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Why My D Is so Long


Submitted By unkown321
Words 4029
Pages 17
Art + Soul : a journey into the world of Aboriginal art [DVD]

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Citing Film/Video/DVD/YouTube/Television
(For further information refer to Snooks p. 229 & 231 at 808.027 S938)
What should be included:
In-text citation should contain the title and date of production. Also, when referencing a quote or comment from a film, video, DVD, YouTube and television program, refer to the person by name within your paper and give the title and year of broadcast either in parentheses or as part of your sentence.
....the famous architect, Frank Gehry, commented … (The 7.30 Report 2011).
The Reference list should contain the title, date of recording, format, publisher and place of recording. Any special credits and other information that might be useful can be noted after the citation.

Art + Soul : a journey into the world of Aboriginal art [DVD]

Comments (0)
Citing Film/Video/DVD/YouTube/Television
(For further information refer to Snooks p. 229 & 231 at 808.027 S938)
What should be included:
In-text citation should contain the title and date of production. Also, when referencing a quote or comment from a film, video, DVD, YouTube and television program, refer to the person by name within your paper and give the title and year of broadcast either in parentheses or as part of your sentence.
....the famous architect, Frank Gehry, commented … (The 7.30 Report 2011).
The Reference list should contain the title, date of recording, format, publisher and place of recording. Any special credits and other information that might be useful can be noted after the citation. (For further information refer to Snooks p. 229 & 231 at 808.027 S938)
What should be included:
In-text citation should contain the title and date of production. Also, when referencing a quote or comment from a film, video, DVD, YouTube and television program, refer to

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