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Xiuhpohualli: Calendar

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Xiuhpohualli is the Aztec year count which was calendar #1 ,year (xiuhitl) count (pohualli). One solar year consists of 360 named days and 5 nameless. These extra days were thought to be unlucky. The year was broken into 18 periods of twenty days each. So 18 , 20 day months .Each 20 days period started on Cipactli for which a festival was held. So they partied every 20 days to celebrate a new month. The dates are from early eye-witnesses. Each wrote what they saw. Bernardino de Sahagin's date precedes the observations of Diego Duran by several decades and is believed to be more recent to the surrender. Both are shown to emphasize the fact that the beginning of the Native new year became non-uniform as a result

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