And do you feel that our economy is moving in a positive direction? President Ronald Reagan: I would like to see a reduction in government spending and regulations, while reducing the money supply to combat inflation. In regards to your second question yes, very much so I would like to see and I think we will see lower interest rates then they are right now which will put us on the right direction in our economy. Jesus Flores: Thank you Mr. President Jesus Flores: Mr. President since we are talking about economy here, what is your thoughts on raising our debt? President Ronald Regan: Well, Let me just say that: “We don't have a trillion-dollar debt because we haven't taxed enough; we have a trillion-dollar...
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...2013 1. Democrat a. I feel that President Bush took a foot instead of an inch when he sent troops to Iraq after the 9/11 incident. The war led to a great amount of debt which did not need to happen and the losing the lives of our citizens. I think that the war lasted for too long which just had more problems Obama had to fix when he went into office. b. I feel like people’s perspective of Bush’s presidency affected how Obama was viewed when he went into office because people had already had no hope for the American govt. Obama’s approach to the national debt was handled greatly with the new reforms he made- for example the health care laws he tried to put into effect. c. The power of the President has definitely changed. I think that with changing times the president should stay up to date especially with keeping his presidency more modern than what it used to be. 2. Democrat a. It is hard to say whether or not the president has too much power or not because people do not truly know what it’s like to be president until they can actually experience it. I think that as the leader of our nation, Obama is under a lot of stress. We cannot forget that he is trying to fix a country that was basically ruined and it is going to take time for those changes to take action. b. With all these problems happening with North Korea, I feel that Obama should have more authority. I feel like the citizens of this country do not exactly know what’s going on and it’s causing...
Words: 1285 - Pages: 6
...political parties? 3) Name 2 senators of Virginia? 4) What is the legislative branch of government? 5) What are the beliefs of declaration of independence? 6) When do we inaugurate the new commander in chief? Part A: Principles of American Democracy 1. What is the supreme law of the land? The Constitution 2. What does the Constitution do? Sets up the government defines the government protects basic rights of Americans 3. The idea of self-government is in the first three words of the Constitution. What are these words? We the People Free Online US Citizenship Practice Test. 4. What is an amendment? A change (to the Constitution) an addition (to the Constitution) 5. What do we call the first ten amendments to the Constitution? The Bill of Rights 6. What is one right or freedom from the First Amendment?* Speech religion assembly press petition the government 7. How many amendments does the Constitution have? Twenty-seven (27) 8. What did the Declaration of Independence do? Announced our independence (from Great Britain) declared our independence (from Great Britain) said that the United States is free (from Great Britain) 9. What are two rights in the Declaration of Independence? Life liberty pursuit of happiness 10. What is freedom of religion? You can practice any religion, or not practice a religion. 11. What is the economic system in the United States?* Capitalist economy market economy 12. What is the "rule of law"? Everyone must follow the...
Words: 2188 - Pages: 9
...What kind of President do the American people prefer? * Talk about what the Americans look for in a president * Use Abraham Lincoln as an example, and see if he fulfill these demands Presidential history * George Washington was the first president, and he was president from 1789 and 8 years forward. * United States have had 43 different presidents * There is an election every 4. Year, and nobody can become president more than twice How to become a president? * To become a president in the United States there is some characteristics you need to fulfill. * At least 35 years old, * Natural born citizen of the United states * Been permanent resident in the United States for at least 14 years. What kind of president do the people prefer? * All the 43 persons which have been president in the USA have been men. * But in the 2008 presidential nomination race. Hillary Clinton won more delegates than any other female candidate in American history * So maybe soon we will see the first female president * Religion is important to the American people. * Almost all of the presidents can be characterized as Christians, at least formal. * Unlike Norway, it is totally normal for a president to be open about his faith and talk about God. * Around 80% of Americans call themselves Christian, and 60% says that religion plays a very important role in their lives. * The Presidents personality is extremely important to most...
Words: 564 - Pages: 3
...Throughout the past decades, the presidents of the United States have gotten the world's attention and impacted everyone through the use of their speeches and writings. One of the most notable speeches came from President John F. Kennedy. JFK captured the emotions and thoughts of many people with the use of rhetoric in his inaugural address. This address, using ethos, logos, and pathos, affected the lives of many people. He speaks to a number of different audiences, and each audience is addressed individually. Kennedy reassures the Americans' confidence, explains what he has to do to be successful, and gives people born without a fair chance hope. President Kennedy's use of ethos in his speech helps show what kind of president he will be. As you know, he was the first Catholic president of the United States. In his address he says, "For I have sworn before you and Almighty God the same solemn oath our forebears prescribed nearly a century and three-quarters ago." This shows that Kennedy is a strong, morally correct man who puts much faith in God. He appeals to all the Catholics to let them know that he is a true Catholic. President Kennedy uses logos effectively when he explains why it's important to avoid war and secure peace across the globe. He urges nations to help each other through problems instead of letting the problems divide the countries. He wants to focus on the positive effects that science can have on society rather than its disastrous effects. He says,...
Words: 718 - Pages: 3
...Case Study: The New Vice President Part A 1. At this point, what are your predictions about Jennifer as interim vice president? Jennifer seems to be a qualified choice. She is familiar with the University, has good relationships, and appears to have the appropriate back round that qualifies her for the position. It is difficult to predict at this point due to several factors. 1) Will her relationships with her coworkers affect her decisions where they are concerned? 2) How will she work with the new President, who she barely knows. At this point, It appears Jennifer will have some transitioning, but there does not seem to be anything that would drastically keep her from growing into her new position. 2. What do you predict will be her management/leadership style? Jennifer's leadership style looks like it will follow in the mold of consideration. She has strong interpersonal relationships with her now subordinates and will likely focus on maintaining those relationships as part of her style. While this can be a good thing, Jennifer will have to make sure that her new subordinates also accept her authority. 3. What are her strengths and weaknesses? What is the basis for this assessment? Jennifer's strengths will be her familiarity with the University, the relationships she has developed, and her dedication she has demonstrated to the University. Her weaknesses will be the transition into her new position and how that may affect colleagues who are now subordinates...
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