...PDF 由人人网《经济学人》翻译组提供翻译、整理 新浪微博请关注 http://weibo.com/tett 原文版权归经济学人集团所有 小组地址 http://xiaozu.renren.com/xiaozu/228064 主宰自己人生的秘诀在于求知与冒险,前者让你预见未来,后者让你掌控你所预见的未来。 鸣 组长:钮成拓 组长:胡伟凡 谢 翻译 A 组(一周时事 The world this week 文艺 Books and Arts) 组员:史心语 李雅婷 罗智 朱田牧 沈鱼 唐宇 熊朋迪 姚欣悦 翻译 B 组(财经 Finance & Economics 科技 Science & Technology) 组员:陈默 汤旭武 熊佳 黄文琦 王紫珊 徐莉钦 袁子葳 陈玉梅 许青 汤永永 翻译 C 组(精粹 Briefing 亚洲 Asia) 组长:贺鹏 组员:董董 王英莲 金婧华 杨婕 郑玮 闵昂 董平 苏秋秋 刘畅 杨畅 翻译 D 组(商业 Business 社论 Leaders) 组长:卢爽 组员:程娟 曹宝平 张力 巩子笠 王同同 谢乙德 赵一蓉 管浩波 翻译 E 组(美国 United States 美洲 The Americas) 组长:程蒙 组员:慧子 孔德威 栾子越 裴静 郑恒 胡文玉 王思思 马绍博 李苏 翻译 F 组(中东与非洲 Middle East and Africa 国际 International) 组长:单李扬 组员:樊睿 沈骜 林冰洁 李小千 黄献禾 蔡丽艳 李骏 刘超 翻译 G 组(英国 Britain 欧洲 Europe) 组长:周薇薇 组员:徐文婕 周开文 郭伟华 战培良 郭爽 芳菲 柳杨 王征 李慧彗 郭心睿 李寅 罗丹 张亚玲 校对组 组长:尹茜 组员:李晓敏 任昊 汪楚航 胡心云 张诗玲 张理中 王晴 刘洋 杨舒雅 费凡 ——组员专访 没有赶上这周的小组会议, 但是也得服从组织安排啊。 这周的题目是政治和金融的结合体, 尽管不长, 也让我大费周章。 虽然嘴上说再也不要碰经济类的文章了,但是心里还是有种想要去正视自己软肋的冲动。每次都是拖拖拉拉直到最后,有时 候还要翻译到一点多,厚着脸皮向刘总、组长和校对组的同学们表示深深的歉意。 因为考研,我加入了这个小组,从当初看不得群里一片喧哗,气愤从网横行的河蟹,然后为分组纠结,再到后来认识了 好多朋友,成长的确是一件值得开心的事情。那么多伙伴祝我生日快乐,我一条一条看过去,留下了一个一边笑一边想哭的 扭曲表情。 今天刘总把人人小组对翻译团的超好评发出来了,今后也请各位继续多多努力,我们的目标还很远大呢! C 组-苏秋秋 2011.9.10 《经济学人》中英文对照版 2011 年 9 月 10 日刊 免费订阅地址:http://s8.hk/5vqm -1- 本刊旨在提供学习交流之用,请于下载后 24 小时内删除,我们鼓励购买正版! The Economist 本 周 政 治 要 闻 BY 史 心 语 &罗 智 本 周 商 业 要 闻 BY 唐 宇 &熊 朋 迪 本 PDF 由人人网《经济学人》翻译组提供翻译、整理 财 经 Finance & Economics 红币在国外 新浪微博请关注 http://weibo.com/tett 原文版权归经济学人集团所有 小组地址 http://xiaozu.renren.com/xiaozu/228064 本...
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...How to target Chinese luxury consumers Fashion in Macau Date:13/11/2012 Students name: Emma Ling Monica Anni Content Content 2 Introduction 2 1.Market 3 A. Market Size 3 B. Region Size 5 C. Consumption 6 D. Distribution 7 a. The real stores 7 b.The online malls 8 E. Communication 10 a.Why we take point-to-point communication 11 b.When to start point-to-point communication 11 c.How to start point-to-point communication 12 2、Main Players 12 A. Brand summary 12 B. Rank 13 C. Brand development 14 3、Consumer Behavior 15 A. The purpose of consumption 15 B. Region Potential 15 4、Market Segmentation 17 A. Geographic Segmentation 17 B. Demographic Segmentation 17 C. Sociocultural Segmentation 18 5.About Destination Macau 19 Conclusion 21 Sources 22 Appendix 23 Introduction Our group chose fashion as our topic in many luxury category, because we as constumers are concerned about fashion in luxury segment, and the most powerful global luxury goods group is also about fashion. (see “2,Main Players”P12).The most important is that Chinese consumers may most concerned about fashion in luxury segment.Because luxury segment always lead the fashion,so that they can put their new products on the sale. We chose Macau as the analysis city because as one of the special administrative regions of China, Macau has its unique policy and economic model(see Appendix). And because the area is small, it’s...
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...[pic][pic] 本科生毕业论文 浅析中西方文化中思维模式的差异 院 系 外国语学院 专 业 英语(教育方向) 班 级 09英教本3班 学 号 0401090339 学 生 姓 名 陈少杰 联 系 方 式 13782379865 指 导 教 师 汪海燕 职称: 讲师 2013 年 5 月 独 创 性 声 明 本人郑重声明:所呈交的毕业论文是本人在指导老师指导下取得的研究成果。除了文中特别加以注释和致谢的地方外,论文中不包含其他人已经发表或撰写的研究成果。与本研究成果相关的所有人所做出的任何贡献均已在论文中作了明确的说明并表示了谢意。 签名: 年 月 日 授权声明 本人完全了解许昌学院有关保留、使用本科生毕业论文的规定,即:有权保留并向国家有关部门或机构送交毕业论文的复印件和磁盘,允许毕业论文被查阅和借阅。本人授权许昌学院可以将毕业论文的全部或部分内容编入有关数据库进行检索,可以采用影印、缩印或扫描等复制手段保存、汇编论文。 本人论文中有原创性数据需要保密的部分为(如没有,请填写“无”): 签名: 年 月 日 指导教师签名: 年 月 日 | | | | Study on the Differences in Thinking Modes between Chinese and Western Culture | | | | |A Thesis Submitted ...
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...[pic] 毕业设计(论文)开题报告 (含文献综述、外文翻译) [pic] 题 目 英语专业学生写作能力分析和提高策略 --以城院学生四八级作文为例 An Analysis of English Majors’ Writing Ability and Improvement Strategies: A Case Study on ZUCC English Majors’ TEM-4/8 Performances 姓 名 俞星星 学 号 30608160 专业班级 英语0603 所在学院 外国语学院 指导教师(职称) 指导教师(讲师) 二○一○年 五 月 二十 日 毕业设计(论文) 开 题 报 告 (包括选题的意义、可行性分析、研究的内容、研究方法、 拟解决的关键问题、预期结果、研究进度计划等) RESEARCH PROPOSAL An Analysis of English Majors’ Writing Ability and Improvement Strategies: A Case Study on ZUCC English Majors’ TEM-4/8 Performances 1. Purpose and Significance Thanks to the globalization, the demand for the bilingual workers is on the rise. As English majors, we believe that what we can do to be more competitive in this increasingly globalized world is to have a solid command of this language. The certificates such as TEM-8(Test for English Majors Band Eight) is a must but what really matters is what ability the students really have possessed and could be employed at ease. Upon reflecting on the TEM-4 (Test for English Majors Band Four) /TEM-8 scores the seniors have acquired, we clearly learn that there is still quite a room for improvement, especially when it comes to writing. Some students still find it tough to put pen into the paper and work out a satisfactory essay; some are hard-pressed to express themselves smoothly in the...
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...[pic][pic] 本 科 毕 业 论 文 题 目(中文) 咖啡连锁产业营销策略研究—星巴克中国案例研究 (英文) A Research on the Marketing Strategies of Coffee Chain Business- A Case Study of Starbucks in China 姓 名 (中文) 李佩琪 (拼音) LiPeiQi 学 号 20100301336 所在学院 国际商务英语学院 年级专业 国际商务管理 指导教师 侯香勤 职称 讲师 完成时间 2014 年 2 月 28 日 A Research on the Marketing Strategies of Coffee Chain Business --- A Case Study of Starbucks in China Li Peiqi School of English for International Business Abstract In this article, the writer summarizes the marketing strategies of Starbucks by applying the basic theories of marketing, the SWOT analysis method with the theory support from a lot of reading and information searching. This article argues that the factors which distinguish Starbucks from its competitors in the market positioning are: the pursuit of coffee quality, the well-trained staff, the enthusiasm for making the world better, the attention to it pays to the community and the environment, innovation and the one and only “Starbucks Experience”. Starbucks puts coffee business in primary place, its core competiveness is its culture and values. Since the company locates the business in inspiring human’s spiritual beauty, it is necessary for their marketing means to come from the mental and psychological level. One innovative side of this article...
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...雅思图表作文之示意图(含时间变迁比较的地图)写法解析(含业内顶级水平范文,原创) 示意图的独特之处在于要求在作文里面实现对“compare and contrast”这两个能力的考核。首段的关注点:除了改写题目和其他图表作文一样以外,还要加入the development of以突出动态。如果有将来时的时间,最要加入with forecasts to的字样。 第一个主体段分析过去时间的那个图表或第一个图表:先整体概括,再分析主要细节。分析细节时可以从左至右,或先中间再四边,依据题目具体特征再定。 第二个主体段描述将来时间的那个图表或第二个图表:主要描述哪些地方发生了何种变化,比如增加减少,扩大缩小,改建,转移等。 结尾用一个套句来表示两幅图有很大差异即可。 范文:新东方郑仁强绝对原创,转载请注明出处 The diagrams provided give information about the development of a school site from 2004 with forecasts to 2024. 新东方郑仁强绝对原创,转载请注明出处方郑仁强绝对原创,转载注明出处 Clearly, the school site in 2004, which was surrounded by trees, can be divided into 4 main regions: two school buildings, one car park, one sports field and a main road. Located in the center and the north were two school buildings. One was situated next to the school main entrance, and the other was just opposite the path, bordering one sports field in the northeast.A main road ran through the entire school from the north to the south on the left-hand side of picture.新东新东方郑仁强绝对原创,转载请注明出处 It is interesting to note that there has been an increase of 400 students, from 600 in 2004 to 1, 000 two decades later. For this reason, several changes are to be found in the 2024 school site. The number of school buildings will increase to 3 and the preceding path is planned to be reconstructed for linking these 3 buildings together. The former sports field will be transferred from its position in 2004 to the south, giving way to a newly-built car park and a newly-built school...
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...南京师范大学2013-2014学年 第1学期 外国语学院及中北学院经贸英语及师范专业2010级 学术论文写作课程期末考查试卷 班级:_______ ___ 任课教师:___________ __ 学号:_______ ___ 姓 名:________________ Please write a research proposal in English with no less than 1000 and no more than 1500 words. It is SUGGESTED that your research proposal should be related to your graduation thesis and include the following content: a title, an abstract, the purposes and significance of the study, a brief review of the literature, the research design, the outline of the writing and a bibliography. Marks will be awarded for complying with the academic standards regarding the formality in form, feasibility of the study and appropriacy in language. Failure to follow the above instruction may result in a loss of marks. -----以上为格式,递交时请保留。以下为参考样本,作业时请删除。------ Cultural Differences between China and America: Based on the Family Education Research Background: In modern life, education can be divided into family education, school education and social education. Among these educations, family education plays an important role in education. Not only in the development of a person, but also in the whole society. Family education has an irreplaceable role. Different nations have different family educations in the influence of politics, economic, culture and social condition. As the developing country—China and the developed country—America, they have a quite distinct family educations. Research Significance: ...
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...[pic] 本科生毕业论文文献综述 (2012届) |论文题目 |A Study on Racial Discrimination in Crash | | | | | | |学生姓名 |谢薇 |学 号 |0808031004 | |专 业 |英语 |班 级 |085 | |指导教师 |颜钟祜 |职 称 |教授 | 杭州师范大学外国语学院 文献综述基本要求 |一、文献综述 | |含本选题国内外研究现状、研究主要成果、发展趋势、存在问题等内容,字数不少于3000字,力求内容切题,具综合归纳性。 | |综述正文须用本专业语种撰写。 | |二、查阅中外文献资料目录 | |所查阅的中外文献资料不得少于15篇(其中外文资料至少8篇),含作者、书名或论文题目、出版社或刊名、出版年月或期号及页码等,未经本人查阅的文献 | |资料目录不得列上。 | | ...
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...the linguistic realization and language comparison, and is incorporated in social and cultural context. My attention was first directed to DTS by its peculiar characteristic of observation, description and explanation. The subject is whatever happens in translation practice, from the determination of prospective function of translation to the process of translator’s choice of strategies, brainstorming and the revision, to the final product making appearance in the target community. The method of DTS is basically descriptive. The prescriptive tendency and the problem-solution pattern is abandoned. Translation phenomena are noted down. With accumulated data, some underlying truths about translation will come out which will prove to be instructive not only for theoretical probe but also for applied translation practice. I will apply this descriptive method in the case study of this thesis. A convenient tool has been set up to conduct DTS. “Norm” is operative at every stage of description and explanation. Function, process and product and their relationship as well are skeletal structure of what constitute...
Words: 700 - Pages: 3
...The Interaction between Imagery and Allusions in translating Chinese PoetryBased on Tu Fu’s Poems Shih-ying Liaw Prof. Wang Linguistics and Translation June 18 2012 Shih ying Liaw1 Shih-ying Liaw Prof. Wang Linguistics and Translation June 18 2012 The Interaction between Imagery and Allusions in translating Chinese PoetryBased on Tu Fu’s Poems Though Chinese poetry has been translating for almost a hundred years, there are still many questions about the translation strategies and situations worth discussing. In this paper, the interaction between imagery and allusions when translating are discussed and the practical situation used when translating are presented. To discuss the interaction between imagery and allusions, the first thing is to identify and define each term. First is imagery. Imagery is thought to be the most important factor to the poetry. I use Ezra Pound’s word as definition because he is not only a pioneering translator in Chinese poetry and also a great poet. He says that “an image' is that which presents an intellectual and emotional complex in an instant of time.” Further explanation is given by Professor Liu in “The Art of Chinese Poetry” by putting imagery into two categories. The first is “simple imagery,” which is defined as “a verbal expression that evokes a mental picture, which not merely picture in words but also arouses emotional associations and enriches the poetic context”. The Shih ying Liaw2 second category...
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...同行对同行贷款在美国 (Peer-to-Peer Lending in the United States) | 摘要 (Abstract) 互联网已经彻底改变了我们思考,生活的方式,并互相交流;这种进步还可以扩展到我们如何做生意。消费者和生产者的传统模式已永远地改变或取代有更好的东西,而在本文中,我们探讨这样一个例子:点对点点对点贷款。The Internet has revolutionized the way we think, live, and interact with each other; this progress can also be extended to how we do business. Traditional models of consumer and producer have been forever changed or supplanted with something better, and in this paper, we examine one such example: peer-to-peer lending. 2014年7月25日 | 同行对同行贷款在美国 (Peer-to-Peer Lending in the United States) | 摘要 (Abstract) 互联网已经彻底改变了我们思考,生活的方式,并互相交流;这种进步还可以扩展到我们如何做生意。消费者和生产者的传统模式已永远地改变或取代有更好的东西,而在本文中,我们探讨这样一个例子:点对点点对点贷款。The Internet has revolutionized the way we think, live, and interact with each other; this progress can also be extended to how we do business. Traditional models of consumer and producer have been forever changed or supplanted with something better, and in this paper, we examine one such example: peer-to-peer lending. 2014年7月25日 | TABLE OF CONTENTS 概观 (Overview) 隐私和匿名 (Privacy and Anonymity) P2P贷款 (P2P Lending) 公司简介 (Company Profile) 减轻风险 (Mitigating Risk) 行业成功 (Industry Success) 国际比较 (International Comparison) 参考文献 (References) 概观 (Overview) “同行对等(P2P)计算或网络是一种分布式应用程序体系结构划分同行之间的任务或工作负载。同龄人同样的特权,在应用程序等效的参与者。它们被认为形成一个对等网络中的节点。” (“Peer-to-peer (P2P) computing or networking is a distributed application architecture that partitions tasks or workloads between peers. Peers are...
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...Localization Strategies of Transnational Retailers in China A DISSERTATION SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF ARTS By Wang Yue (王玥) Supervised by Prof. Yang Zuxian (杨祖宪) Southern Yangtze University, Wuxi, Jiangsu, China June, 2006 Contents Acknowledgements----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------i Abstract & Key Words-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------ii 1. Introduction---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 1.1The Problem and the Study Objective----------------------------------------------------------1 1.2 Current Study-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 2. Localization----------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------3 2.1 The Definition of Localization ----------------------------------------------------------------3 2.2 The Importance of Localization Strategy to Transnational Retailing---------------------3 2.3 Three Layers of Localization for Transnational Retailing----------------------------------4 3. Retail Transnational in China------------------------------------------------------------------------7 3.1 The Status Quo of Chinese Retail Environment --------------------------------------------7 ...
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...一般公司秘書的職責,均會涉及以下的範疇:一、統籌公司業績報告及年報的製作、出版及發行;二、代表公司聯絡各股東及政府監管機構,如香港聯合交易所,以統籌有關公司法或上市的事務;三、確保公司的各項運作能符合有關的法例及監管條款;四、組織、安排和出席各董事及股東大會;五。檢討公司的管理及運作,從而向董事局提交各項建議。 ------------------------------------------------- Roles and responsibilities The Company secretaries in all sectors have high level responsibilities including governance structures and mechanisms, corporate conduct within an organisation's regulatory environment, board, shareholder and trustee meetings, compliance with legal, regulatory and listing requirements, the training and induction of non-executives and trustees, contact with regulatory and external bodies, reports and circulars to shareholders/trustees, management of employee benefits such aspensions and employee share schemes, insurance administration and organisation, the negotiation of contracts, risk management, property administration and organisation and the interpretation of financial accounts. Company secretaries are the primary source of advice on the conduct of business and this can span everything from legal advice on conflicts of interest, through accounting advice on financial reports, to the development of strategy and corporate planning. Among public companies in North America, providing advice on corporate governance issues is an increasingly important role for corporate secretaries. Many shareholders, particularly institutional investors, view sound corporate governance as essential to board and company performance. They are quite vocal in encouraging...
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...Gothicism in Detective Fiction The Hound of the Baskervilles By Yue Zhao Submitted to the School of Foreign Studies in Partial Fulfillment to the Requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Arts in English (International Trade) Under the Supervision of Ms. Tang Jun June, 2012 Acknowledgement I would like to pay tribute to all those people who have given me a hand in the process of writing this thesis. Without their gracious help, the accomplishment of this thesis would not be so smooth. First and foremost, I deeply appreciate my supervisor, Ms. Tang Jun, who has provided me with so many valuable comments and constructive advice all the way through. But for her constant and invariable patience and kindness in guiding me, it would be more difficult for me to go through all the confusions and find a right direction. My thanks also go to the teachers who has given me suggestions, which benefit me a lot when I make the original plan, in the opening defence. With their help, I get to know where I should go next. Last but not the least, I extend my thanks to my classmates and my dearest parents for their encouragement and support. Wheneve I feel frustrated with my work, they are always there. Gothicism in Detective Fiction The Hound of the Baskervilles Abstract: As one of the most influential people who are never alive, Sherlock Holmes, written by Arthur Conan Doyle, attracts researches. The Hound of the Baskervilles...
Words: 4863 - Pages: 20
...Deng Xiaoping and the Transformation of China Ezra F. Vogel REFERENCES American Rural Small-Scale Industry Delegation. Rural Small-Scale Industry in the People’s Republic of China. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1977. Atkinson, Richard C. “Recollection of Events Leading to the First Exchange of Students, Scholars, and Scientists between the United States and the People’s Republic of China,” 4 pp. Bachman, David. “Differing Visions of China’s Post-Mao Economy: The Ideas of Chen Yun, Deng Xiaoping, and Zhao Ziyang,” Asian Survey, 26, no. 3 (March 1986), 293-321. Bachman, David. “The Fourteenth Congress of the Chinese Communist Party.” New York: Asia Society, 1992. Bachman, David. “Implementing Chinese Tax Policy.” In Lampton, ed., Policy Implementation in Post-Mao China, pp. 119-153. Backhouse, E. and J.O.P. Bland. Annals & Memoirs of the Court of Peking. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1914. Bainian chao (百年潮) (Hundred Year Tide). Monthly. Beijing: Zhongguo zhonggong dangshi xuehui, 1997 -- . Barfield, Thomas J. Perilous Frontier: Nomadic Empires and China. Cambridge: Basil Blackwell, 1989. Barman, Geneviève Barman and Nicole Dulioust. “Les années Françaises de Deng Xiaoping,” Vingtième Siècle: Revue d’histoire, no. 20 (October-December 1988), 17-34. Barman, Geneviève and Nicole Dulioust. “The Communists in the Work and Study Movement in France,” Republican China, 13, no. 2 (April 1988), 24-39. Barnett, A. Doak, with a contribution...
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