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Submitted By sdflh888
Words 1590
Pages 7
|acu == sharp |acute 敏锐的;尖锐的 |acumen 敏锐;聪明 acrimonious |acupuncture 针灸punctuation punctuality |
|alti == high |altitude 高度attitude |altimeter 高度计thermometer barometer |exalt exit提高;提升 |
|incredible credulous | | | |
|ambula == walk |ambulance 救护车 |ambulant 流动的 amble in the rain |ambulate 行走、移动 amble |
|ann == year century |anniversary 周年纪念 |annual 每年的biannual centennial millennium |annals 编年史 |
| |centimeter |centimeter millimeter CM MM cm mm | |
| |millimeter | | |
| |centaury | | |
|anthro == man |anthropoid 似人类的;类人猿 |anthropology 人类学 |anthroposociology 人类社会学 |
|philanthropist phil爱 |asteroid paranoid parallel parasite |geology geography | |
| |paragraph |physiology psychology physics | |
|arch == ruler |monarch君主 |anarchism 无政府主义 |patriarch 家长、族长 matriarch |
|architecture |monologue dialogue monopoly monotonomous |matricide patricide |maternity leave hospital paternal |
|archery | | |Sorority fraternity |
|archbishop | | | |
|aster/astr == star |astrology 占星术 nautical |astronomy 天文学 astroboy * |asterisk 星号,星标 astronaut |
|audi == hearing |audience 听众 |audible 听得见的 audition audit |audiphones 助听器 |
|audio-visual vision |auditorium stadium aquarium gymnasium| |telephone television telescope |
| |museum | |microscope |
|auto == self |automation 自动化 autopilot auto parts |autobiography 自传 autonomy(autonomous region) |autosuggestion 自我暗示 |
| | |automobile automatic manual | |
|bio == life |biology 生物学 symbiosis(共生 parasite |biography 传记 |biocide 杀虫剂 |
| |(sympathy,similar) |geography graphical design |suicide |
| |biosphere (southern northern hemisphere) | |homicide |
| |amphibian | |matricide |
| | | |patricide |
| | | |regicide regime regal |
|brevi == short abridged version |brief 简短的 |brevity 简洁 |abbreviate 缩写 JR |
|capit == head |capital 首都 |decapitate 斩首 captain inception derail |capitation 人头税;按人收费 |
|per capita |capitalism |decrease | |
|ced == go;move |recede 后退;引退 recess recession |unprecedented 史无前例的 |precede 先行,居先 |
|concede to concession |depression accede accession into WTO |pre-med pre-adult preschool |predecessor |
| | | |Precursor |
|cess == go;move |access 通路 |process 进展 |Procession process |
|chron == time chronicle |chronology 年表,年代学 chronological |chronic 慢性的 acute |synchronal 同步的,同时发生的 |
| |order |synchronize | |
|cide == kill;cut |suicide 自杀 |insecticide 杀虫剂 |bactericide 杀菌剂 patricide matricide |
| | | |archicide homicide |
|confid == trust |confidential 机密的 |confide 吐露(秘密) confidant | |
|confidence confident | | | |
|cord == heart |accordance 一致,调和 |concord 协调,同意 |discord 不和,不一致 |
|cordial |Discordance |consolidate contract contrary | |
|record sincerely | | | |
|cred == trust;belief creed |credit 信用;信任 accredit |incredible 难以置信的 |credulous 轻信的 |
| |discredit | | |
| |Credential | | |
|cur == run;move |current 潮流 precursor |excurse远足,旅行excursion |incursion 入侵,进入currency cursory |
|occur recur concur incur | | | |
|cycl == circle;wheel |bicycle 自行车 |tricycle 三轮车 motorcycle |hemicycle 半圆的 |
|recycle | |cyclist cylinder | |
|dic/dict == say;speak dictionary |indicate 指示,暗示 |dictate 口授 |diction 措词 |
| | |dictation dictator |contradict predict addict edict verdict |
| | | |ion |
|domin == rule;control |dominate 主宰 dominant |indomitable 不屈不挠的 | Dominion domain predominant |
|duce/duct == lead;take |introduce 介绍 reduce |induce 引诱 |conduct 指导 aqueduct abduction |
| | |deduce 演绎 | |
|equ == same;equal |equality 平等 equity |equivalence 对应物 valentine's day |equator 赤道 equation equity equivocal |
| | | |equilibrium libra |
|faci == easy |facile 易得到的,不花力气的 |facilitate 使...容易 facilitate the reform | |
|fact == make;do |manufacture 制造 |factory 工厂 |benefactor 恩人,施恩者 affect |
| | | |effective efficient sufficient |
|fer == carry;bring |ferry 轮渡 refer to |transfer 搬运,转移transatlantic |interfere 干预 confer conference |
|fin == end;limit final |finalize 使...了结 terminator |infinite 无限的 definite |define 限定,下定义 finish finale |
| | | |definitive confine be confined to |
| | | |wheelchair |
|flect/flex == bend |reflect 反射,反映 deflect |flexible 易弯曲的 flex one's muscle reflex |reflexctor 反射镜 |
|flu == flow influx |influence 影响 influenza influenza |fluent 流利 fluid solid gas |fluid 流动的;液,流体 superfluous |
| |affluent adj abortion effluent | |mellifluous |
|form == shape |reform 改革 |conform 符合to | Transform inform formal uniform aquiform|
|form a tradition |uniform |aqueduct aquarium stadium gymnasium studio |deform reform perform |
| |transformer | | |
|frag == break |fragile 易碎的 |fragment 碎片 gravity aluminium |fracture 骨折 hip refractory fraction |
|frac | | |friction f |
|gen == produce genial |generate 产生 generator |genetics 遗传学 degenerate |genesis 起源,创始 |
|congenial heterogeneous homogeneous |Homosexual heterosexual |generosity |Exodus |
|genital | | | |
|geo == land;earth |geology study of earth rocks geologist |geometry 几何学 altimeter measure thermometre |geocide 地球末日 |
| |petroleum |photograph photosynthesis photocopier | |
| |geography地理学 geopolitics geochemistry | | |
| |geophysics | | |
|grad == go;step |graduate 毕业 |gradual 逐步的 |degrade 退化,堕落 |
|grade | | |downgrade |
|graph/gram==write;writing |telegraph 电报 telephone |program 节目,说明书 |diagram 图表 graphics chart |
|Graphics |television autography calligraphy |Epigraph(epic) monograph | |
| | |photograph photosynthesis | |
|grate/grati == thanks |grateful 衷心感谢的 |gratitude 感谢 | Ingrate |
|grav == heavy;serious |gravity 重力;严重性 gravitate |grave 严重的 |gravimeter 比重计,测重器 |
| | |graveyard tomb cemetery | |
|gress == go;walk |progress 进步 propel propose |aggressive 侵略的aggression invasion regress |congress 会议 |
| | |degenerate descend ascend |parliament |
|herb == grass |herbal 草本植物的;草药书 |herby 长满草的,似草的 |Herbivore herbivorous |
| |Herbal essence her | |Carnivore omnivore |
|humid == wet stifle |humidity 湿度,湿气 |humidify 使湿润 | |
|hydr == hydrogen nitrogen oxygen helium|hydroelectric 水电的 hydraulic power |hydroplane 水上飞机 |hydrospace 海洋世界 carbohydrate |
|water;liquid | |Dehydrated vegetables |protein |
|ject == throw |eject 喷射;逐出 ejection |inject 注射 |reject 拒绝 rejection |
|projector | |jectile |Acceptance admission |
| | |trajectory | |
|juven == young |juvenile 青少年 delinquency |rejuvenate (使)返老还童 |juvenilia 少年文艺读物 |
|juventus junior senior | | | |
|just/jur == just jury |justify 证明正确 |jurist 法学家 |jury 陪审团 judge |
|justice | | | |
|Judiciary branch judge | | | |
|Executive branch | | | |
|Legislative branch congress | | | |
|labor == work |laborious 费力的 laborer |collaborate 合作,协作 | |
|later == side;party |bilateral 双边的 multilateral mechanism |unilateral 单方的unilateralism |equilateral 等边的 |
| | | |Collateral damage |
|leg == law legal illegal |legislate 立法 legislator |illegitimate 非法的legitimate |legislature 立法机关 |
|lawyer | |legitimize v. | |
|literat == letter literal |literature 文学 |Semi-illiterate 文盲 literati |semiliterate 半文盲的 |
|loc == place |location 地点 |allocate 分配 relocate |localism 地方主义 |
|local locale | | | |
|lumi == light;bright |illuminate 照明 luminous |illuminance 照明度 |luminary 发光体,杰出人物 |
|magni == big;great |magnificent 宏大的 |magnify 放大 amplifier |magnitude 巨大,广大 |
|max mega-city | | |7.8 magnitude |
|man(u) == hand |manufacture 生产,加工 |manage 管理 |manuscript 手稿 transcript scripture |
|ped manicure pedicure pedestrian | | | |
|mar == sea |submarine 潜艇 marine animal marine |maritime 海事的,海运的 |mariner 海员 |
| |海军陆战队 navy army air force | | |
|meter/metri == measure |thermometer 温度计 |altimeter 高度计 | Barometer |
|mit/miss == send |emit 放射 carbon emission |vomit 呕吐 |transmission 播送,传送 transmit |
| |Commit oneself to permit submit omission| | |
| |remit admit admission ticket/fee | | |
|mort == death |mortal 致命的 moral morality |immortal 不朽的 immortify |postmortem 死后的 |
| |Mortuary | | |
|nomin == name nym |nominal名义上 anonymous |nominate 提名 |innominate 无名的,匿名的 |
| | |Oscar nominee employee interviewee | |
|nounce == proclaim |pronounce 发音 |denounce 公开指责 |Announce announcement renounce |
|ortho == straight;correct |orthodox 正统的 |orthopaedy 矫正术 |Orthopedic |
|pater/patr == father |paternal 父亲般的 paternalism |patriarch (男性)族长 matriarch |patricide 弑父;杀父者 |
| |paternalistic | | |
|pathy == feeling |Sympathy |antipathy 反感 |empathy 移情 |
|pathetic |Sympathetic sympathize 同情 | |pass passion passionate compassion |
|apathy | | |passive |
|ped == foot pedicure |pedestrian 行人 bicyclist |expedition 远征(队) excursion |Pedal bike 足的;踏板 |
|pel/pulse == push;drive |expel 驱逐 |impulse 冲动 |dispel 驱散 the fog/haze of Cold War |
| |repel repellent |compulsory education | |
| |compelling compel propel propeller jet|compulsion | |
| | |Compulsive | |
| | |Impulsive | |
| | |Repulse | |
|pend/pens == use up;hang |expense 花费living expenses |expenditure 开支 spend |suspend 悬浮;使悬而未决 depend on |
|perpendicular |expend v. Pendant | |suspension |
|pendulum pending the final call of the | | | |
|jury | | | |
|Appendix附录 appendicitis | | | |
|阑尾炎arthritis 关节炎 | | | |
|phon == sound telephone phonetics |headphone 耳机 |symphony 交响乐saxophone |microphone 麦克风 |
|语音phonology语音学 | |euphony 悦耳的声音 cacophony 噪音 | |
|plic plex ply= fold |duplicate duet二倍的,副本 |complication 综合症;并发症;复杂 complicated |implicit 含蓄的 |
|Unfold |Multiply divide reply | |explicit |
| | | |explicate 解释 |
| | | |inexplicable |
| | | |Perplex、puzzle complex |
|port == carry |porter 脚夫 |export 出口 |passport 护照 |
| |portable portfolio (carry leaf) |deport 驱逐 transport | |
| | |support | |
|pose == put;place |propose 建议 posture |dispose 处理 compose a letter |expose 使暴露,exposure |
|prim == initial;first |primary 初级的 primate 灵长类 |primitive 原始的 premium league premier |prime 首要的,最初的 prime minister |
|subprime crisis | |ministerial summit |Ministry of Foreign Affairs |
|President prime minister | | | |
|Ministry of defence | | | |
|psych == mind physi-physics physiology |psychology 心理学psychologist |psychoanalysis 心理分析 |Psychiatry psychiatrist |
|physiology | |Freud |Psychic |
|punct == point |punctuate 加标点 punctuation |acupuncture 针灸 acute acrimonious |punctual 准时的,精确的punctuality is a |
| | | |virtue |
|rupt == break |corruption 腐败 |interrupt 打断 break in |bankrupt 破产 bankruptcy |
| |rupture 破裂 |disrupt eruption of a volcano break out | |
|scop == see;look at spect |microscopic 微观的 |macroscopic 宏观的 microphone | |
|scope == instrument for observing |microscope 显微镜 |telescope 望远镜 | |
|scribe/script == write;writing;look at |describe 描述 |prescription 处方 prescribe for |Scribble |
| |scripture |subscribe 订阅 manuscript |circumscribe 限定 ascribe 归咎 write to |
| | |transcriber(transcript ) |ascribe sth to sb attribute sth to sb |
| | | |Inscribe 铭刻inscription |
|sequ == follow |consequence 后果 consequential adj |sequence 次序 sequential |sequel 结局,续集 |
| |TV serial conclusive series | | |
|sens/sent == sense;feeling |sentimental 多愁善感的 |sensitivity 灵敏度sensitive sensible lose one’s |consent 赞同 consensus dissent |
| | |sense | |
| | |resent 憎恶 | |
|simil == like |similarity 共性 |simile 明喻 metaphor |similar 类似的dissimilar assimilate |
| |differences |simulate (simulation, simulator) resemble assembly|dissimilate |
|sol == alone uni |sole 唯一的 |solitary 单独的 solo solitary |soliloquy 独白 loqu eloquent |
| | | |colloquial English logu dialogue |
| | | |monologue |
|soph == wise |philosopher 哲学家 |sophisticated 老练的,尖端的 sophomore freshman |pansophic 无所不知的 |
|philharmonic orchestra |philanthropist |junior senior sophism 诡辩 | |
|spec(t) == see;look at |inspect 视察 |expect 盼望 spectacle spectator circumspect expect |retrospect 回顾 |
| | |inspect respect prospect retrospect suspect suspicion| |
| | |despise conspicuous | |
| |suspect 怀疑 |prospect 展望 |respect 尊敬 |
|spir == breathe |respiration 呼吸 SARS |perspire 出汗 sprit aspire conspire(conspiracy) |expire 死亡断气 |
| |Special Atypical Respiratory Syndrome |expire inspiring inspire a generation | |
|struct == build structure restructure |constructive 富有建设性的 |superstructure 上层建筑 |destruction 毁灭 |
|stup == be motionless |stupid 愚蠢 |stupefy 使麻木;使呆若木鸡 |stupor 昏迷,麻木 |
|sum == use up;take |consumption 消费 |assume 自以为 |resume 继续进行 |
|tain == hold |maintain 维持 maintenance |attain obtain 获得 retain contain |abstain 放弃,戒,禁abstinence |
|the(o) == god |theology 神学 |theist 有神论者 pantheon pan-America |atheism 无神论 |
| |theologian |pan-Pacific Panacea | |
|thermo == heat |thermometer 温度计 |thermonuclear 热核的 thermoenergy |thermos 热水瓶 |
|tract == draw |tractor 拽引机,拖拉机 |attract 吸引 retract |distract 分散 |
| | |contract | |
|vent == come vene |advent 来到,出现 |convention 会议 convene |contravention 违反,抵触 |
| | |intervene intervention interfere |contraband contrary contradict |
|verb == word |verbal 词语的,动词的 |hyperverbal 说话太多的 |Verbose |
| | | |Verbatim translator |
|vert/vers == turn |convert 转移 convertible |version 译本 revert reverse converse conversation |subvert subversion |
| | | |overturn推翻,颠覆 |
|vid/vis == see |vision 视力,视觉 audio visual |invisible 看不见的 |visibility 能见度 |
| |visualize envision | | |
|viv == life |vivid 生动的 vitamin |revive 复活 vivacious vivify vital revitalize vitamin|survive 幸存,逃生survivor survival |
| | |vigor invigorate | |
|voc/vok == call;voice |evoke 唤起,召唤 provoke your interest |advocate 倡议,倡导 |vocalist 歌唱家,声乐家 vocal |
| |provocative thought provoking | |unequivocal |
| |revoke | |equivocal |
|volv == roll |revolver 左轮手枪;转炉 |revolution 革命 |evolve 进化,演化 |

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Compound Words

...A compound word is made when two words are joined to form a new word. Definition In English, words, particularly adjectives and nouns, are combined into compound structures in a variety of ways. And once they are formed, they sometimes metamorphose over time. A common pattern is that two words — fire fly, say — will be joined by a hyphen for a time — fire-fly — and then be joined into one word — firefly. In this respect, a language like German, in which words are happily and immediately linked one to the other, might seem to have an advantage. There is only one sure way to know how to spell compounds in English: use an authoritative dictionary. There are three forms of compound words: the closed form, in which the words are melded together, such as firefly, secondhand, softball, childlike, crosstown, redhead, keyboard, makeup, notebook; the hyphenated form, such as daughter-in-law, master-at-arms, over-the-counter, six-pack, six-year-old, mass-produced; and the open form, such as post office, real estate, middle class, full moon, half sister, attorney general. How a word modified by an adjective — "a little school," "the yellow butter" — is different from a compound word — " a high school," "thepeanut butter" — is a nice and philosophical question. It clearly has something to do with the degree to which the preceding word changes the essential character of the noun, the degree to which the modifier and the noun are inseparable. If you were diagramming a sentence with a...

Words: 2316 - Pages: 10

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English Words Form

...UPPER- INTERMEDIATE WORD LIST UPPERINTERMEDIATE WORD LIST HEADWORD 1 Abandon 2 Absorb 3 Abuse VERB NOUN ADJECTIVE abandon absorb abandonment abandoned absorbent 4 Account 5 Acquire 6 Adapt abusive accountable COLLOCATION to be forced to abandon to abandon stg completely/entirely to absorb quickly/rapidly to be abused emotionally/physically/sexua lly/verbally to be/become abusive take sth into account bank account to be accountable for sth to make/hold sb accountable to acquire knowledge/skills language acquisition to adapt successfully/well to be adaptable highly/very adaptable acquire acquisition adapt adaptation adaptability adaptable adequacy inadequacy adequate inadequate 7 Adequate/Inadequate 8 Admission abuse abuser accountability account abuse ADVERB admit admission 1 adequately inadequately adequacy of sth to be/seem adequate for sth to admit doing sth to admit that + sentence to admit honestly/openly/freely to refuse to admit to be willing to admit UPPER- INTERMEDIATE WORD LIST 9 Adopt (idea) adopt adopted affair affairs 10 Affair 11 Aim adoption to adopt a baby/child to adopt a new approach aim aim aimless amusing amused 12 Amuse amuse amusement 13 Analyze analyze aimlessly analysis 14 Ancient 15 Anticipate 16 Anxiety 17 Anyhow ancient anticipate anticipation ...

Words: 8793 - Pages: 36

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Transitions: Words & Phrases

...Transition words and phrases are vital to the success of any essay. They are the bread and butter of writing. They are the glue that holds all essays together. Think of bricks building a house without mortar. Lack of mortar would cause the house to fall apart without it. Transitions hold the same importance. We need these words and phrases to join sentences and thoughts together in a coherent fashion. The function and importance of transitions In both academic writing and professional writing, your goal is to convey information clearly and concisely, if not to convert the reader to your way of thinking. Transitions help you to achieve these goals by establishing logical connections between sentences, paragraphs, and sections of your papers. In other words, transitions tell readers what to do with the information you present them. Whether single words, quick phrases or full sentences, they function as signs for readers that tell them how to think about, organize, and react to old and new ideas as they read through what you have written. Transitions provide the reader with directions for how to piece together your ideas into a logically coherent argument. Transitions are not just embellishments to make your paper sound or read better. They are words with particular meanings that tell the reader to think and react in a particular way to your ideas. In providing the reader with these important cues, transitions help readers understand the logic of how your ideas fit together...

Words: 1131 - Pages: 5

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Journey to the World of Words

...BASBAS, BEVERLY GARABILES BS Accountancy Journey to the World of Words “Not to know is bad, not to wish to know is worse.” We can relate the proverb above to the significance of knowing something. Something that is worthy to be learned and discovered. Something that takes a very important role in our daily intellectual intercourse. Something that you are actually using as part of your everyday lives but in the end of the day, we’re not even reminiscing all of those if they were used effectively or unconsciously hurt someone’s feelings. ---- “WORDS!” Every word that comes from our mouth is part of our personal and social responsibility as a human. So, with this great accountability we must consider ourselves to be an instrument in studying the meaning of words that we are exploiting every second. Should I say, we must give importance to SEMANTICS which focuses on the relations between signifiers such as words, phrases, signs and symbols and what they stand for or their denotation. The word semantics itself denotes a range of ideas, from the popular to the highly technical. It is often used in ordinary language to denote a problem of understanding that comes down to word selection or connotation. When I was in high school, I had a hard time in choosing the appropriate word for my sentence from a couple of somewhat synonymous words. For me, this is not just an ordinary problem because I am chosen as the editor-in-chief of our school paper and often selected to be the representative...

Words: 1040 - Pages: 5

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What Is Hayden's Word Choice

...Word choice is by far one of the most significant aspects that characterizes literature in general. However, in regards to poetry, “the choice and order of words”, known as diction, is especially paramount. Author Robert Hayden was fully aware of this fact. Consequently, he placed an exorbitant amount of effort into selecting the phrases he would employ in his works. A prime example of this, is his piece “Middle Passage” where his word choice has a particularly colossal impact (“Elements of Poetry”). For starters, Hayden’s main diction strategy is to take on the different personas of people involved with the Middle Passage. Each of these factions has their own highly specialized jargon. In the first section, Hayden tackles the religious aspect...

Words: 566 - Pages: 3

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The Word Children Research Paper

...There are a lot of words that come to mind when someone says the word “children”. Some people can narrow it down to a few words and some people could fill up a whole paper with words. The reason is this is because of the different views that people have on children or their past experiences. The first word that comes to mind when I think of the word “children” is the word innocent. The reason why I think of the word “innocent” is because when someone is innocent they are without corruptness of the world and they don’t have any impurities. They are simply someone who hasn’t been influenced by anyone or anything in a negative way. The next word that comes to mind is fun. Most of my experiences when I am around children are fun and exciting. For...

Words: 424 - Pages: 2

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Parallel Words In American Culture

...The root of why the slang words are created and seem to grow in popularity instantly and, sometimes, die off just as quickly is something that has been studied but a complete explanation for the process is yet to exist. There are many reasons, such as music, politics, and technology that create new slang terms and explain their growth. To analyze some of the reasons why and how specific slang words have appeared and disappeared in American culture throughout the last sixty years, I will interview a person from another generation about their experiences with slang in their time and compare it to my own experience of slang in today’s society. To understand the evolution of slang I interviewed my boyfriend’s dad, Bruce. I interviewed Bruce over...

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