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What Was The Role Of Hysteria In The Late 1800's

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The landscape in Western Europe in the late 1800's is one of great change and transition on many levels. The second Industrial revolution is in its midst. Social lifestyle and structure is changing. Railway and transport links are growing at an unprecedented rate . Peasants are flocking into the great cities in search of work (Appignanesi ,p.125), the gap between rich and poor seems more evident as those of differering social status now become more in contact with one another. There is a growing move away from religion and God with the acceptance of Darwin's theory of evolution (1859 ) which is now beginning to ground and establish itself, making new headway for science and scientific development.The beginning of the suffragette movement in 1903 is just round the corner and the role of women (and men ) in society is beginning to change. …show more content…
It is during this period that there appears to be an outbreak of hysteria all across western Europe. In Britain, this concides with the the Victorian era (1937- 1901 ) along with its Victorian values of strict morals and sexual restraint, not wholly unlike it's neighbouring Western countries. Hysteria had become a common diagnosis for women in their late teens to mid-twenties.This diagnosis initially only seemed to affect the poor but soon spread to the female middle class as well. What was hysteria ? Why did it only appear to affect young woman ? And what part did it play in the development of psychoanalysis

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